Joining the Army/National Guard Reservers

Hello all. I haven’t posted in awhile, because of the internet problems we are having at my school. Anyway, as some of you know I recieved an Illinois ROTC scholarship about a month ago. When I first got down to school I talked to my superior officer and he told me that they want to put me in the Advance level courses because of my high GPA and my physical stature. But in order to do this, I will have to commission after I graduate. This has been on my mind ever since they have put the offer on the table. I know this is a decision that I need to make on my own, but I was wondering what would fellow T-Men do in my situation knowing that War with Iraq being almost immienent(besides ridiculous). Thanks for

Ummmmm, isn’t the military’s primary role to protect? If it is deemed necessary for the US to be the aggressor to provide homeland protection, and you do not want to be a part of it, why did you join ROTC? If your reason was not to a leader and to serve and protect, maybe you should trade your firearm in for a jockstrap. Either way, good luck.

As a former Army Ranger take my advice and don’t join. The ultimate reason for the military’s existence is to fight. If you have a problem with that, then the military is not the place for you.

As another Ranger, I agree. You took the scholarship, I took one too. What is your major? What branch have you applied for? You don’t have to be Combat Arms. YOu don’t have to be Airborne (although as an officer you will be at a disadvantage without it). Give us some more details so we can help you. Best of Luck.

My major is Physical Education, I want to be a teacher, I know it sounds crazy, but hey someone has to try to get these kids into shape, or at least die trying. I haven’t applied for any branch, Army and National Guard reserves are what I am considering. What kind of unit do I want to go in… I am not sure, my superiors are kinda beating around the bush telling what my options are which is concerning me. I was thinking a medical unit, not a Doctor, but medical admin. sorta thing. I dunno, my mind is split 50/50 right now, because I want to serve my country. But I don’t want to serve some politician sitting in an A/C office while I am out in Iraq battling children with bombs strapped to thier backs. I dunno, any other insight OL would be much appreciated, cause I know you have been a help in the past.

If you don’t want to fight (this means enduring the visceral realities of war), then don’t join. It’s that simple.

Older Lifter and Paul, just out of curiosity were you sporting the tab or tab&scroll? If tab&scroll which batt?

To answer the original post… If you don’t want to go to war, don’t go in the Army. I went in fully hoping to go to war, but it was during Billy’s second term and he was too pussy to do what needed to be done. Now it’s too late in the game for me to get back in, Damn Bill Clinton to Hell!!!


I had a tab, but was never assigned to a battalion. I went through Ranger School in Class 11-76 (ROTC) and again in Class 16-78. The first time I had heel spurs that were further damaged during my “training” in the POW camp. My TAC in 11-76 was LTC Robert McKnight (then 1LT). Yeah, it is tuff having spent seveteen years preparing for the big game and never getting to play. I got to pay in several small unofficial games, but they only appear as gaps on my military record. But even today as I am getting ready to help the TSA, I still look for way to assist my country. As the first SMG of Delta said, “Just cause you take off the uniform does mean you are no longer a soldier.” Best of Luck.

My major reads PE too (but that was already discussed on another posting). There is nothing dishonorable about the Medical Service Corp. Heck, it qualifies you for a better job when you leave the service than infantry. May people don’t realize this, but there are eight non-comabt arms soldier for every one. By all means pursue the branchof your choice. Each summer the army has an intern like program, not sure what it is called now, but try to get into it and experience your branch of choice. Best of Luck.

It’s not that I am a warmonger or anything; just a little sore about the way the Clinton administration basically took a big steaming dump on a lot of good men and proud military traditions. You hit the nail on the head when you mentioned spending years preparing for the big game and never getting to play. The worst part was sitting by and seeing terrorist actions and other countries basically spitting on US policies and not being able to do anything about it because your commander in chief is a pantywaist. I am not the only one that had to watch quietly as terrorist actions and efforts to spread anti-American propaganda were escalated to a critical level. We could have put a stop to it back then but our leadership was too inept to truly understand the seriousness of the situation. A lot of American blood was spilt as a result of fat bureaucrats sitting comfortably in their cushy government offices getting blow jobs while the true Americans are out there busting their asses every day to be able to rain hell on the enemies of humanity and freedom just because they know it’s the right thing to do. It is truly frustrating to be totally ready to put a stop to the evil bullshit going on out there, but not being able to because you don’t have permission. Anyway, I have ranted enough, I am sure that you and I are eye to eye on this kind of stuff. Keep up the good work and maybe now that everyone has been rudely awakened to the seriousness of the situation (a truly horrific price to pay) our boys can get the go-ahead to do what needs to be done. HOOOOAAHHH!!!

I know this question sounds cowardly, but it’s just out of curiousity. Which job in the military is the least likely to get shipped over to War if it were to break out, and which job would be the most likely to get shipped over?

No, it is not. The Air force is mostly the best place for you. They have the highest tail to teeth ratio and most aircraft are not forwarded deployed. “Yup, Sitting down at 600 mph, what a way to go to war.” Best of Luck.