[quote]VTRushinCA wrote:
Wow Yetta, those sound like awesome results! Would you mind posting a sample menu of the starch carbs/no fats and fats no starch days looked like? [/quote]
I use the Diatia menu meal plan and tweek the ratios to make 4 days no starches and 3 days no fats.
Take your diet and cut out all the starches for 4 days and eat your allotted fat ratio. Eat all the fibrous carbs you want.
The most difficult task was separating the starch carbs and the fats because many dishes are prepared combinations of starch carbs with some sort of fat, such as spaghetti and chicken.
It was an exercise by my trainer to open my eyes to how food is prepared and learn how to choose my food more judiciously.
When I started, most of the foods I ate were a combination of fats and starches and most were from a fast food joint or a restaurant.
I needed to learn how to cook and prepare my food.
It’s no wonder Americans are obese because of the food they eat ‘on the run’.
On my no fats days
on the menu were any fibrous fruit and fibrous vegetable.
chicken, spinach, tuna in water, fish -grilled without oil or butter, beans sans any fat, rice sans fat, potatoes sans fat,
No eggs because I want the egg yolk which has fat in it.
No olive oil, cheeses, butter or anything that contained fat
On my no starch days
On the menu were any meat, eggs
all the fibrous veggies and fruits I wanted
No breads, rice, potatoes, beans, carrots and corn (carrots and corn are high sugar veggies and so are considered starch veggies for this diet)
Foods that were not eaten during the 12 weeks because they were a combination of starch and fat
nuts ( I missed my nuts)
french fries
ice cream
spaghetti and meat balls
and more combinations that you can discover and fill in for yourself
Basically this diet weaned me off of the junk food early on in my training and made me aware of the food macros in combination foods such as spaghetti and meat balls or tacos.
Portions would have to be calculated for your own particular needs
Dieting is all about portion control and eating healthy nutritious foods.
The only difference in the diet is a conscious effort to avoid either the fats or the starches.
I ate most of my calories and nutrition in 3 meals and had 2 snacks in between those three meals.
meal one
protein powder
a fibrous fruit
meal two
fibrous fruit
meal three
grilled chicken
fibrous veggies steamed
rice with spices
fibrous fruit
meal four
fibrous fruit
beans/rice/grilled chicken
meal five
tuna/apple/spinach/fibrous veggies/salad
meal one
Canadian bacon
fibrous fruit
meal two
hard boiled eggs
fibrous fruit
meal three
lean roast beef
fibrous veggies cheese sauce
fibrous fruit
meal four
fibrous veggie salad with olive oil dressing
fibrous fruit
meal five
fibrous veggie/meat/apple salad
I learned to use spices instead of fat to liven up my foods.