Jordan Peterson's Clinical Psychology License Under Threat

Biased?, much?

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I understand this, but my point was that a friendly rivalry turning into an unfriendly rivalry may have the byproduct of pushing them both to produce better and better content. That would be a win for everyone. They’ve always been in friendly competition with each other for views and money, now they’re in unfriendly competition with each other. I hope this results in all parties doing what they do best even better.

I like that style of comedy, generally speaking. It’s political comedy, which by nature involves trolling of sorts. I loved Jon Stewart’s trolling of Republicans back in the '00’s, even if we didn’t have the term “trolling” back then. I can see why Crowder doesn’t appeal to everyone, in no small part because my sense of humor and opinions don’t appeal to everyone, either. That’s okay.

I liked Tim Pool the reporter back in the day, but his youtube channels just seems to be Tim Pool Reads The News To You while he offers centrist milquetoast commentary.

What great truth do you think Shapiro is overlooking?

Which of Crowder’s arguments come to mind as particularly uninformed to you?

Speaking for my own podcast preferences, The Joe Rogan Experience is my favorite. He puts out so much that I can’t keep up with all of it but he has so many incredible guests that I’m never short of episodes I want to listen to. I’m halfway through the most recent Jordan Peterson episode. Rogan is perhaps the most talented interviewer I have ever observed when it comes to his ability to help his wildly diverse guests connect with a general audience.

Unlike @zecarlo, I find Ben Shapiro to be exceptionally well-educated. He offers me a particularly valuable perspective precisely because he is an Orthodox Jew who I find myself aligned with on most policy issues. I think he does a really great job at offering a thoughtful take on the day’s news with integrity and honesty, including owning his own conservative and religious biases. Plus he speaks really fast, so you get more information in an hour.

I also find Crowder to be highly intelligent. This, to me, is obvious from his commentary and sense of humor. I catch him once or twice per week on my commute.

Bible In a Year has been getting some playtime too.

Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History is my favorite non-political, non-current event podcast. It is very compelling listening, very well-researched, very well-explained and just superb historical storytelling. His most recent podcasts are free and his past work is sold at very low prices if you want to access it. I have his whole catalog and am almost all the way through it.

Last Podcast on The Left is a great way to dive into macabre and weird topics like Aliens, Ghosts, Murderers, Cults, David Bowie and a whole host of other topics. I sometimes cringe at the shockingly ill-informed leftist political talking points they often lace into the show, but I can overlook that if it gets me my fix on the odd happenings over at the Skinwalker Ranch.

Edit: I almost forgot that the coach of my BJJ coach used to put out a podcast with all kinds of great ideas about training for violence and other entertaining ramblings. My coach makes an appearance on quite a few of them too. Check out Jay Jack Uncensored if you want to hear the thoughts of an old-school martial artist who leads from the front. That man is responsible for the creation of many hard men and women.


I feel like i was born as a Half-Eaten Go-Gurt tube and demand to be respected as such. Therefore, I agree with this statement.

How informed are you on the teachings of Judaism?

Really? As a contrarian i thought this would appeal to you specifically. I’ll give you an example:
-literally anyone comments on something.
-Zecarlo shows up trying to argue the counterpoint.
-no minds are changed, therefore both the commenter and Zecarlo are lacking the education to form an argument.


That went in a lot of directions at once without really going anywhere. I’m not saying I agree with everything anyone says. I do find the arguments he makes to be intellectually consistent and earnest.

Don’t really care what your opinion on religion or pop music. Shapiro is a weirdo (he’d probably agree) but that doesn’t mean WAP isn’t a landmark in the downward slope of western “art.”

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In addition to what others have said, I like the following:

  • Older Tim Ferris
  • Lex Friedman
  • The Portal (although it’s dormant atm)
  • Jocko Podcast
  • Modern Wisdom (just started listening tho)
  • Intellectual Dark Web (mostly just reposting lectures and talks from key speakers)
  • James Altucher (although been awhile)

Is that any weirder than believing in Eden, a talking bush, the resurrection, or Lot’s wife turning into a pillar of salt?

