Keeping My Head Down, Doing My Thing


90,1 kg

Morning: Full-body supersets

I had a terrible night’s sleep, so my trainer decided to go with very light weights and focus instead on MMC.

Goblet squats
3 x 15 x 16 kg/35 lbs

(3 x 15 x 27,2 kg/60 lbs)
(3 x 15 x 27,2 kg/60 lbs)
(2 x 15 x 22,6 kg/50 lbs, 1 x 12 x 22,6 kg/50 lbs (form breaking down))


Hip raises
3 x 15 x 16 kg/35 lbs

(3 x 15 x 27,2 kg/60 lbs)
(3 x 15 x 27,2 kg/60 lbs)
(3 x 15 x 22,6 kg/50 lbs)

TRX Row with 2-sec eccentrics
3 x 4/4/4 cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests

(3 x 6/6/6 cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests)
(BW x 6/6/6, 6/6/3f + 3 (r-p), 6/6/4f + 2 (r-p) cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests)
/3 x 4/4/4 x BW cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests)


3 x 4/4/4 cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests

(BW x 6/6/6, 6/6/6, 6/6/4f + 2f (r-p) cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests)
(BW x 6/6/6, 6/6/3f + 3f, 6/2f + 2f + 2, 2f + 2f + 2f cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests – this was even more awful! than it looks)
3 x 4/4/4 x BW cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests

“Ski” band-pulls with 2-sec eccentrics
3 x 15 x red band

(3 x 15 x red band)
(3 x 15 x red band)
(3 x 15 x red band)


Lat pulldowns
3 x 15 x 59 kg/130 lbs

(65,7 kg/145 lbs x 15, 12f + 3f (r-p), 12f + 3f (r-p))
(65,7 kg/145 lbs x 15, 12, 12)
(3 x 12 x 56,7 kg/125 lbs)

Overhead press
9 kg/20 lbs each side x 15, 12f + 3f, 12f + 4f

(11,3 kg/25 lbs each side x 15, 12f + 3f (r-p), 10f + 3f + 3f (r-p))
(11,3 kg/25 lbs each side x 15, 12f + 3f (r-p), 12f + 3f (r-p))
(1 x 12 x 11,3 kg/25 lbs each side, 1 x 8f + 4f (r-p) x 11,3 kg/25 lbs each side, 1 x 8f + 4f (r-p) x 9 kg/20 lbs each side)


Plank jacks
3 x 25 x BW

(3 x 25 x BW)
(3 x 25 x BW)
(3 x 25 x BW)


Thanks for the commiseration. I’m hoping that after 13 years of living in a sleepy seaside village in the middle of nowhere, my immune system is now adapting to life in a city again and that I manage to stay healthy for a while. :weary:

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90,4 kg

Morning: Full-body supersets

Goblet squats
3 x 15 x 27,2 kg/60 lbs

(3 x 15 x 16 kg/35 lbs)
(3 x 15 x 27,2 kg/60 lbs)
(3 x 15 x 27,2 kg/60 lbs)


Hip raises
3 x 15 x 27,2 kg/60 lbs

(3 x 15 x 16 kg/35 lbs)
(3 x 15 x 27,2 kg/60 lbs)
(3 x 15 x 27,2 kg/60 lbs)

TRX Row with 2-sec eccentrics
3 x 6/6/6 cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests

(3 x 4/4/4 cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests)
(3 x 6/6/6 cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests)
(BW x 6/6/6, 6/6/3f + 3 (r-p), 6/6/4f + 2 (r-p) cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests)


BW x 6/6/6, 6/6/6, 6/6/4f + 3f (r-p) cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests

(3 x 4/4/4 cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests)
(BW x 6/6/6, 6/6/6, 6/6/4f + 2f (r-p) cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests)
(BW x 6/6/6, 6/6/3f + 3f, 6/2f + 2f + 2, 2f + 2f + 2f cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests – this was even more awful! than it looks)

“Ski” band-pulls with 2-sec eccentrics
3 x 15 x red band

(3 x 15 x red band)
(3 x 15 x red band)
(3 x 15 x red band)


Lat pulldowns
3 x 15 x 65,7 kg/145 lbs

(3 x 15 x 59 kg/130 lbs)
(65,7 kg/145 lbs x 15, 12f + 3f (r-p), 12f + 3f (r-p))
(65,7 kg/145 lbs x 15, 12, 12)

