Check the nutrition stats on their website. Some of the menu items are nothing but fruit with acceptable levels of calories, but others are loaded with added sugar.
If you are worried/concerned about Soy watch what you drink there. Protein = Soy not Whey. Some smoothies are also made with Soymilk. Also, Sherbet/Sorbet = sugar.
[quote]RoadWarrior wrote:
If you are worried/concerned about Soy watch what you drink there. Protein = Soy not Whey. Some smoothies are also made with Soymilk. Also, Sherbet/Sorbet = sugar.[/quote]
Yeah, I noticed that when I was in there. I was commenting to my Wife about how they used all these soy products and how that was too bad… I also noticed all the sherbert mixes they used…
I laughed when I saw some girl in there taking a shot of blended up wheat grass… Seriously, it was like someone ordered a shot of Jack at the bar and just took it and left. It was friggin’ hilarious.
I went there today for the first time in a couple years and I didn’t think it was good. Looking at the nutrition facts tonight after I had it earlier I am sorry I drank the peanut butter moo’d.
[quote]Kreal7 wrote:
I went there today for the first time in a couple years and I didn’t think it was good. Looking at the nutrition facts tonight after I had it earlier I am sorry I drank the peanut butter moo’d. [/quote]
The nice thing about jamba juice is that you can customize your drink completely. As such, it is very easy to avoid their ‘from concentrate’ or ‘with soymilk’ or whatever other junk they throw in that you might not want to be ingesting.
One of jamba juice’s competitors used whey protein for their protein boosts. I forget which one though.
I usually get a peanut butter based drink. Or something that is just frozen fruits with no extra juices or anything.
Some of their products are nuts though. Their largest cup size is 24 oz I think, maybe 30ish… but some of the drinks you can get end up being over 1200 calories!
I’ll bet the vast majority of (fat) people that go there because “it’s juice… that’s healthy” have no idea that they are likely to consume just as many calories there, if not more, than they would at burger king or wherever.
I haven’t had Jamba Juice in almost 3 years, but I remember their blueberry banana smoothie. Damn it if it wasn’t really fucking good. I always felt like a homo everytime I went however. Jamba Juice just gives off a homo vibe.
Some of those drinks have 100 grams of sugar in them. That’s like 6 or 7 tablespoons if I am correct.
[quote]slimjim wrote:
Kreal7 wrote:
I went there today for the first time in a couple years and I didn’t think it was good. Looking at the nutrition facts tonight after I had it earlier I am sorry I drank the peanut butter moo’d.
The peanut butter mood is a mass builder[/quote]
I’ll pass on the 95g of sugar. I normally consume that much sugar during a 5-6 day period.
A while ago, I asked Mike Roussell to do an “investigative report” on juice bars.
I haven’t run it yet, but here are some tidbits from his article:
Due to the nature of commercial juice bars you should only consider them during the post workout window.
These places love sugar and when the drinks don’t contain sugar they are full of more artificial ingredients than Michael Jackson.
Here are some general guidelines to make your smoothie experience nutritious without sending you to the diabetic ward.
Avoid the Unlabeled Gelatinous Juices-- You can only guarantee that one thing is in these liquids - sugar and mystery fat. Insist on only water, yogurt, or real fruit juice being added to your smoothie.
Up the Fruit – In lieu of the mystery juice see if you can convince the person making your smoothie to add more real fruit to you drink.
More Protein – Protein is lacking from 90% of the drinks commercial places make. Don’t settle for a “booster”. 8 grams isn’t enough. Make sure your shake has at least 25 grams of protein in it.
This might mean you pay a little extra but it will be worth it. Having your shake made with a yogurt base is another way to sneak in more protein.
Don’t by into the Hype – Be very skeptical about fat burning and immune system boosting claims that are being made.
These add-ons are usually included in dosages too low to be effective. If you are going to pay extra to add an herb or vitamin make sure it is enough to make a difference.
In defense of Jamba Juice, they’re very open about ingredients and nutrition stats. At the one I go to, they have laminated copies of all the website information on the counter, so you can look up your selection before you order.