So after trying to post a new blog on my T-page for about an hour and getting the same damn messege saying “cannot store info” i decided to just keep my blog up here. Nothing special, just decided to renew my dedication and refuel my fire. I’m going to repost my old blogs just so i can retrace my steps and i dont need to keep going back and forth from my T-page to here.
May 6 2008
Woke up around 11 after a long night at the club. Each minute that past felt like a week ever since i gave up drinking. This morning when i woke up took a piss and then walked around the neighborhood for about 20 minutes. When i got back to the pad i had a couple pieces of broiled chicken thigh (left overs from the previous night) and 4 eggs. Around 2 i had my second meal of canned chicken breast that i just ate with a tsp of garlic chili. So fuckin dry, i swear.
At 3 i ate a piece of whole grain toast and about a tsp of peanut butter. At 330 i hit the gym. I started off looking at the cute lil thing that was staring at me the minute i walked in so i went over to say hi. Then i hit the treadmill at 3mph and 6 incline for 5 minutes. After that i hit lat pull downs at 190 for 4 sets of 9-12, with a one set warm-up. The next lift was standing barbell rows. I started off with 90lbs for my warm up then, jumped to 185lbs for a set of 4. Rep ranging from 9 to 12.
After the rows i did my chins. Chins are my all time weakness so i started to incorporate them into my back training. I did 12 sets of rep ranges from 4 to 5 with as minimal rest in between, around 30 to 60 seconds. My next lift composed of a super set of 80lb db rows and 30lb rear flys. Rep ranging from 9-12 on each for 4 sets. To finish off my workout i decided to end with another super set of 150lb cable pullovers and 150lb close grip lat pulldowns. From there i did 4 sets of side planks for 60 seconds each.
I made sure to make the most of my training and decided to incorporate a shorter rest time then i’m used too in order to up my intensity. I just got home and i’m about to eat a piece of grilled chicken breast and some boiled broccoli with butter flavoring. Tonight i have an awesome meal planned out of ground turkey patties with chopped garlic and onions with about a finger of ginger. I cant wait! Also tonight around 10 i’m planning on doing some low intensity cardio. Either 60 mins on high bike or walking, i havent decided yet. Peace.
May 7 2008 12:44am
Here i am at the club drinking my last meal of the day. I cant wait to finish this syntha6 so i can jump onto Metabolic Drive. It’s a good night tonight, a lot of people came out so i’m going to get a fat envelope. The temptation to drink is leaving me… Slowly. But the urge isnt all that strong tonight. Ever since i made my T-Nation account, i think i’ve revamped my dedication to take my body to it’s fullest potential. I’m not feeling to fried from my back training today, although the shorter rest periods did make my training more intense. I loved every minute of it.
It game me sort of a new drive and a renewed dedication. I’ve been on this regiment now for about 3 weeks so i’m going to research some new lifts to incorporate into my training. But for sure i’m going to keep the shorter rest periods and the deads. Tomorrow is rest day for me, so that means light cardio or possibly one tabata session with the high bike. I’ve got about 11 more servings on this syntha6 so i’m thinking of replacing more meels in order for me to burn through this faster.
I want to at least get in a single tub of Metabolic Drive before i start the Velocity Diet. Time to make my rounds of hand shakes and booty slaps. I love me job! Sometimes…
May 7 2008 2:01pm
When i went down to pick up my dry cleaning earlier, i asked if they could do some measurements for me. So finally after a week of trying to get some measurements i have some…
Calves - 16 3/4
Thigh - 25 1/2
Love handles - 43
Between nips and handles - 37
Nips - 45
Shoulders - 53
Upper arm - 16 1/2
Neck - 16 1/2
Now what i have to wait till tomorrow for is going to get my BF% done.
May 8 2008 12:56am
This is starting to sound like i’m repeating myself. Haha. Well i’m here at the grand opening of Dulce in downtown San Diego. Just sitting in the the back office on the computer reading some of the posts in the forums. What a trip, right? Any who, i was lucky that today ended up being my rest day because i was stuck in traffic for a good 3 hours just leaving LA.
