I've Never Failed on a Max Deadlift Attempt

Am I not trying hard enough on heavy single days if Ive never dropped a lift? I work hard and progress but should I not be leaving anything in the tank and shitting out my overworked liver on theses attempts?

Slight arrogance in title to get more views haha

If you’re steadily increasing your lift, that is a fantastic thing. I really avoid failing a lift. Remember, you’re in the gym to train, not to test. Missing a lift isn’t good training. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be busting your ass though.

How long have you been training the deadlift? What can you deadlift, and how heavy are you? I ask simply because if you’ve been deadlifting for 4 years, are 210 lbs and can barely get 405, then … yeah, somethings definitely wrong and maybe you need to actually start applying some effort. :slight_smile:

I’ve never dropped a lift, but that doesn’t mean I’ve never failed at a DL either. I’ve had them stall just short of lockout, or even at the knees and places in between, but I also know that after a few seconds of hard pulling on a stuck lift, it’s time to set it down not try to poop myself and drop the thing down my thighs/shins. Flame away if you must…

I ask because it seems so much DL training reported here involves heavy singles.

I have worked out regularly in the past but work schedules did not permit much more than maintenance for about 3 years until I started back training regularly for a year or so now and focusing hard on DL for the past few months, weigh 190ish, and my max is like mid 300s. Ive been hitting new PRs pretty regularly but Im probably back on the newbie gain/muscle memory stage, since Im pretty much at my high school stats right now (Im 28).

I have a weight in my head I want to hit for X reps and I hit it so far, and luckily havent really hit a wall yet. I get tired and sore but havent had a grinding rep. I was just unsure whether I was missing out not going balls-to-the-wall.

youre probably just not strong enough yet (no offense). id imagine after several months of hard training, maybe a year, when your DL is around 500, youll start getting a feel for that “balls to the wall” or shitting your liver as you call it. for the record, ive missed plenty of deadlifts, but ive never dropped one either.

ive stalled around 480-500 for 6 months now. So I switched to sumo and I’m building it back up. My opinion is that 405 is pretty easy to get with bad mechanics and form as long as you just smash iron, beyond that you can’t just come at it like an animal and have to think things through. I hit 405 about 18 months ago. Deadlifting used to be my strongest lift, but now squatting it.

I’ve definitely felt that shitting liver feeling, breaking blood vessels and bloodshot eye rep that lasts for 45 seconds and it’s fucking frustrating.

Well, idk, on most of my singles above a true 95 % of my max are balls to the wall, liver shitting lifts haha, but I have not ever dropped it. I have stalled before and not been able to lockout however. I think schultzie is right, as you get stronger, your grip will strengthen and you won’t drop lifts as much.

190 with a mid 300 max, your just not maxing out. What you think of as your max is actually your training weight if your doing it week after week. That’s not to say you should fail at a weight attempt since you really don’t get much out of failing, but that the reason you haven’t failed is because you haven’t approached your max yet.

Haha no offense, but as a male, there’s no much reason to be failing deadlifts below 4 plates or so, unless you weigh like 110 lbs. In which case you need to fucking eat.

Come back when you hit the 500’s and 600’s, trust me, you’ll see things a bit differently!

Yeah I was just curious if that meant I wasnt getting aggressive enough with my heavy singles. Thx for the replies, lots of food for thought.

i found its hard to pull with intensity in a place without a platform too

I don’t understand this liver pooping feeling. What is this? I have never felt anything like it.

Also, I don’t think it’s the amount of weight lifted that makes it harder. The perceived work is the same whether your max is 300 or 600.

consider your self lucky, if you truly can mae continual progress without ever missing a max.

however, this will have to come to a end. enjoy it while you can.

I miss a shit ton, especially at meet time. I’ve dropped bars, pulled it about 3 inches off of the floor and missed, dropped one and got shot about 3 feet behind and off of the platform flat on my back. Shit happens. When I was using the conjugate method, I missed all the fucking time. Don’t worry about it. If you’re perceiving it as a true 1RM, you’re doing fine.


[quote]JPeggEFS wrote:
dropped one and got shot about 3 feet behind and off of the platform flat on my back. Shit happens. Jason[/quote]

Pegg…I love your posts!!


I’ve never failed a deadlift either. I’ve been training about a year and a half, and never really repped below 5-6 on deadlift before testing myself a few weeks ago. Needless to say I was pleasantly surprised with what I lifted, but yeah, I’ve never failed a max deadlift attempt.