Has anyone been keeping up with the John Edwards trial? I am completely blown away by the sheer piece-of-shitness of this guy! Totally souless excuse of a human being. Edwards really looks like the worst of all the major political cheaters - including JFK, Clinton, Gingrich, Cain, Guilianni, Swartzenegger, etc. Or perhaps he’s just getting the most dirt out in the press. Hope he gets the max and butcher haircuts for the rest of his natural life.
[quote]Sweet Revenge wrote:
Has anyone been keeping up with the John Edwards trial? I am completely blown away by the sheer piece-of-shitness of this guy! Totally souless excuse of a human being. Edwards really looks like the worst of all the major political cheaters - including JFK, Clinton, Gingrich, Cain, Guilianni, Swartzenegger, etc. Or perhaps he’s just getting the most dirt out in the press. Hope he gets the max and butcher haircuts for the rest of his natural life.[/quote]
He only looks bad because he got caught in the worst way possible. The others that you’ve named were just as bad.
They’re politicians…
At least the Bushes and Obama (I think) seem to be decent individuals in that regard. We see the horrible consequnces of affairs played out in public way too often. So why do these losers continue to do it? Are they really stupid enough to think the family humiliation and disgrace won’t happen to them? And they want to run our government?
Oh, I forgot to list than Sanford guy from South Carolina! These guys need to get a bar implanted in their spine to keep their dick from taking over their brain.
[quote]Sweet Revenge wrote:
At least the Bushes and Obama (I think) seem to be decent individuals in that regard. We see the horrible consequnces of affairs played out in public way too often. So why do these losers continue to do it? Are they really stupid enough to think the family humiliation and disgrace won’t happen to them? And they want to run our government?
Oh, I forgot to list than Sanford guy from South Carolina! These guys need to get a bar implanted in their spine to keep their dick from taking over their brain.[/quote]
I wondered for a long time now why people are so perplexed that politicians do things like that.
Apart from a certain sense of entitlement that you need to run in the first place and of course the added sense of entitlement that you develop if you are in Washington long enough, have you listened to the complete and utter horseshit they get elected for?
Of course they are under the impression that the majority of people could not find their own ass with a compass, a map and a handlight and they are not wrong.
In fact, I would argue that it is almost a matter of necessity of mental hygiene to flount your contempt at least to some degree if you watch the political process from so close a distance.
Let’s not forget NJ’s former criminal governor Jon Corslime, er Corzine. He had an affair with the head of a big union, of all things. Broke up his 33 year old marriage. Gov. Chris Christie is STILL undoing the policy damage. Then he goes on to plead the 5th to Congress as the former CEO of MF Global — that accidentally lost/misplaced a billion last year. WTF?
All I know is if they cheat in their marriage, they will cheat the taxpayer/public. I would never vote for a cheater. Question is…why do they get ANY votes?
You answered that one Orion! Because people can’t find their ass with a flashlight and map!
[quote]Sweet Revenge wrote:
Let’s not forget NJ’s former criminal governor Jon Corslime, er Corzine. He had an affair with the head of a big union, of all things. Broke up his 33 year old marriage. Gov. Chris Christie is STILL undoing the policy damage. Then he goes on to plead the 5th to Congress as the former CEO of MF Global — that accidentally lost/misplaced a couple billion last year. WTF?
All I know is if they cheat in their marriage, they will cheat the taxpayer/public. I would never vote for a cheater. Question is…why do they get ANY votes?[/quote]
Because the main stream liberal media convinced people that sex doesn’t count. And that a “personal” decision to cheat on your spouse has nothing to do with your professional agenda. In short, they convinced people that character doesn’t matter.
[quote]ZEB wrote:
Because the main stream liberal media convinced people that sex doesn’t count. And that a “personal” decision to cheat on your spouse has nothing to do with your professional agenda. In short, they convinced people that character doesn’t matter.
Bastards! We could probably pay off the U.S. national debt with the money saved if we got the spineless dcikheads out of office. Instead, we’ve got the sloppy media enabling them.
[quote]ZEB wrote:
[quote]Sweet Revenge wrote:
Let’s not forget NJ’s former criminal governor Jon Corslime, er Corzine. He had an affair with the head of a big union, of all things. Broke up his 33 year old marriage. Gov. Chris Christie is STILL undoing the policy damage. Then he goes on to plead the 5th to Congress as the former CEO of MF Global — that accidentally lost/misplaced a couple billion last year. WTF?
