Keto Diets Effective? Results

and does the fat intake really need to be that high? it seems strange

[quote]Raziel wrote:
and does the fat intake really need to be that high? it seems strange[/quote]

Browse through the thread on the Anabolic Diet, seriously. Though the AD is not a ketogenic diet as such I suspect you were referring to high fat/low carb eating.

There are guys who have been living on bacon, burgers, steaks, pork chops, butter, whole cheese etc for years who can answer this question for you. I can tell you for sure that swapping the roles of fat and carbs in your life will absoloutly NOT make you fat which I also suspect is a large lingering question in your mind.

It does seem strange at first because of the blitzkrieg of misinformation we’ve been pounded over the head with for all our lives which is just plain wrong. Meat is manfood, always has been.


Yeah, when I was a fatass and before I found this site, I was doing the ketogenic thing. It works fine.

As Trib said, don’t get locked into the misinformation mindset about fats. Fats don’t make you fat and healthy fats aren’t bad for you either.

However, while it works when you are very fat, just like anything else you will hit a plateau. It’s not like you can magically drop fat forever just because you stay ketogenic.

The body always adapts somehow.

thanks for the replies

yes, the only reason I’m buying into this is because they say you are able to maintain lean body mass while losing (just) fat

that seems a lot better than a normal calorie restricting diet

Have been eating hi fat low carb for 3 days and suprisingly Im not gaining weight, with the ammount of mayo and fat cheese I’m eating YES it’s suprising

anyway gonna read the anobolic diet now

the anabolic diet and body opus and atkins etc etc all follow the same principles

get into a state of ketosis by eating low carb and burn fat

then the body opus and anabolic suggest a carb loading

anyways this seems way 2 big to be just hype so I’m sold

[quote]Raziel wrote:

the anabolic diet and body opus and atkins etc etc all follow the same principles

get into a state of ketosis by eating low carb and burn fat

then the body opus and anabolic suggest a carb loading

anyways this seems way 2 big to be just hype so I’m sold[/quote]


Just by way of brief correction, the Anabolic Diet and the Atkins styled diet are quite different in their mechanics. While Atkins styled diets are great for sedentary folks who do not weight train, the anabolic diet, which is not a ketosis based diet, shifts your body’s state from a carbohydrate burning one, to a fat burning one. Ketosis is simply a state that you pass through. Once you become a “fat-burner,” you will then have the ability to cycle your carbohydrate intake to replenish glycogen stores, reset leptin levels, maximize your body’s insulin potential and speed up your basal metabolic rate. Atkins styled diets offer none of these effects.

Have a peek at the massive thread on the Anabolic Diet and track down a copy of Dr. DiPasquale’s ebook. You’ll not only see improvements but you’ll actually enjoy eating again.




I hope to get tru this keto phase quickly coz lifting while carb depleted is absolute torture