Just finished watching the Raiders/Titans game and all I can say is Jerry Rice is awesome. I realize he is in the twilight of his career but honestly he is still unbelievable. He is the greatest.
No argument here, James!
There are two points that I’d like to bring up about both Jerry Rice and Emmitt Smith:
- What amazes me most about the two is their LONGEVITY! Yes…staying healthy in the NFL this many years involves a LOT of luck…but both of them always, (and STILL) give it 200%! (A recent report stated that the average “lifespan” of an NFL running back is 4 YEARS!..and Emmitt has done it for 14, HARD years!).
- I think that it will be almost impossible to break the records of Jerry Rice and Emmitt…and it has nothing to do with the fact that talented guys, even more gifted than them, will come along. It’s just that players are getting bigger and faster; offensive and defensive schemes are becoming so much more complex…and for someone to have the health and longeivity of these two would just defy a LOT of odds…
What do you guys think?
…I guess maybe Randy Moss could break Jerrys’ records…(right!)
…I just hope the kid can get his ACT together…
First off, I am a huge Raiders fan, and secondly, Jerry Rice is the hardest worker in the NFL, he trains every week in the off season and is in peak physical condition, He is outrunning 20 year olds, and he turns 40 in 3 weeks!!! Amazing
I’m surprised Jason Norcross hasn’t chimed in on this one after his experience at the EKG table at the Raiders’ training camp.
I have to agree with you Mufasa on all the points you mentioned. And I must add one and it involves who other than Randy Moss yes he is a great physical talent but not a great football player such as Smith and Rice. I know it sounds corny but I believe that they still love the game. I believe Randy only loves Randy. Just my opinion. Later.
I’ve observed Jerry Rice throughout his 49’er career and his dedication to his craft is astounding and worthy of praise. I recall his very first NFL season, seems like yesterday. Now, as a Raider at the age of 40 he still can wear out 20 year olds with his rigorous training. Reminds me of Ty Cobb who at the age of 40 himself said to a young Al Simmons, “Hey how about running a few laps with the old man?” Soon after Cobb turned his head to see Simmons on the ground with his tongue hanging out. Rice is quite a specimen and it has been a pleasure to watch him through the years. More power to him.