Overhead press
11,3 kg/25 lbs each side x 15, 12f + 4f (r-p), 10f + 5f (r-p)

(9 kg/20 lbs each side x 15, 12f + 3f, 12f + 4f)
(11,3 kg/25 lbs each side x 15, 12f + 3f (r-p), 10f + 3f + 3f (r-p))
(11,3 kg/25 lbs each side x 15, 12f + 3f (r-p), 12f + 3f (r-p))


Plank jacks
3 x 25 x BW

(3 x 25 x BW)
(3 x 25 x BW)
(3 x 25 x BW)

Afternoon: PLP

6 x 5-sec dead hangs as warm-up (supinated grip)

For P & P always explosive up, 1-2-sec pause, 6-sec eccentric; for L always 6-sec pause at bottom each side

Day 5 Supinated grip: (3) + 5 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 (19)

5 minutes of thoracic stretching.



90,7 kg

Afternoon: Easy Cardio

65 minutes and 6,11 km walk on the treadmill at the gym, at an average heart rate of 124 bpm.



90,4 kg

Morning: Full-body supersets

Goblet squats
3 x 15 x 27,2 kg/60 lbs

(3 x 15 x 27,2 kg/60 lbs)
(3 x 15 x 16 kg/35 lbs)
(3 x 15 x 27,2 kg/60 lbs)


Hip raises
3 x 15 x 27,2 kg/60 lbs

(3 x 15 x 27,2 kg/60 lbs)
(3 x 15 x 16 kg/35 lbs)
(3 x 15 x 27,2 kg/60 lbs)

TRX Row with 2-sec eccentrics
3 x 6/6/6 cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests

(3 x 6/6/6 cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests)
(3 x 4/4/4 cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests)
(3 x 6/6/6 cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests)


BW x 6/6/6, 6/6/5f + 2, 6/6/5f + 3f (r-p) cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests

(BW x 6/6/6, 6/6/6, 6/6/4f + 3f (r-p) cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests)
(3 x 4/4/4 cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests)
(BW x 6/6/6, 6/6/6, 6/6/4f + 2f (r-p) cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests)

“Ski” band-pulls with 2-sec eccentrics
3 x 15 x red band

(3 x 15 x red band)
(3 x 15 x red band)
(3 x 15 x red band)


Lat pulldowns
3 x 15 x 65,7 kg/145 lbs

(3 x 15 x 65,7 kg/145 lbs)
(3 x 15 x 59 kg/130 lbs)
(65,7 kg/145 lbs x 15, 12f + 3f (r-p), 12f + 3f (r-p))

Overhead press
11,3 kg/25 lbs each side x 15, 12f + 4f (r-p), 10f + 5f (r-p)

(11,3 kg/25 lbs each side x 15, 12f + 4f (r-p), 10f + 5f (r-p))
(9 kg/20 lbs each side x 15, 12f + 3f, 12f + 4f)
(11,3 kg/25 lbs each side x 15, 12f + 3f (r-p), 10f + 3f + 3f (r-p))


Plank jacks
3 x 25 x BW

(3 x 25 x BW)
(3 x 25 x BW)
(3 x 25 x BW)

Afternoon: PLP

6 x 5-sec dead hangs as warm-up (neutral grip)

For P & P always explosive up, 1-2-sec pause, 6-sec eccentric; for L always 6-sec pause at bottom each side

Day 7 Neutral grip: (3) + 6 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 (20)

Band pull-aparts with pronated grip: 3 x 15
Band pull-aparts with tucked elbows and supinated grip: 3 x 15

Broomstick stretches, twists, and squats.

Chest & back stretch.

5 minutes of thoracic stretching.



88,4 kg

Morning: PLP

6 x 5-sec dead hangs as warm-up (pronated grip)

For P & P always explosive up, 1-2-sec pause, 6-sec eccentric; for L always 6-sec pause at bottom each side

Day 8 Neutral grip: (3) + 6 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 3 (21)

with feet raised on step for push-ups.

Band pull-aparts with pronated grip: 3 x 15
Band pull-aparts with tucked elbows and supinated grip: 3 x 15

Broomstick stretches, twists, and squats.

Chest & back stretch.

5 minutes of thoracic stretching.

Afternoon: Easy Cardio

65 minutes and 6,13 km walk on the treadmill at the gym, at an average heart rate of 122 bpm.



