I was wondering for my first cycle back to just do test in the past i ran sustanon 250 for 8 weeks and was a dum ass and ran 250 every other day with no pct this time around i wanna do it the right way and make sure i dont mess my self up i feel like i got lucky last time im 38 212 lbs 5’11 not sure my body fat right now
Personally I would get bodyfat 10-12% before doing anything.
Are you just getting back into lifting or have you been consistent for the last few years?
How’s the diet?
What are your goals and don’t say lose fat gain muscle.
You really need to give more info here. Not a lot to go on.
You also need to work on punctuation.
Im eating 300 grams of protein getting 200 carbs in around 130 fats aday 2400 calories a day hr a day on the tread mill been back at it since september and i have got alot of my old muscle back very quickly and just tone up add muscle
Think your math is a bit off here
P-300g x 4cals/gram=1200cals
C-200g x 4cals/gram=800cals
F-130g x 9cals/gram=1170cals
This is simple stuff man. If you have no idea what you are doing with food then how can you even think about using drugs??
And fix your punctuation or lack there of.
I was just going off the calories on the label of the food i eat i didnt know that it was 4 calories per gram of protein
Im actually only eating 60 grams of fat
This stuff all needs to get sorted.
Im defenatly losing weight/fat but can tell i am adding muscle