John Cena Training

damn. he’s pretty good at that lol

[quote]Nate Dogg wrote:
No one trains barefoot???

Come on Vince! Most of us still squat, deadlift and lift barefoot![/quote]

I think that Vince McMahon is a retard (who just happens to be wealthy). I think he even said “cro-magnom” instead of “cro-magnon.” I tell ya, he’s a cron-magnom!

As for Cena, he’s kicking ass!

[quote]MytchBucanan wrote:
Sxio wrote:
shizen wrote:
I’m pretty sure all of them train like a bodybuilder, they are basically bodybuilders who can act.

Have you seen the stuff they do in the ring?

So much more athletic than bodybuilders. WORLD’s of difference.

Do you assume the average bodybuilder couldnt learn how to do that stuff? Of course they could, given enough time to practice.

Yeah. I’m sure Ronnie Coleman and Jay Cutler are going to start doing flips and break falls from 6feet+ anyday now.

get a grip man. There is nothing athletic about being a bodybuilder. Hypertrophy training will give you bigger muscles, but it WILL slow you down. (I’m talking controlled eccentric, 8-12reps training).

These guys would be hard pressed to break into a run, let alone a sprint, and you think they can jump in the ring and put on a show?

I say no way. They’re good at what they do, but some of the wrestlers are in another world with their athletic ability.

his form is surprisingly good (minus maybe the pullups)… compared to what i see on most bb compilation vids

What are the benefits of squatting barefoot?

[quote]sed26 wrote:
What are the benefits of squatting barefoot? [/quote]

besides the mental benefits, you’ll have feet like frodo baggins

If you watch the video it looks like he is training in some white sneakers. Honestly I don’t get training in BARE FEET, but I have deadlifted in socks before and It worked well-still prefer flat shoes though like converse-

I think those are socks in the squat portion of the vid. Barefoot training strengthens the muscles of your foot, which is said to help strength (I think)neural adaptations. It’s also one reason of many that Chucks are good shoes. Dunno, but I noticed a marked increase when I switched to chucks way back when.

nice video… very motivating!

His training partner said chains are a good way to overload the triceps. Can anybody elaborate on that? Is it just the fact that the higher you go on the movement, the more weight you’re actually moving?(ie:more links off the floor) or was the guy just referring back to the close grips?

[quote]Tulkastaldo wrote:
His training partner said chains are a good way to overload the triceps. Can anybody elaborate on that? Is it just the fact that the higher you go on the movement, the more weight you’re actually moving?(ie:more links off the floor) or was the guy just referring back to the close grips?[/quote]

exactly, as the links come off the floor its more weight, so at lockout (where the triceps do most of the work) is heavier than the bottom.

[quote]austin_bicep wrote:
sed26 wrote:
What are the benefits of squatting barefoot?

besides the mental benefits, you’ll have feet like frodo baggins[/quote]

You work the posterior chain more.

There was another video that showed him looking pretty awesome in his early teens as a Bodybuilder.

probably this video here

[quote]Lunarisx718 wrote:
probably this video here

John Cena Gold's Gym Ad - YouTube [/quote]

This commercial makes BBers look bad.

[quote]undeadlift wrote:
Lunarisx718 wrote:
probably this video here

This commercial makes BBers look bad.[/quote]

“Is their snow on the top of that mountain?” lmao…

[quote]Nick927 wrote:
BroLac wrote:
John Cena is an animal. I actually watch that video everyday before I train.

Dude its not cool to have such a man crush on John Cena where you go out of your way to watch that video everyday before you train.

Also, its not cool when I see you in the gym, using your I-Pod touch streaming that video from youtube on it.

Actually, its really strange when I see you in the gym sporting the John Cena t-shirt with the fake dog tags in the front, and in the back of the shirt in big bold letters it states “The Champ Is Here.”

Finally, its very uncool when I come over your house and you have your walls plastered with John Cena wearing man thong posters all over your wall and a box of John Cena tissues for cleanup.

As a friend I am just looking out for you, trying to let you know this man crush of yours has gotten out of hand and you might need some professional help.

What’s not cool is how you suck frank d’s cock after everyone of his workouts.

Isn’t that the guy who played in the movie called “The Marine”???

Hell that movie sucked but great body!