89,3 kg

Morning: Full-body supersets

Goblet squats
3 x 15 x 29,5 kg/65 lbs

(3 x 15 x 27,2 kg/60 lbs)
(3 x 15 x 27,2 kg/60 lbs)
(3 x 15 x 16 kg/35 lbs)


Hip raises
3 x 15 x 29,5 kg/65 lbs

(3 x 15 x 27,2 kg/60 lbs)
(3 x 15 x 27,2 kg/60 lbs)
(3 x 15 x 16 kg/35 lbs)

TRX Row with 2-sec eccentrics
BW x 6/6/6, 6/6/6, 6/6/4f + 3f (r-p) cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests

(3 x 6/6/6 cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests)
(3 x 6/6/6 cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests)
(3 x 4/4/4 cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests)


BW x 6/6/5f + 2, 6/5f + 3f/4f + 3f. For the third set, my trainer had me try incline chest press instead. It didn’t go well. We’ll stick with push-ups for the time being.

(BW x 6/6/6, 6/6/5f + 2, 6/6/5f + 3f (r-p) cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests)
(BW x 6/6/6, 6/6/6, 6/6/4f + 3f (r-p) cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests)
(3 x 4/4/4 cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests)

“Ski” band-pulls with 2-sec eccentrics
3 x 15 x red band

(3 x 15 x red band)
(3 x 15 x red band)
(3 x 15 x red band)


Lat pulldowns
3 x 15 x 65,7 kg/145 lbs

(3 x 15 x 65,7 kg/145 lbs)
(3 x 15 x 65,7 kg/145 lbs)
(3 x 15 x 59 kg/130 lbs)

Overhead press
11,3 kg/25 lbs each side x 15, 12f + 3f (r-p), 9f + 4f + 3f (r-p)

(11,3 kg/25 lbs each side x 15, 12f + 4f (r-p), 10f + 5f (r-p))
(11,3 kg/25 lbs each side x 15, 12f + 4f (r-p), 10f + 5f (r-p))
(9 kg/20 lbs each side x 15, 12f + 3f, 12f + 4f)


Plank jacks
3 x 25 x BW

(3 x 25 x BW)
(3 x 25 x BW)
(3 x 25 x BW)



92,2 kg

Morning: PLP

6 x 5-sec dead hangs as warm-up (pronated grip)

For P & P always explosive up, 1-2-sec pause, 6-sec eccentric; for L always 6-sec pause at bottom each side

Day 8 Pronated grip: (3) + 6 + 5 + 4 + 4 + 3 (22)

with feet raised on step for push-ups. Last set with close grip.

Band pull-aparts with pronated grip: 3 x 15
Band pull-aparts with tucked elbows and supinated grip: 3 x 15

Broomstick stretches, twists, and squats.

Chest & back stretch.

5 minutes of thoracic stretching.

Afternoon: Easy Cardio

65 minutes and 6,13 km walk on the treadmill at the gym, at an average heart rate of 123 bpm.



90,5 kg

Morning: Full-body supersets

Goblet squats
3 x 15 x 29,5 kg/65 lbs

(3 x 15 x 29,5 kg/65 lbs)
(3 x 15 x 27,2 kg/60 lbs)
(3 x 15 x 27,2 kg/60 lbs)


Hip raises
3 x 15 x 29,5 kg/65 lbs

(3 x 15 x 29,5 kg/65 lbs)
(3 x 15 x 27,2 kg/60 lbs)
(3 x 15 x 27,2 kg/60 lbs)

TRX Row with 2-sec eccentrics
3 x 6/6/6 cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests

(BW x 6/6/6, 6/6/6, 6/6/4f + 3f (r-p) cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests)
(3 x 6/6/6 cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests)
(3 x 6/6/6 cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests)


(3 x 6/6/6 cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests)

(BW x 6/6/5f + 2, 6/5f + 3f/4f + 3f. For the third set, my trainer had me try incline chest press instead. It didn’t go well. We’ll stick with push-ups for the time being.)
(BW x 6/6/6, 6/6/5f + 2, 6/6/5f + 3f (r-p) cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests)
(BW x 6/6/6, 6/6/6, 6/6/4f + 3f (r-p) cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests)

“Ski” band-pulls with 2-sec eccentrics
3 x 15 x red band

(3 x 15 x red band)
(3 x 15 x red band)
(3 x 15 x red band)