All I know is if they cheat in their marriage, they will cheat the taxpayer/public. I would never vote for a cheater. Question is…why do they get ANY votes?[/quote]
Because the main stream liberal media convinced people that sex doesn’t count. And that a “personal” decision to cheat on your spouse has nothing to do with your professional agenda. In short, they convinced people that character doesn’t matter.
Conscientiousness, integrety, & loyalty are the characteristics we should be exaimining. The sexual behavior of the individual may or may not cast a negative shadow over their integrity. Cheating on your spouse violates all three characteristics! John Edwards is certainly ‘ethiclly challanged’, however I am undecided if I want tax dollars being spent on cases like this.
[quote]BlueCollarTr8n wrote:
[quote]ZEB wrote:
[quote]Sweet Revenge wrote:
Let’s not forget NJ’s former criminal governor Jon Corslime, er Corzine. He had an affair with the head of a big union, of all things. Broke up his 33 year old marriage. Gov. Chris Christie is STILL undoing the policy damage. Then he goes on to plead the 5th to Congress as the former CEO of MF Global — that accidentally lost/misplaced a couple billion last year. WTF?
All I know is if they cheat in their marriage, they will cheat the taxpayer/public. I would never vote for a cheater. Question is…why do they get ANY votes?[/quote]
Because the main stream liberal media convinced people that sex doesn’t count. And that a “personal” decision to cheat on your spouse has nothing to do with your professional agenda. In short, they convinced people that character doesn’t matter.
Conscientiousness, integrety, & loyalty are the characteristics we should be exaimining. The sexual behavior of the individual may or may not cast a negative shadow over their integrity. Cheating on your spouse violates all three characteristics! John Edwards is certainly ‘ethiclly challanged’, however I am undecided if I want tax dollars being spent on cases like this. [/quote]
Personally, I’d like to out every stinking one of these cheaters who pass themselves off as men of high character.
They basically scum bag liars. And they want to lead us?
[quote]ZEB wrote:
[quote]BlueCollarTr8n wrote:
[quote]ZEB wrote:
[quote]Sweet Revenge wrote:
Let’s not forget NJ’s former criminal governor Jon Corslime, er Corzine. He had an affair with the head of a big union, of all things. Broke up his 33 year old marriage. Gov. Chris Christie is STILL undoing the policy damage. Then he goes on to plead the 5th to Congress as the former CEO of MF Global — that accidentally lost/misplaced a couple billion last year. WTF?
All I know is if they cheat in their marriage, they will cheat the taxpayer/public. I would never vote for a cheater. Question is…why do they get ANY votes?[/quote]
Because the main stream liberal media convinced people that sex doesn’t count. And that a “personal” decision to cheat on your spouse has nothing to do with your professional agenda. In short, they convinced people that character doesn’t matter.
Conscientiousness, integrety, & loyalty are the characteristics we should be exaimining. The sexual behavior of the individual may or may not cast a negative shadow over their integrity. Cheating on your spouse violates all three characteristics! John Edwards is certainly ‘ethiclly challanged’, however I am undecided if I want tax dollars being spent on cases like this. [/quote]
Personally, I’d like to out every stinking one of these cheaters who pass themselves off as men of high character.
They basically scum bag liars. And they want to lead us?
We agree on something today.
[quote]BlueCollarTr8n wrote:
[quote]ZEB wrote:
[quote]Sweet Revenge wrote:
Let’s not forget NJ’s former criminal governor Jon Corslime, er Corzine. He had an affair with the head of a big union, of all things. Broke up his 33 year old marriage. Gov. Chris Christie is STILL undoing the policy damage. Then he goes on to plead the 5th to Congress as the former CEO of MF Global — that accidentally lost/misplaced a couple billion last year. WTF?
All I know is if they cheat in their marriage, they will cheat the taxpayer/public. I would never vote for a cheater. Question is…why do they get ANY votes?[/quote]
Because the main stream liberal media convinced people that sex doesn’t count. And that a “personal” decision to cheat on your spouse has nothing to do with your professional agenda. In short, they convinced people that character doesn’t matter.
