Next comes Hilly with another round of croc tears with the “the boys are ganging up on me” and the hausfrau’s run to the polls and she pulls out another victory. Careful editing will seem to show that she is genuine.
So if the tears are real, shes weak willed because she’s a woman.
If they’re fake, she’s just using them to try and seem genuine.
I for one, am not surprised. Obama seems more electable, to me at least.
Whether it is Obama or Hilly, my guess is this election will have the highest voter turnout in ages. Hell, dead people in Chicago will be there to vote two or three times. Liberal students everywhere will be there to help the homeless vote.
You know what though? There isn’t a candidate on either side that inspires me. I may be voting for one as a vote against the other.
[quote]jp_dubya wrote:
There isn’t a candidate on either side that inspires me. I may be voting for one as a vote against the other.
Has this not been the case for the last 20 years?
Until the blue and red walls are torn down we’ll be fucked for years to come.