Have run a few 5/3/1 cycles recently just finished Beefcake so have three week cycle of plus sets then 5x5 fsl before a delay and into a new programme.
Looking to do BBB again as I have used in the past however hitting body parts twice a week as higher frequency has worked well for me in the past.
I was thinking 5’s pro for 6 weeks:
Squat 3x5’s pro
Deadlift 5x10
Bench 3x5’s pro
Ohp 5x10
Pull ups 5x10
Deadlift 3x5’s pro
Squat 5x10
Press 3x5’s pro
Bench 5x10
Deload and then 3 weeks of:
Squat 5/3/1+ as conventional
Squat 5x5 FSL
Bench 5/3/1+ as conventional
Bench 5x5 FSL
Deadlift 5/3/1+
Dead 5x5 FSL
OHP 5/3/1+
Ohp 5x5 FSL
Reason I’ve gone away from opposite exercise for the second three week block is that I will use joker sets if I’m feeling good and it may be harder to recover and hit that body part again later on that week. Then will be hitting another deload before going through the above again but changing the 5x10 work so dumbbell presses instead of bench, front squat instead of regular, sldl etc but keeping the 5/3/1 lifts the same as 5 pro’s.
Am I on the right track with this routine? Also really loved the dips twice a week on Beefcake would it be too much to add dips into one or both of the pressing days?
Many thanks for taking time to read my post and if you get a chance to reply that would be great.
I’d not do dips when doing BBB, personally didn’t have good experience with that. However, I also go boxing 3 times a week… go figure.
I’d use forever programming for the assistance, But this could work. Don’t forget to do a tonne or facepulls/band pullaparts whenever you’re in the gym. Your delts will thank you.
Squat 5’s PRO, Squat 5x10. 5x10-15 pull ups, 5x10-15 dips
BP 5’s PRO, BP 5x10. 5x10-15 rows (I like inverted ring rows, but any), 5x10-15 ab wheel
Deads 5’s PRO, Deads 5x10. 5x10-15 pull ups, 5x10-15 dips
OHP 5’s PRO, OHP 5x10. 5x10-15 rows, 5x10-15 ab wheel
Notes: I am 47, and doing that many deads is something I can’t recover from to do other things I want to do. I will use the trap bar, and do 5x5 FSL rather than 5x10. To get a bit more volume, I start with cleans and presses, cleans, or something similar. If you can’t do these, do DB variations or high pulls.
I also like to do zercher or front squats for the 5’s PRO on squat day, and then switch to back squats with the FSL weight for the BBB.