Just Shaved My Head

And I can’t say I really like it. But then again my hair’s falling out at a rapid rate and there’s nothing I can do about it. It’s fairly depressing. What I could use is some good ol’ T-encouragement, if anyone has some to spare. Till then I’ll just do my best CT impression in the mirror and tell myself I’ll look good someday. =P

Go for a drive with the windows down.

You’ll like it then.

Hmm, I’d go with the clippers next time :wink:

Sup Powder?

Dude, did you know you’re bald?

[quote]esk221 wrote:
Sup Powder?[/quote]

I get that a lot. :slight_smile:

[quote]esk221 wrote:
Sup Powder?[/quote]

my thoughts exactly, lol

[quote]esk221 wrote:
Sup Powder?[/quote]

haha…first thing I thought of when I saw the picture. :slight_smile:

Yeah, I’m a ginger, as you can tell, so my complexion is fairly diaphanous. The worst part is that I don’t even get his super powers for the shit I have to put up with. But this picture is not in direct sunlight and thus is less powdery. I guess.

You don’t look bad dude.

Now, this is motivation to stack as much ripped muscle on you as you can from the neck down.

Get bricked and shredded and you won’t worry about your head! : )

Powder was one hell of a good movie.

…and you need a tan.

I do have to say welcome to the Brotherhood of the Chrome Dome. The BCD takes its membership very seriously. That means smooth heads at all times and lifting weights heavy enough to make the whole look scare the shit out of emo kids.

You have work to do pledgie.

[quote]Professor X wrote:
Powder was one hell of a good movie.

…and you need a tan.

I do have to say welcome to the Brotherhood of the Chrome Dome. The BCD takes its membership very seriously. That means smooth heads at all times and lifting weights heavy enough to make the whole look scare the shit out of emo kids.

You have work to do pledgie.[/quote]

Wait, what? You told me you were growing an afro!


OK, I’ll play. This was a couple months ago. 10 years ago, I had hair down to my ass. More recently, I cut my own hair with the clippers and a mirror.

This winter, I slipped and went to skin and there was no way I could cover it, so I shaved it all off.

Skin. Chrome. Shine.

I’ll never go back!! In fact I can’t go a couple days without shaving it now.

Had a Mohawk for awhile. The clients loved it :wink:

Melanotan. You can thank me later. Oh, and I am normally close to as pale as you are (well, okay, not quite that pale), and you can see my profile pics for what is possible.


[quote]nichaaron wrote:


I think it looks alright.

ya honestly its not bad.
some people like myself do not take well to shaved heads

next time use clippers though and dont bic it.

It took me a while to get used to being shaved. But I will never go back.

I shaved mine back in 05 when I was still active duty AF, right before I went to the desert. I had worn it clipped a few different times before that, but it was still a bit of a shock. Now that I have retired from the AF and added a goatee, I like it even better. I’ve had nothing but good reviews, including that I look much younger.

It looks like you have a good head shape for the look. Not everyone has that. Carefully get a little sun. Splash cold water on your dome once in a while. Give it a couple months and I think you’ll be happy.

Welcome to the brotherhood.


[quote]Professor X wrote:
…and you need a tan.

One tip for ya… wear a hat out in the sun. If you burn your head it’s really gross when it peels…

Yeah last weekend… thought I was not out that long… crap.