Lat pulldowns
3 x 15 x 65,7 kg/145 lbs

(3 x 15 x 65,7 kg/145 lbs)
(3 x 15 x 65,7 kg/145 lbs)
(3 x 15 x 65,7 kg/145 lbs)

Overhead press
3 x 15 x 11,3 kg/25 lbs each side – happy with this

(11,3 kg/25 lbs each side x 15, 12f + 3f (r-p), 9f + 4f + 3f (r-p))
(11,3 kg/25 lbs each side x 15, 12f + 4f (r-p), 10f + 5f (r-p))
(11,3 kg/25 lbs each side x 15, 12f + 4f (r-p), 10f + 5f (r-p))


Plank jacks
3 x 25 x BW

(3 x 25 x BW)
(3 x 25 x BW)
(3 x 25 x BW)

Afternoon: PLP

6 x 5-sec dead hangs as warm-up (supinated grip)

For P & P always explosive up, 1-2-sec pause, 6-sec eccentric; for L always 6-sec pause at bottom each side

Day 8 Supinated grip: (3) + 6 + 5 + 5 + 4 + 3 (23)

with feet raised on step for push-ups. Last set with close grip.

Band pull-aparts with pronated grip: 3 x 15
Band pull-aparts with tucked elbows and supinated grip: 3 x 15

Broomstick stretches, twists, and squats.

Chest & back stretch.

5 minutes of thoracic stretching.



88,7 kg

Morning: PLP

6 x 5-sec dead hangs as warm-up (supinated grip)

For P & P always explosive up, 1-2-sec pause, 6-sec eccentric; for L always 6-sec pause at bottom each side

Day 11 Supinated grip: (3) + 6 + 6 + 5 + 4 + 3 (24)

with feet raised on step for push-ups. Last set with close grip.

Band pull-aparts with pronated grip: 3 x 15
Band pull-aparts with tucked elbows and supinated grip: 3 x 15

Broomstick stretches, twists, and squats.

Chest & back stretch.

5 minutes of thoracic stretching.

Afternoon: Easy Cardio

65 minutes and 6,13 km walk on the treadmill at the gym, at an average heart rate of 123 bpm.



89,2 kg

Morning: Full-body supersets

Goblet squats
3 x 15 x 29,5 kg/65 lbs

(3 x 15 x 29,5 kg/65 lbs)
(3 x 15 x 29,5 kg/65 lbs)
(3 x 15 x 27,2 kg/60 lbs)


Hip raises
3 x 15 x 29,5 kg/65 lbs

(3 x 15 x 29,5 kg/65 lbs)
(3 x 15 x 29,5 kg/65 lbs)
(3 x 15 x 27,2 kg/60 lbs)

TRX Row with 2-sec eccentrics
3 x 6/6/6 cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests

(3 x 6/6/6 cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests)
(BW x 6/6/6, 6/6/6, 6/6/4f + 3f (r-p) cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests)
(3 x 6/6/6 cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests)


3 x 6/6/6 cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests

(3 x 6/6/6 cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests)
(BW x 6/6/5f + 2, 6/5f + 3f/4f + 3f. For the third set, my trainer had me try incline chest press instead. It didn’t go well. We’ll stick with push-ups for the time being.)
(BW x 6/6/6, 6/6/5f + 2, 6/6/5f + 3f (r-p) cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests)

“Ski” band-pulls with 2-sec eccentrics
3 x 15 x red band

(3 x 15 x red band)
(3 x 15 x red band)
(3 x 15 x red band)


Lat pulldowns
3 x 15 x 65,7 kg/145 lbs

(3 x 15 x 65,7 kg/145 lbs)
(3 x 15 x 65,7 kg/145 lbs)
(3 x 15 x 65,7 kg/145 lbs)

Overhead press
11,3 kg/25 lbs each side x 15, 11f + 4f (r-p), 8f + 3f + 4f

(3 x 15 x 11,3 kg/25 lbs each side – happy with this)
(11,3 kg/25 lbs each side x 15, 12f + 3f (r-p), 9f + 4f + 3f (r-p))
(11,3 kg/25 lbs each side x 15, 12f + 4f (r-p), 10f + 5f (r-p))


Plank jacks
3 x 25 x BW

(3 x 25 x BW)
(3 x 25 x BW)
(3 x 25 x BW)

Afternoon: PLP

Programmed rest day



89,2 kg

Afternoon: Easy Cardio

65 minutes and 6,14 km walk on the treadmill at the gym, at an average heart rate of 123 bpm.



