in this MMA dominated forum, not sure anybody is even aware of this fight. Kessler is a strong solid experienced veteran, who lost a close decision(some say he was robbed) against joe cla-slappy, the guy who jobbed RJJ and B-Hop.
Ward, though untested, is America’s most recent gold medal winner, freakishly talented and fast defensive fighter. think a 168lb PBF. His only notable opponent was Edison Miranda, the guy who lost twice to King Arthur Abrham, but broke his(Abraham’s) jaw in the process, and got knocked STIFF by Kelly Pavlick at 160lbs. Ward won a lopsided decision over Miranda.
Kessler has 12 more knockouts than Ward has fights.
I think Kessler will bully Ward around early, but Ward is too damn slick. speed kills in boxing, and Ward will start to pick kessler apart in the middle rounds, a coast to a UD.
oh, btw, IF kessler does win he better win by knockout. this fight will be on wards home turf in oak-town, if his lilly white ass wins a decision, there might be a race riot. lol.