bw 184
Hieght 5’9
age 31
push press from stands (belt)
4x1 165
5x3 145
Close grip Bench Press
4x1 185
5x3 165
1x10 135
Reverse Barbell Curl
4x1 90
5x3 75
1x10 55
Push press- nice working weight
Cgbp- to light
Reverse Barbell curl- nice working weight
box squat (16’ box, belt)
4x1 295
5x3 245
rack pull (right below knee, belt)
4x1 415
5x3 365
underhand bentover row
4x1 205
5x3 185
1x10 135
box squats- challenging weight had to concentrate
Rack pulls- same as box squats
underhand rows- no great difficulty
Monday 10/26/09
Clean and press
5x1 145
1x4 125
4x3 125
Bench press
5x1 205
1x4 185
4x3 185
1x10 140
Barbell curl
5x1 105
1x4 85
4x3 85
1x10 70
clean and press- felt strong
bench- brought grip out
B.curl- not much difficulty
Tues 10/29/09
Olympic Style Squat
5x1 225
1x4 205
4x3 205
1x10 160
Conventational deadlift
5x1 315
1x4 275
4x3 275
bentover Row
5x1 205
1x4 185
4x3 185
1x6 140
All lifts felt good
Thurs 10/29/09
Push Press From Stands (belt)
5x1 165
1x4 145
4x3 145
5x1 185
1x4 165
4x3 165
1x10 140
Reverse Barbell Curl
5x1 90
1x4 70
4x3 70
1x10 60
Felt good today all weights felt light
Clean and press
6x1 145
1x5 125
4x3 125
Bench press
6x1 205 ( 3 sec pause at bottom)
1x5 185
4x3 185
1x10 145
Barbell curl
6x1 105
1x5 85
4x3 85
1x10 75
all lifts felt easy today
olympic squat
6x1 225
1x5 205
4x3 205
1x10 165
Coventanional Deadlift
6x1 315
1x5 275
4x3 275
bentover barbell row
6x1 205
1x5 185
4x3 185
1x10 145
all lifts felt really light today.
Jeans blew out in the squat, should have known better,
Thursday 11/4/09 bw 184
Push press from stands
6x1 165
1x5 145
4x3 145
6x1 185
1x5 165
4x3 165
1x10 145
Reverse Barbell Curl
6x1 90
1x5 70
4x3 70
1x10 65
push press from stands- had to really concnetrate on these today.
CGBP- easy
Reverse curls easy
box squat (belt) 16 inch box
6x1 295
1x5 245
4x3 245
1x10 165
Rack pull (right below knees)
6x1 405
1x5 365
4x3 365
underhand barbell row
6x1 205
1x5 185
4x3 185
1x10 140
box squats not much difficulty
rack pulls- one of the hardest sets i ever worked through had to dig really deep to finsh. (last time they were not a problem)
underhand rows- not much difficulty
Sunday 11/8/09
decline barbell situps
6x1 165
1x5 145
4x3 145
1x10 125
Clean and press
7x1 145
1x5 125
1x4 125
3x3 125
Bench press
7x1 205 (3 sec pause)
1x5 185
1x4 185
3x3 185
1x10 150
Barbell curl
7x1 105
1x5 85
1x4 85
3x3 85
1x10 80
Olympic Squat
7x1 225 (3 sec pause)
1x5 205
1x4 205
3x3 205
1x10 170
Conventional deadlift
7x1 315
1x5 275
1x4 275
3x3 275
Barbell row
7x1 205
1x5 185
1x4 185
3x3 185
1x10 150
Push press from racks (belt)
7x1 165
1x5 145
1x4 145
3x3 145
7x1 185
1x5 165
1x4 165
3x3 165
1x10 150
Reverse Barbell curl
7x1 90
1x5 70
1x4 70
3x3 70
1x10 70
Box squats (belt, 16"inch box)
7x1 295 (3 sec pause)
1x5 245
1x4 245
3x3 245
Rack pulls from below knees
7x1 405
1x5 365
1x4 365
3x3 365
underhand barbell row
7x1 205
1x5 185
1x4 185
3x3 185
1x10 150
Felt confident today,all lifts felt good.
Clean and press
4x1 155
2x5 125
1x4 125
2x3 125
Bench press
4x1 210 (3 sec pause)
2x5 185
1x4 185
2x3 185
Barbell curl
4x1 110
2x5 85
1x4 85
2x3 85
1x7 85
Oylmpic Style squat (no belt)
4x1 235 (3 sec pause)
2x5 205
1x4 205
2x3 205
Coventional deadlift
4x1 325
2x5 275
1x4 275
2x3 275
Bentover rows
4x1 210
2x5 185
1x4 185
2x3 185
1x8 155
Squats- had to grind these out today
Deads and rows went nicely