If one where off cycle and their t-levels where in the normal range would adex serve to increase test levels a little higher than normal and there by protect lean mass during an intense diet cycle? Any possible sides?
In the same light, could it be used to boost growth and reduce fat accumulation during a growth cycle?
On cycle yes AI’s are used to reduce estrogen and thus can contribute to a reduced fat accumulation.
In theory the use of SERM’s or AI’s makes sense off cycle and should be able to increase natural Test and what not. In reality, this is a relatively ineffective strategy. It just does not pay dividends.
Now a month of Nolvadex or research chemicals of a-dex is cheaper than say a month of Alpha Male but to compare either Alpha Male or Nolva to gear is an insult. I have used Alpha Male and never will again.
[quote]gettinbigger wrote:
If one where off cycle and their t-levels where in the normal range would adex serve to increase test levels a little higher than normal and there by protect lean mass during an intense diet cycle? Any possible sides?
In the same light, could it be used to boost growth and reduce fat accumulation during a growth cycle? [/quote]
It might be helpful the effect will be highly individualistic. So you can only try it and see. As the T levels will not be high when off gear, the dose need not be as high as used with gear, as the competition of T and AI at the molecular level acting on aromatase will not be the same.
1mg/wk might have a good effect, could try 2mg/wk. There is a limit to what anastrozole can do. A study showed that with normal young men, 1mg/day was as effective as 2mg/day.
If you get your E2 lower, SHBG may decline and that would improve the free T level.
I wasn’t looking for steroid-like gains or anything…just a boost. I am trying to take an extended time off to let my body re-cooperate for a bit. I figure its cheaper than all the test-boosters out there and actually has some good research backing it up. Anyone try the research chem stuff like “Liquidex”?
[quote]gettinbigger wrote:
I wasn’t looking for steroid-like gains or anything…just a boost. I am trying to take an extended time off to let my body re-cooperate for a bit. I figure its cheaper than all the test-boosters out there and actually has some good research backing it up. Anyone try the research chem stuff like “Liquidex”? [/quote]
Well as long as you go in with your eyes open and realize you won’t make any appreciable gains in the gym with strength in in the mirror with size then sure go ahead. Admittedly, you might “feel better” or have higher labs scores; but there will be absolutely nothing appreciable or tangible in terms of gains.
[quote]sapasion wrote:
Admittedly, you might “feel better” or have higher labs scores; but there will be absolutely nothing appreciable or tangible in terms of gains.[/quote]
Just out of curiosity, what makes you so sure? How would higher levels of Test not translate into better gains if all other factors remain constant?