It was so bad! Especially cause i was with this one annoying ass broad that kept on talking about nonsense and stupid shit. Bah, at least she has a nice rack on her. I was able to get in 5 meals today, 3 of them consisting of shakes. And i really didnt get to do the cardio that i wanted to, so i subbed it for walking around the mall for an hour or so.
I forgot to bring an extra serving for my last meal so i just ended up sending one of the sub promoters to subway to pick me up a 6 inch. I dont really know if i’m going to eat the whole thing cause of my revamped dedication and my on going struggle to cut carbs from my last 2 meals of the day. I did though have half a glass of Dom just because we had to toast before we opened to doors. Tradition i guess.
Tomorrow i will be going to a “hardcore” gym, or so one of the promoters here tells me. I curious to see what it looks like cause i’ve never been to a “hardcore” gym before, other than Powerhouse. Luckily for me, that lil annoying thing that i drove down here with will be shacking up with me, so i wont have to worry about anything tonight. =)
My one problem with tomorrow will be that i do not know yet where my meals will be coming in from. I’m fighting the urge to go out to eat, or go to my friends house out here that will most likely cook for me. Either way, i’m already home sick. At least i have some nice boobies to keep me company tonight.
What a shitty person. This *ucker told me to be ready at 9:30am so we can go to this “hardcore” gym. He ended up flaking on me so i ended up just going to the 24 that i passed on the way to the hotel.
10min warm up on the treadmill
Military Press
90lb warmup with 15reps
4x12 at 135lbs
Seated laterals
25lb 3x8 with a 15lb 6rep drop
Front delt raise
25lb 3x8 with a 15lb 6rep drop
Incline rear delt flye
I started with 20lbs then moved up to 25, then once more to 30 but i could acheive the proper squeeze with the 30lbs so i winged it up with focusing on the neg. I did that on my 3rd set and then dropped back down to 25 for the 4th. My rep ranges were from 9 to 13.
Standing upright wide grip row
4x12 at 135lbs making sure to squeeze my traps and caps hard.
Lastly i super set front barbell raise(explosive movement) 45lbs with rear delt cable crossover 45lbs each handle. On the cables though, i dont use the handles cause i feel like i can get a better squeeze grabbing onto the cable itself.
I ended it off with 4 sets of side plank with 60s on each side.
I don’t usually go so low with my laterals and front raises but cause of the all nighter i pulled last night, i didnt feel like i could lift heavy with my raises. Plus the fact that i only got one meal in today so far, i’m feeling kinda fuzzy and lost.
I’m going to head over to this protein shack that the girl at the front desk told me about, and hopefully i can get a quality meal in. Also for some reason i’ve been extremely thirsty since i’ve been awake. So i’m consuming a lot of water.
Tonight will be another long night for me cause Thursday is the start of the weekend in Hollywood. I will be throwing an event at the Level 3 on hollywood and highland. I’ll be sure to bring a couple mixers with me so i wont miss out on my meals later on. For now, this protein shack will have to do. I’m also hoping there isn’t any traffic on the way back so i can get a nap in before i have to get ready and go out.
The one good thing that came out of this trip though was that i dont have to take that broad home. Last night after she made a withdrawal of testosterone from the Johnson bank, i asked her if she could just go and sleep in her room. So she got really mad and ended up going to her cousins house, who will also take her home. Ehh, i’ll see her again tonight anyway.
All *ucking right! After getting the shit kicked out of me from a smoker fight that i took for no reason except to just see how i stand against another 200lb’er i went on a binge of oly lifting and compound lifts to help get my ego back. My internet also went on the fritz and the only way to log on would be if i went to Starbucks with my laptop. It feels like it’s been forever since the last time i posted a blog/log.
To get things started, i finally finished the syntha6 that i had and i’m probably going to place an order of Metabolic Drive in tomorrow or Wednesday after i assess the damage of my IRA, phone, and insurance bills.