88,9 kg

Morning: Full-body supersets

Goblet squats
3 x 15 x 29,5 kg/65 lbs

(3 x 15 x 29,5 kg/65 lbs)
(3 x 15 x 29,5 kg/65 lbs)
(3 x 15 x 29,5 kg/65 lbs)


Hip raises
3 x 15 x 29,5 kg/65 lbs

(3 x 15 x 29,5 kg/65 lbs)
(3 x 15 x 29,5 kg/65 lbs)
(3 x 15 x 29,5 kg/65 lbs)

TRX Row with 2-sec eccentrics
BW x 6/6/6, 6/6/6, 6/6/5f + 3 (r-p) cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests

(3 x 6/6/6 cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests)
(3 x 6/6/6 cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests)
(BW x 6/6/6, 6/6/6, 6/6/4f + 3f (r-p) cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests)


BW x 6/6/6, 6/6/6, 6/6/4f + 3f (r-p)

(3 x 6/6/6 cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests)
(3 x 6/6/6 cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests)
(BW x 6/6/5f + 2, 6/5f + 3f/4f + 3f. For the third set, my trainer had me try incline chest press instead. It didn’t go well. We’ll stick with push-ups for the time being.)

Biceps curls
2 x 12 x 11 kg/25 lbs each side.

Hammer curls
1 x 15 x 11 kg/25 lbs each side for the last (third) set

“Ski” band-pulls with 2-sec eccentrics
3 x 15 x red band

(3 x 15 x red band)
(3 x 15 x red band)
(3 x 15 x red band)


Lat pulldowns
65,7 kg/145 lbs x 15, 12 + 3 (r-p), 12 + 3 (r-p) – probably affected by the biceps curls. In future, I’ll do the curls last.

(3 x 15 x 65,7 kg/145 lbs)
(3 x 15 x 65,7 kg/145 lbs)
(3 x 15 x 65,7 kg/145 lbs)

Overhead press
11,3 kg/25 lbs each side x 15, 12f + 4f (r-p), 10f + 5f (r-p)

(11,3 kg/25 lbs each side x 15, 11f + 4f (r-p), 8f + 3f + 4f)
(3 x 15 x 11,3 kg/25 lbs each side – happy with this)
(11,3 kg/25 lbs each side x 15, 12f + 3f (r-p), 9f + 4f + 3f (r-p))


Plank jacks
3 x 25 x BW

(3 x 25 x BW)
(3 x 25 x BW)
(3 x 25 x BW)



88,4 lg

Afternoon: Easy Cardio

65 minutes and 6,12 km walk on the treadmill at the gym, at an average heart rate of 123 bpm.



87,2 lg

Afternoon: Stretching class

Trying something new to improve mobility and range of motion.

Subsequently: Easy cardio

65 minutes and 6,12 km walk on the treadmill at the gym, at an average heart rate of 123 bpm.



87,8 kg

Morning: Full-body supersets

Goblet squats
3 x 15 x 29,5 kg/65 lbs

(3 x 15 x 29,5 kg/65 lbs)
(3 x 15 x 29,5 kg/65 lbs)
(3 x 15 x 29,5 kg/65 lbs)


Hip raises
3 x 15 x 29,5 kg/65 lbs

(3 x 15 x 29,5 kg/65 lbs)
(3 x 15 x 29,5 kg/65 lbs)
(3 x 15 x 29,5 kg/65 lbs)

TRX Row with 2-sec eccentrics
3 x 6/6/6 cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests

(BW x 6/6/6, 6/6/6, 6/6/5f + 3 (r-p) cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests)
(3 x 6/6/6 cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests)
(3 x 6/6/6 cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests)


(3 x 6/6/6 cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests)

(BW x 6/6/6, 6/6/6, 6/6/4f + 3f (r-p))
(3 x 6/6/6 cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests)
(3 x 6/6/6 cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests)

“Ski” band-pulls with 2-sec eccentrics
3 x 15 x red band

(3 x 15 x red band)
(3 x 15 x red band)
(3 x 15 x red band)


Lat pulldowns
3 x 15 x 65,7 kg/145 lbs

(65,7 kg/145 lbs x 15, 12 + 3 (r-p), 12 + 3 (r-p) – probably affected by the biceps curls. In future, I’ll do the curls last.)
(3 x 15 x 65,7 kg/145 lbs)
(3 x 15 x 65,7 kg/145 lbs)

Overhead press
11,3 kg/25 lbs each side x 15, 12f + 4f (r-p), 10f + 5f (r-p)

(11,3 kg/25 lbs each side x 15, 12f + 4f (r-p), 10f + 5f (r-p))
(11,3 kg/25 lbs each side x 15, 11f + 4f (r-p), 8f + 3f + 4f)
(3 x 15 x 11,3 kg/25 lbs each side – happy with this)

Biceps curls
2 x 12 x 11 kg/25 lbs each side.