Conscientiousness, integrety, & loyalty are the characteristics we should be exaimining. The sexual behavior of the individual may or may not cast a negative shadow over their integrity. Cheating on your spouse violates all three characteristics! John Edwards is certainly ‘ethiclly challanged’, however I am undecided if I want tax dollars being spent on cases like this. [/quote]
What if your spouse is Hillary Clinton?
[quote]ZEB wrote:
[quote]BlueCollarTr8n wrote:
[quote]ZEB wrote:
[quote]Sweet Revenge wrote:
Let’s not forget NJ’s former criminal governor Jon Corslime, er Corzine. He had an affair with the head of a big union, of all things. Broke up his 33 year old marriage. Gov. Chris Christie is STILL undoing the policy damage. Then he goes on to plead the 5th to Congress as the former CEO of MF Global — that accidentally lost/misplaced a couple billion last year. WTF?
All I know is if they cheat in their marriage, they will cheat the taxpayer/public. I would never vote for a cheater. Question is…why do they get ANY votes?[/quote]
Because the main stream liberal media convinced people that sex doesn’t count. And that a “personal” decision to cheat on your spouse has nothing to do with your professional agenda. In short, they convinced people that character doesn’t matter.
Conscientiousness, integrety, & loyalty are the characteristics we should be exaimining. The sexual behavior of the individual may or may not cast a negative shadow over their integrity. Cheating on your spouse violates all three characteristics! John Edwards is certainly ‘ethiclly challanged’, however I am undecided if I want tax dollars being spent on cases like this. [/quote]
Personally, I’d like to out every stinking one of these cheaters who pass themselves off as men of high character.
They basically scum bag liars. And they want to lead us?
No, for the most part they dont.
They want your money and they get it.
[quote]orion wrote:
Hillary Clinton?[/quote]
[quote]orion wrote:
What if your spouse is Hillary Clinton?[/quote]
Seriously, that’s a fair question. We’ve all been tempted. And there is always someone better looking, fitter, richer, younger and happier-to-be-around than your spouse. Sometimes that other someone is making the move on YOU! You only pass this way once bro!
To a much lesser extent, it’s just like someone who forgets about cutting and eating clean and decides to dive into the all-you-can-eat deep fried General’s Chicken, fried rice and ice cream for dessert. Are the consequences really worth it? Did you even stop to THINK about the consequences?
It’s possible that this whole Edward’s thing ‘could-have’ played out without consequences. Rielle could have not gotten pregnant. SHe could have drifted away into the background forever. Elizabeth could have made a full recovery. They both could be in the WH!
I’m sure there are lots of affairs that occur without barely a blip on anyones radar. So, IT IS possible to get away with it. Why do we (speaking for myself mostly) judge Edwards so harshly? Probably because from personal history, we’ve seen the sheer destructiveness of this activity up close and personal. It’s enough to make a non-religious person take out a special crucifix when some tramp comes around wagging her tail. It’s hard to convincingly explain that to someone who hasn’t experienced it themselves. It can literally destroy your life as you know it.
[quote]Bambi wrote:
[quote]ZEB wrote:
[quote]BlueCollarTr8n wrote:
[quote]ZEB wrote:
[quote]Sweet Revenge wrote:
Let’s not forget NJ’s former criminal governor Jon Corslime, er Corzine. He had an affair with the head of a big union, of all things. Broke up his 33 year old marriage. Gov. Chris Christie is STILL undoing the policy damage. Then he goes on to plead the 5th to Congress as the former CEO of MF Global — that accidentally lost/misplaced a couple billion last year. WTF?
All I know is if they cheat in their marriage, they will cheat the taxpayer/public. I would never vote for a cheater. Question is…why do they get ANY votes?[/quote]
Because the main stream liberal media convinced people that sex doesn’t count. And that a “personal” decision to cheat on your spouse has nothing to do with your professional agenda. In short, they convinced people that character doesn’t matter.
Conscientiousness, integrety, & loyalty are the characteristics we should be exaimining. The sexual behavior of the individual may or may not cast a negative shadow over their integrity. Cheating on your spouse violates all three characteristics! John Edwards is certainly ‘ethiclly challanged’, however I am undecided if I want tax dollars being spent on cases like this. [/quote]
Personally, I’d like to out every stinking one of these cheaters who pass themselves off as men of high character.
They basically scum bag liars. And they want to lead us?
