I would like to thank all the hard work the regulars put into this forum section. I have read the stickies and am trying to comprehend and retain all of this.
Here is my required personal info;
-age -37
-height -6’3"
-waist -35"
-weight -200lbs
-describe body and facial hair
-facial hair fairly thick,small amount of chest hair, lower arms have hair, legs normal to light hair, no hair on upper arms or back,
-describe where you carry fat and how changed
-Have ALWAYS had a ring of fat around my belly button area, sides, and lower back. ALWAYS! I cannot shake this, no matter how lean the rest of me gets.
-health conditions, symptoms [history]
-none to report
-Rx and OTC drugs, any hair loss drugs or prostate drugs ever
-none regularly. Advile once or twice a month.
– real dangers! see this http://propeciahelp.com/overvi…
-lab results with ranges
-see below (incomplete Labs for GP only so far)
-describe diet [some create substantial damage with starvation diets]
-diet is fairly dialed in. Past 3 years I have tried to add muscle starting in fall, about 300cals over maintenance (2,400cals), gain 10-15lbs, shed it starting late winter 300-400 call under maintenance. Roughly 150g protein daily.
-describe training [some ruin there hormones by over training]
-started lifting 3 years ago. 4 days of resistance training /wk now, 2 upper & 2 lower body including compound lifts. 15-30 minutes of cardio 1-3 days a week usually not on lifting days.
-testes ache, ever, with a fever?
-not that I remember
-how have morning wood and nocturnal erections changed
-maybe once a week now, maybe. Used to be more frequently. They have steadily dwindled last three years.
I had blood work done in Aug 2013 and Feb 2015 for my general doctor. I requested total and free test. I know there are other things I need lab work for, but again, I know I’m not even at the starting block yet.
-Total test
355ng/dl range 250-1100
-Free test
49.5pg/ml. range 35.0-155
-White blood count
5.9 range 3.8-10.8
-Red blood count
5.17 range 4.2-5.8
16.0 range 13.2-17.1
46.6% range 38.5-50
90.1 FL range 80.0-100
30.9 pg range 27.0-33
34.3 g/dL range 32.0-36
13.6% range 11.0-15
Platelet count
209 range 140-400
Absolute neutrophils
3440 range 1500-7800
-Absolute lymphocytes
1906 range 850-3900
-Absolute monocytes
472 range 200-950
-Absolute eosinophils
59 range 15-500
-Absolute basophils
24 range 0-200
58.3% range na
32.3% range na
8.0% range na
1.0% range na
0.4% range na
4.6 g/dl range 3.6-5.1
Albumin/Globulin ratio
2.3 (calc) range 1.0-2.5
-Alkaline phosphatase
53 u/l range 40-115
26 u/l range 9-46
26 u/l range 10-40
-Bilirubin, total
1.0 mg/dl range 0.2-1.2
9.6 mg/dl range 8.6-10.3
-Carbon dioxide
25 mmol/L range 19-30
107 mmol/L range 98-110
1.02 mg/dl range 0.6-1.35
-eGFR (non-African American)
95 range > or =60
2.0g/dl(calc) range 1.9-3.7
87 mg/dl range 65-99
4.1 mmol/L range 3.5-5.3
-Protein, total
6.6 g/dl range 6.1-8.1
-141 mmol/L range 135-146
-UREA Nitrogen (BUN)
24 mg/dl range 7-25
�¢?�ª39 mg/dl range�£??<150
-Cholesterol total
148 mg/dl range 125-200
-HDL Cholesterol
57 mg/dl range > or =40
range < 130
-CHOL/HDLC ratio
2.6 (calc) range < or =5.0
-NON HDL cholesterol
91 (calc) range LDL range+30
-Total test
339ng/dl range 250-1100
-Free test
48.4pg/ml. range 35.0-155
-White blood count
4.6 range 3.8-10.8
-Red blood count
5.25 range 4.2-5.8
16.0 range 13.2-17.1
47.5% range 38.5-50
90.4 fL range 80.0-100
30.4 pg range 27.0-33
33.6 g/dL range 32.0-36
14.1% range 11.0-15
-Platelet count
236 range 140-400
-Absolute neutrophils
2245 range 1500-7800
Absolute lymphocytes
1932 range 850-3900
-Absolute monocytes
345 range 200-950
Absolute eosinophils
55 range 15-500
Absolute basophils
23 range 0-200
48.8% range na
42.0% range na
7.5% range na
1.2% range na
0.5% range na
4.5 g/dl range 3.6-5.1
-Albumin/Globulin ratio
2.1 (calc) range 1.0-2.5
-Alkaline phosphatase
59 u/l range 40-115
29 u/l range 9-46
26 u/l range 10-40
-Bilirubin, total
1.0 mg/dl range 0.2-1.2
9.5 mg/dl range 8.6-10.3
-Carbon dioxide
25 mmol/L range 19-30
104 mmol/L range 98-110
1.01 mg/dl range 0.6-1.35
-eGFR (non-African American)
95 range > or =60
2.1g/dl(calc) range 1.9-3.7
94 mg/dl range 65-99
4.5 mmol/L range 3.5-5.3
-Protein, total
6.6 g/dl range 6.1-8.1
139 mmol/L range 135-146
-UREA Nitrogen (BUN)
19 mg/dl range 7-25
51 mg/dl range <150
-Cholesterol total
158 mg/dl range 125-200
-HDL Cholesterol
60 mg/dl range > or =40
-LDL Cholesterol
88 mg/dl(calc) range <130
-CHOL/HDLC ratio
2.6 (calc) range < or =5.0
NON HDL cholesterol
98 (calc) range LDL range+30
I brought up the low T levels in 2013. Of course doc said “You’re in range,nothing to worry about.”
The last year I have noticed a substantial loss of libido and energy. Very little muscle and strength gain, and all I do is gain and lose the same 15lbs of fat every year. I find myself short with my family, crabby for no reason and I avoid yard work like the plague which I used to enjoy. By 2pm, I’m exhausted. This year I again brought up the low T, and doc said I’m in range, but recommended a urologist. I am going to a wellness doctor for a free consultation first just for more info. I have also started to record body temps beginning yesterday (97.7 upon waking up, 98.6 in evening). In the multivitamins I take I get a total of 200mg Selenium per day, split morning and evening.
I would like to find a doctor to work with, get more blood work done, and start TRT this fall. In my research and daily life, I feel I am a candidate. Do you agree?
Is there anything glaring in my past two blood test (again, I know things are missing and I am very eager to find out my E2 levels) that would throw a red flag? When I do find a doc to work with, I want to be as armed as possible. Yes, I’ll continue re-reading the stickies.
Thanks again for all input!