Hammer curls
1 x 15 x 11 kg/25 lbs each side for the last (third) set

3 x 15 x BW

Plank jacks alternating with stretches
3 x 25 x BW

(3 x 25 x BW)
(3 x 25 x BW)
(3 x 25 x BW)

Shuffled things around a bit to accommodate some accessory work. I’m keeping this new format for a while.

Afternoon: PLP

6 x 5-sec dead hangs as warm-up (neutral grip)

For P & P always explosive up, 1-2-sec pause, 6-sec eccentric; for L always 6-sec pause at bottom each side

Day 13 Nautral grip: (3) + 7 + 6 + 5 + 4 + 3 (25)

with feet raised on step for push-ups. Last set with close grip.

Band pull-aparts with pronated grip: 3 x 15
Band pull-aparts with tucked elbows and supinated grip: 3 x 15

Broomstick stretches, twists, and squats.

Chest & back stretch.

5 minutes of thoracic stretching.



88,3 kg

Morning: PLP

6 x 5-sec dead hangs as warm-up (pronated grip)

For P & P always explosive up, 1-2-sec pause, 6-sec eccentric; for L always 6-sec pause at bottom each side

Day 14 Pronated grip: (3) + 7 + 6 + 5 + 4 + 4 (26)

with feet raised on step for push-ups. Last set with close grip.

Band pull-aparts with pronated grip: 3 x 15
Band pull-aparts with tucked elbows and supinated grip: 3 x 15

Broomstick stretches, twists, and squats.

3 x 15 x BW

Chest & back stretch.

5 minutes of thoracic stretching.

Afternoon: Easy cardio

65 minutes and 6,11 km walk on the treadmill at the gym, at an average heart rate of 124 bpm.



89,1 kg

Morning: Full-body supersets

Goblet squats
3 x 15 x 29,5 kg/65 lbs

(3 x 15 x 29,5 kg/65 lbs)
(3 x 15 x 29,5 kg/65 lbs)
(3 x 15 x 29,5 kg/65 lbs)


Hip raises
3 x 15 x 29,5 kg/65 lbs

(3 x 15 x 29,5 kg/65 lbs)
(3 x 15 x 29,5 kg/65 lbs)
(3 x 15 x 29,5 kg/65 lbs)

TRX Row with 2-sec eccentrics
3 x 6/6/6 cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests

(3 x 6/6/6 cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests)
(BW x 6/6/6, 6/6/6, 6/6/5f + 3 (r-p) cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests)
(3 x 6/6/6 cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests)


3 x 6/6/6 cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests

(3 x 6/6/6 cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests)
(BW x 6/6/6, 6/6/6, 6/6/4f + 3f (r-p))
(3 x 6/6/6 cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests)

“Ski” band-pulls with 2-sec eccentrics
3 x 15 x red band

(3 x 15 x red band)
(3 x 15 x red band)
(3 x 15 x red band)


Lat pulldowns
3 x 15 x 65,7 kg/145 lbs

(3 x 15 x 65,7 kg/145 lbs)
(65,7 kg/145 lbs x 15, 12 + 3 (r-p), 12 + 3 (r-p) – probably affected by the biceps curls. In future, I’ll do the curls last.)
(3 x 15 x 65,7 kg/145 lbs)

Overhead press
11,3 kg/25 lbs each side x 15, 12f + 3 (r-p), 10f + 5f (r-p)

(11,3 kg/25 lbs each side x 15, 12f + 4f (r-p), 10f + 5f (r-p))
(11,3 kg/25 lbs each side x 15, 12f + 4f (r-p), 10f + 5f (r-p))
(11,3 kg/25 lbs each side x 15, 11f + 4f (r-p), 8f + 3f + 4f)

Biceps curls
2 x 12 x 11 kg/25 lbs each side

(2 x 12 x 11 kg/25 lbs each side)