Probably more than you.

You do know that’s why this forum exists? You’ll note that unlike you, I don’t criticize posters for having a different opinion. I may disagree with it but I don’t whine about them not agreeing with me.

I would agree, but they are not persuasive.

That would be disco. And WAP is a great example for how capitalism works.

The one where he thinks he discovered that Nazism had the word socialism in it. Then proceeded to argue that Hitler was a socialist. He obviously never read a book on Hitler, and there are more biographies on Hitler than Churchill. I just find binary thinking and arguments simplistic, dumbed down and often wrong.

Thanks for the explanation.

Hold on a minute…

Did you just contradict yourself, or am I crazy?

Neither do I, but the difference between you and I is that I actually have an opinion. Yours is consistently “whatever someone else’s opinion isn’t”.

Idgaf if you agree with me or not - many don’t. I’m just waiting to hear your actual opinions on something, instead of your poking at the opinions of others.

Yup. I know hardly anything about Crowder and have likely viewed a total of less than 20 minutes of his content. There was an old episode in which, if I recall correctly, he called the Nazis “liberal socialists” or something similar. Anyone who read Mein Kampf, particularly the second half, would know that was a ridiculous statement.


No. You’re just trying too hard.

I’ve given my opinion on this thread. I’ve given opinions on other topics as well.

Hey @Andrewgen_Receptors , you likely saw my recommendation for this book in other threads. I consider it a great follow up for someone who enjoyed 12 Rules as it touched upon issues Peterson brought to the public, along with other commentators and authors. I think you’d like it, especially because the author discusses this age of misandry.

A Gentleman’s Guide to Manners, Sex, and Ruling the World: How to Survive as a Man in the Age of Misandry-- and Do So with Grace

As you know, Stephen Baskerville is one of my favorite authors, and men would sure benefit from his writings over Andrew Tate’s jibber jabber. Here he challenges JP, but he doesn’t give details on what he is challenging Peterson specifically.

Thanks to the T-Nation forums, podcasts are by far most of the media I consume. My gate way was the Joe Rogan Experience, but I pick and choose which episodes I listen to. The Lex Friedman podcast is highly ranked, but I think his strength is talking about science-y subjects, on everything else he is out of his depth.

The DW-Crowder feud is a bunch of unnecessary drama nonsense, in my opinion. Some of the aspects of the contract, to my layman’s perspective are totally unnacceptable, and I would walk away from them, but this public call-out seems childish and unnecessary. It’s a bad contract in the entertainment industry, which is built on bad contracts, don’t sign it and move on.


Speaking of podcasts, one that hasn’t been brought up that I give the most consistent listen to is the Adam Corolla and Dr Drew podcast. Also like The Dr Drew podcast.

Also, “Your Welcome” by Michael Malice is a consistent listen but like Rogan I pick and choose the episodes I listen to (he’s been on Rogan and Lex Friedman multiple times - and coincidentally Dr Drew interviewed him recently which was fun to listen to).

And the Tom Woods Show is a good one as well if you’re into Libertarian/Austrian economics at all


I need to check that out for nostalgia if nothing else. Those two had a radio show back in the 90’s called LoveLine that we used to listen to when we were teenagers.


I agree. Although, I appreciate that he just asks questions and lets people talk. ‘Give a man enough rope…’ type of approach. Kanye was a good example.

Yea I remember watching on Mtv when I was a young teen and then loved Corolla on The Man Show … started listening to the 'cast about a year or so ago and it’s one of the few podcasts I try to listen to ever episode … they’re pretty short … about 30 minutes released 3 or 4 times a week

Jocko is the best, but you better be prepared for it. Some of the topics are brutal.

I grew up listening to these guys on Loveline. One of the best duos out there. I didn’t realize they have a podcast, I’ll have to check that out.