Today i had 7 egg whites along with a piece of whole wheat and about a tsp of peanut butter. I got into the gym pretty early today, or at least earlier than normal. It’s back day so my training went like this:
Wide grip pull ups
6x6 body weight = 204
Standing barbell rows
6x4 at 155lbs
Wide grip pull downs
6x4 at 200lbs
V-grip barbell row
6x4 at 3 plates, i dont know the exact weight cause the other side of the barbell is anchored to the floor
Standing pull overs
6x5 at 185lbs
Single arm db row
6x4 at 110lbs
Rope lat pull downs
6x4 at 200lbs
I ended my session with a 6 set ab circuit of:
ab wheel 10 reps
leg raise 10 reps
crunches 10 reps
For some reason right now my traps are really sore even though i didnt throw in any real pillar lifts.
Since my training i’ve had 4 meals all consisting of a chicken breast, a cup of boiled broccoli with some garlic seasoning and a piece of chicken thigh. I cooked in bulk yesterday so that i dont have to cook anything until tomorrow night.
No work tonight, thankfully. So i think i’m just gonna catch a movie at the blockbuster and kick it with my homegirl that wanted me to come by.
Oh yeah. One more thing. I split open my shin doing deads last week and i want it to heal for at least another week before i throw deads back into my routine.
Finally after more than a year of learning and failed training, i’m at a point where i think i’ve gotten my head straight about dieting and training. I’ve made a lot of mistakes in the past. Just look up at my earlier posts and you’ll see that, lol. I just started a new blast on the 16th and i’ll post here for some tweaking. I’m excited because before this i was writing everything down in a journal but i started to hate it so why not just resurrect my old log.
Today i did shoulders and one complex. Totally felt tired from not sleeping right last night. SWF got me through the workout along with some cardio bunnies.
DB shrugs 11-20 rp
Hammer shrugs 20-30 ss
Side laterals 15-30 ss
Cable rear delt 15-30 ss
Scarecrows 20-30 rp
DC shoulder stretching
Did a complex:
Back squat
Close grip upright rows
Ab crunch
Did that for 8 reps 3 circuits with 90 sec rest for 3 sets.
Did the Obey Giant party at La Cita in downtown LA tonight. Super tired and gonna go to sleep. More Training tomorrow and hopefully get some long deserved rest. Weighed in at 259lbs with high bf%. I officially cut out carbs except for one high day a week. Going to try and see how that goes. Good night all!
DB flat bench 20-30 rp
Standing military 11-20 rp
Floor tri ext 20-30 rp
Triceps ladder Max reps per level
Triceps stretch
Weighted rack chins
D-handle rows 11-20 rp
Hammer rows low 20-30 rp
I had a pretty solid workout. I put some new tunes into my rotation, so i felt extra moto. I have my party tonight at the Highlands, then going to the Standard for some after party madness. Got some people staying with me for the weekend, i came home to find them rifling through my supps. “Hey what does this do?” Is what i kept hearing as well as the usually, “I need to start working out.” It’s always the same.
Looking forward to going to Roys in Pasadena before Highlands. I heard they have a new rib-eye steak on the menu and i’m super hungry.
Went to the gym and really didn’t do much. I set up my commercial gym prowler and pushed it around for 20 mins. Did some neck raises and some medicine ball throws. After the gym i went to the office and tried to get some work done. Called up my friend at Obey to see if i can haz some free stuff. Got like 5000 stickers of different types.
Got a poster mailed out to me also. Eh, rest day is boring. Going out to try some new tequila from the founder of Patron. Apparently he has sold Patron and started a new company. We’ll see what happens.
I hate the dmv. I made a damn appointment for 11am and didn’t get seen till around 1pm. In the end, i had to pay a late fee on my renewal because they said my insurance wasn’t valid, fml. Hit the gym with a lot of moto.
DB preacher 15-30 rp
Reverse curl 11-20 ss
Smith calf raise 11-20 ss
Back squat 10-12 ss + widowmakers
Lying leg curl 15-30 rp
Took me longer then i liked to finish. Saw some old friends that don’t come around that often so i got to talking after i did my stretching for my biceps. After i got home i just sat around and watched Star Trek on blu ray then got sucked into the special features for about 2 hours.