Hammer curls
1 x 15 x 11 kg/25 lbs each side for the last (third) set

(1 x 15 x 11 kg/25 lbs each side for the last (third) set)

3 x 15 x BW

(3 x 15 x BW)

Plank jacks alternating with stretches
3 x 25 x BW

(3 x 25 x BW)
(3 x 25 x BW)
(3 x 25 x BW)

Afternoon: PLP

6 x 5-sec dead hangs as warm-up (pronated grip)

For P & P always explosive up, 1-2-sec pause, 6-sec eccentric; for L always 6-sec pause at bottom each side

Day 15 Pronated grip: (3) + 7 + 6 + 5 + 5 + 4 (27)

with feet raised on step for push-ups.

Band pull-aparts with pronated grip: 3 x 15
Band pull-aparts with tucked elbows and supinated grip: 3 x 15

Broomstick stretches, twists, and squats.

Chest & back stretch.

5 minutes of thoracic stretching.



87,7 kg

Morning: PLP

6 x 5-sec dead hangs as warm-up (supinated grip)

For P & P always explosive up, 1-2-sec pause, 6-sec eccentric; for L always 6-sec pause at bottom each side

Day 16 Supinated grip: (3) + 7 + 6 + 6 + 5 + 4 (28)

with feet raised on step for push-ups.

Band pull-aparts with pronated grip: 3 x 15
Band pull-aparts with tucked elbows and supinated grip: 3 x 15

Broomstick stretches, twists, and squats.

Chest & back stretch.

5 minutes of thoracic stretching.

Afternoon: Easy cardio

65 minutes and 6,11 km walk on the treadmill at the gym, at an average heart rate of 122 bpm.



89,2 kg

Morning: Full-body supersets

Goblet squats
3 x 15 x 29,5 kg/65 lbs

(3 x 15 x 29,5 kg/65 lbs)
(3 x 15 x 29,5 kg/65 lbs)
(3 x 15 x 29,5 kg/65 lbs)


Hip raises
3 x 15 x 29,5 kg/65 lbs

(3 x 15 x 29,5 kg/65 lbs)
(3 x 15 x 29,5 kg/65 lbs)
(3 x 15 x 29,5 kg/65 lbs)

TRX Row with 2-sec eccentrics
3 x 6/6/6 cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests

(3 x 6/6/6 cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests)
(3 x 6/6/6 cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests)
(BW x 6/6/6, 6/6/6, 6/6/5f + 3 (r-p) cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests)


BW x 6/6/6, 6/6/6, 6/6/4f + 3f (r-p)

(3 x 6/6/6 cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests)
(3 x 6/6/6 cluster sets with 15-sec intra-set rests)
(BW x 6/6/6, 6/6/6, 6/6/4f + 3f (r-p))

“Ski” band-pulls with 2-sec eccentrics
3 x 15 x red band

(3 x 15 x red band)
(3 x 15 x red band)
(3 x 15 x red band)


Lat pulldowns
3 x 15 x 65,7 kg/145 lbs

(3 x 15 x 65,7 kg/145 lbs)
(3 x 15 x 65,7 kg/145 lbs)
(65,7 kg/145 lbs x 15, 12 + 3 (r-p), 12 + 3 (r-p) – probably affected by the biceps curls. In future, I’ll do the curls last.)

Overhead press
11,3 kg/25 lbs each side x 15, 12f + 3 (r-p), 12f + 3 (r-p)

(11,3 kg/25 lbs each side x 15, 12f + 3 (r-p), 10f + 5f (r-p))
(11,3 kg/25 lbs each side x 15, 12f + 4f (r-p), 10f + 5f (r-p))
(11,3 kg/25 lbs each side x 15, 12f + 4f (r-p), 10f + 5f (r-p))

Biceps curls
2 x 12 x 11 kg/25 lbs each side

(2 x 12 x 11 kg/25 lbs each side)
(2 x 12 x 11 kg/25 lbs each side)


Hammer curls
1 x 15 x 11 kg/25 lbs each side for the last (third) set

(1 x 15 x 11 kg/25 lbs each side for the last (third) set)
(1 x 15 x 11 kg/25 lbs each side for the last (third) set)

Cable flyes
3 x 12 x 3 plates each side

Plank jacks alternating with stretches
3 x 25 x BW

(3 x 25 x BW)
(3 x 25 x BW)
(3 x 25 x BW)

Trying out some new things with the trainer.