Here’s my log. I’m lazy, so maybe this will help me to not be so lazy.
Not sure about my max lifts, but my best estimates are as follows
SQ: 360 (prob. higher)
BP: 300 (prob. lower)
DL: 405 (switched styles, this will shoot up like crazy)
TL: 1065 lbs
Height: 5’8"
Weight: 163 lbs as of this morning
I’m doing a loose 5/3/1
Monday: Squat Day
… Yeah, 360lbs is a joke, but it stays until I have a tested max.
Leg extension/Hamstring curl Super set
- 260/200x8
- 8 reps
- 8 reps
- 8 reps
Triceps pull-down
- 90x8
- 90x8
- 90x8
I grab a 45lb plate and heave it over my head for three sets of ten to twelve. I don’t know the name for this… I call them clobber-cocks.
Anyway, next update will be Wednesday.
Bench day
BP1: 210x3
BP2: 240x3
BP3: 275 - miss
BP4: 275 - miss
I know I can hit this, but I’ve been foolish and have ran my triceps into the ground these last couple of weeks. So, I’ll go easy on them for the next couple of weeks and take it from there.
1: 90’sx6
2: 100’sx6
3: 110’sx2
Again, triceps fatigue nerfed me on the last set…
Barbell single arm Preacher bench curls
1: 60x6
2: 60x6
3: 50x6
DB shrugs
- 150’sx10
- 150’sx6
- 120’sx15
The 150lbs dumbbells started slipping out of my hands (no straps =/) so I went down to 120’s.
I also did some light rotator cuff work since my shoulders have been popping a bit lately. Again, most likely do to me over-doing the triceps work =p
All right, see you Friday!
Deadlift day
I didn’t sleep much last night (3 hours maybe?) so I just did what I could (fuck all) and called it a day. I’m updating this now so I don’t forget the numbers and I’m going to sleep for 1000 years when I’m done.
DL1: 290x3
DL2: 335x3
DL3: 380x1 (should have been 3 =p)
Leg press
1- 4 plates per side x 8
2- 5 x 8
3- 6 x8
Good mornings
1- 95x5
2- 115x5
Lat pull down
1- 180x8
2- 210x8
Did a little bit on my shoulders and triceps to make up for wednesday. Next week I’m gunna take it easy =p
Wuzzup fellow Tiger brother. Good numbers. I’ll check on the log from time to time. I just started one today, so let’s hold each other accountable!
[quote]BulletproofTiger wrote:
Wuzzup fellow Tiger brother. Good numbers. I’ll check on the log from time to time. I just started one today, so let’s hold each other accountable![/quote]
Weight: 165.5 lbs
Squat day
SQ1: 240x5
Had it in me to lock out another 2 on set 3, but I was out of air XD
Leg ext./Hamstring curl
1- 280/200x8
I’ve now maxed out both machines. I guess I either have to up the reps or get one of the little asian girls from the female mma bootcamp class to sit on my shins while I do this.
Allright, everything went well today. I’ll see you Wednesday!
What the hell are clobbercocks?
[quote]BulletproofTiger wrote:
What the hell are clobbercocks?[/quote]
Explained in my first post
[quote]TigerTime wrote:
[quote]BulletproofTiger wrote:
What the hell are clobbercocks?[/quote]
Explained in my first post[/quote]
Oh, I didn’t see it because it’s listed under abs (I never read anyone’s ab exercise routine, because most people get it wrong). I see the description now. Suggestion: Don’t google clobbercocks LMGTFY - Let Me Google That For You
Bench day!
Gotta go easy on those triceps today =3
BP1: 185x5
BP2: 210x5
BP3: 235x4.5
Single arm barbell preacher curls
Weighted dips
Seated overhead press
Did some rotator cuff work, then some abs
Dead-lift Day
DL1: 275x5
DL2: 315x5
DL3: 355x5
Leg Press
worked up to a set of 5 @ 6 plates per side
Lat pull-downs
dumbbell Shrugs
Then some crunches.
Weight: 168.5lbs
Squat day
Worked up to a max of 380lbs. Wasn’t all that hard. next time I max out I’m getting 405.
I split my track pants working up to it. Guess I’m bigger than I was the last time I wore these…
Didn’t do much after this, just some light assistant work.
Deadlift day
Worked up to a max of 425lbs. I think I can go heavier, but I’m still adjusting to this technique so I decided to instead drop the weight and cement my technique before I go further.
Leg press
Worked up to a set of 5 at 6 plates/side
Weighted pull ups
First time trying this.
25lbsx5 - easy
next time I’ll grab a 35 so I can get a decent number of reps in.
Reverse hyperextentions w/ bands
first time trying this too ^-^
I have no idea how heavy the bands were but I did a couple sets of 10
-a bunch
If you’re wondering why I missed bench day – exams. I’ll try to squeeze it in Sunday before work.
Okay, month one complete!
Weight: 163-168.5 ( 5.5lbs)
Total: 1045-1085lbs (40lbs)
Great first month =)
Bench day
Worked up to a max of 280lbs – no PR this time =( too sick maybe…
Weighted chin-ups
Weighted dips
1 platex8
2 platesx8
nothing else, not feels too great =(
Gunna do bench with bands for the next couple weeks to work out my sticking point. See you… in a couple of hours when I update for squat day =p
Okay I’m back. Being sick really fucked up my training last week, but it was just a de-load week so no big deal.
Weight: 168.8 lbs
^ no weight loss from being sick, so that’s allright.
Squat day
SQ1: 245x5
This semester I have dance and phys.ed. back-to-back in the afternoon, so my legs were pretty much done after the squats.
Weighted chin ups
45lbs x 6reps x 3sets
Cable pull-overs
50lbs x 10 reps x 3 sets
(still going easy on my triceps)
Clobber cocks
45lbs x 10 reps x 3 sets
Bench day!
BP1: 185x5
BP2: 205X5
BP3: 225X5
Machine fly (the straight arm kind)
200lbs x 6 reps x 2 sets
200lbs x 4 reps x 1
Seated overhead BB press
95lbs x 5
115lbs x 5
135lbs x 5
155lbs x 5
Weighted chin-ups
Weighted dips
45lbs x 6
90lbs x 5
90lbs x 5
Clobber cocks
45lbs x 10 reps x 3 sets
Weight: 170.5lbs
Deadlift day
Y no squat day? My afternoon schedule includes phys.Ed. followed by dance. Last week was Hell to get through after squat day, so I’m trading squat day with deadlift day so that I’ll have weekends to recover.
DL1: 315x3
DL2: 365x3
DL3: 405x3
Machine lat pull-down
1- 235x6
2- 235x6
3- 235x6
DB Shrugs
1- 120’s x 20
2- 120’s x 20
3- 120’s x 20
Pretty easy day. See you on Bench day!
Squat day
SQ1: 295 x 5
SQ2: 335 x 5
SQ3: 355 x 5
Leg ext./Hamstring curls
1; 280/200x8
2; 280/200x8
3; 280/200x8
Good mornings
1; 95 x 8
2; 115 x 8
3; 135 x 8
4; 155 x 8
5; 185 x 8
Band work for abs
Deadlift day
DL1: 335 x 5
DL2: 355 x 5
DL3: 385 x 5
Hamstring curl
band work for abs
Bench day
10 Sadiv sets @ 260 lbs
Weighted chin-ups
45lbs x 8 reps x 3 sets
Weighted dips
45lbs x 12 reps x 3 sets
Single arm BB preacher curls
50 lbs x 8 reps x 3 sets
DB pullovers
60lbs x 12 reps x 3 sets