We agree on something today.
I don’t know much about Scottish politicians are they of this quality as well?
[quote]Sweet Revenge wrote:
Has anyone been keeping up with the John Edwards trial? I am completely blown away by the sheer piece-of-shitness of this guy! Totally souless excuse of a human being. Edwards really looks like the worst of all the major political cheaters - including JFK, Clinton, Gingrich, Cain, Guilianni, Swartzenegger, etc. Or perhaps he’s just getting the most dirt out in the press. Hope he gets the max and butcher haircuts for the rest of his natural life.
I haven’t really been following the details.
Much as I dislike John Edwards, I was concerned several months ago when I had read that the basis of the case against him was (supposedly): a wealthy donor knowingly paid to help support the mistress and/or cover up the affair; the money was not reported as a campaign contribution; but the money should have been reported as a campaign contribution because covering up the affair would help Edwards’ political career. If Edwards were convicted of a crime solely on that basis, that would set a very bad precedent: where perfectly innocent things that friends paid for on behalf of the candidate that had nothing to do with campaigning could then be used as the basis of a criminal case of campaign finance violation, just because that thing in some way, shape, or form would put the candidate in a better position to be elected to public office. I am not saying that having a wealthy friend pay for expenses to help cover up an affair is innocent; I am saying it would be logically equivalent to any number of innocent non-campaign expenditures in terms of helping a political career.
From skimming over an article or two recently, it seems as though there might be more to the case, and there might have actually been improper diversion of actual campaign funds. If actual fraudulent use of actual campaign funds is proven, then I am fine with Edwards being convicted and going to prison. But if the only thing that is provable is the situation in my prior paragraph, then I would rather see Edwards get off scot free than set the precedent explained in my prior paragraph.
Quote from A_Man_for_All_Seasons:
Sir Thomas More: Yes! What would you do? Cut a great road through the law to get after the Devil?
William Roper: Yes, I’d cut down every law in England to do that!
Sir Thomas More: Oh? And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned 'round on you, where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country is planted thick with laws, from coast to coast, Man’s laws, not God’s! And if you cut them down, and you’re just the man to do it, do you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then? Yes, I’d give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safety’s sake!
The only one I could think was more loathsome would be Newt Gingrich
I have the uncomfortable impression Edwards might skate, but you make a solid point Neal.
Don’t really know too much about Newty except he’s on his 3rd wife, right?
I remember when his ex came out in the press against him before the S. Carolina primary and he won anyway! WTF? No matter, glad he’s gone. I’ve decided to only indulge a few minutes a day to this tawdry bullshit. Don’t want to get too much of it on the brain – it’s a terrible thing to waste, you know.
It is partisan politics , Democrats are as guilty as Republicans
[quote]ZEB wrote:
[quote]Bambi wrote:
[quote]ZEB wrote:
[quote]BlueCollarTr8n wrote:
[quote]ZEB wrote:
[quote]Sweet Revenge wrote:
Let’s not forget NJ’s former criminal governor Jon Corslime, er Corzine. He had an affair with the head of a big union, of all things. Broke up his 33 year old marriage. Gov. Chris Christie is STILL undoing the policy damage. Then he goes on to plead the 5th to Congress as the former CEO of MF Global — that accidentally lost/misplaced a couple billion last year. WTF?
All I know is if they cheat in their marriage, they will cheat the taxpayer/public. I would never vote for a cheater. Question is…why do they get ANY votes?[/quote]
Because the main stream liberal media convinced people that sex doesn’t count. And that a “personal” decision to cheat on your spouse has nothing to do with your professional agenda. In short, they convinced people that character doesn’t matter.
Conscientiousness, integrety, & loyalty are the characteristics we should be exaimining. The sexual behavior of the individual may or may not cast a negative shadow over their integrity. Cheating on your spouse violates all three characteristics! John Edwards is certainly ‘ethiclly challanged’, however I am undecided if I want tax dollars being spent on cases like this. [/quote]
Personally, I’d like to out every stinking one of these cheaters who pass themselves off as men of high character.
They basically scum bag liars. And they want to lead us?
We agree on something today.
I don’t know much about Scottish politicians are they of this quality as well?[/quote]
Scottish, English, British - Like you wouldn’t believe. Up to their eyes in corruption and affairs and lying the whole time