[quote]jkemkerk wrote:
Thank you very much for the help and links so far.
Im just a little confused and have a couple questions left.
Please look this over and tell me if im on the right track. My cycle will be 10 weeks and the Nolva PCT will be 5 weeks.
Week 1 250mg tuesday 250 mg friday
Week 2 250mg tuesday 250 mg friday
Week 3 250mg tuesday 250 mg friday
Week 4 250mg tuesday 250 mg friday
Week 5 250mg tuesday 250 mg friday
Week 6 250mg tuesday 250 mg friday
Week 7 250mg tuesday 250 mg friday
Week 8 250mg tuesday 250 mg friday
Week 9 250mg tuesday 250 mg friday
Week 10 250mg tuesday 250 mg friday
Week 11 40mg nolva/day
Week 12 40mg nolva/day
Week 13 20mg nolva/day
Week 14 20mg nolva/day
Week 15 20mg nolva/day
And here are the questions:
- I read somewhere that i need to take week 11 and 12 off THEN start the PCT and run it for 5 weeks, is this true?
- Do i need anything else? Are the PCT doses right?
- Will the pct that i have help me keep most of my gains and help my natural test level come back?
I appoligize for all these questions, i just want to make sure all my ducks are in a row before i start anything. I want to do it the right way so i can have a successfull first cycle and not just jump in to things without doing it the right way.
I also read a little about Clomid vs Nolvadex and was confused about their roles. I dont want to have gyno issues so what would be better to go with, Nolva or Clomid?
Again thank you very much in advance for the help. My next few posts will only be about the gains 
I would heavily consider running an AI like adex on cycle.
It should prevent any potential problems that could occur.
take a look at the newbie cycle planning thread for dosing on the AI.
I do not recommend taking time off, I would start taking the SERM a few days after your cycle ends.
You didnt mention what ester your using, but many people will agree that there is no point in trying to guess how long the ester will still be in effect.
Its easier, and usually a better plan to start taking the SERM before the test has “completely” cleared your system.
waiting for any and all supression to cease has no advantages over trying to restart production while you still have a bit of androgen in your system.
This approach does waste some SERM, but it will ensure you have SERM built up and kicking the second your body realizes it needs to start making test agian.
If your supply of SERM is somewhat limited this approach may not be for you, but since most of us by SERM’s in liquid form from research companies, it isnt generally an issue.
I also recommend nolva or torefemine over clomid, clomid is old school, it works by the same mechanism, but requires signifigantly higher doses.
This can lead to vision and emotion issues more so than Nolva.
I know one guy that has permanent vision damage from years of clomid usage.
Its not terrible, but his peripherals have weird spots in them.