[quote]Roid Noid wrote:
[quote]WolfCry wrote:
[quote]Roid Noid wrote:
[quote]WolfCry wrote:
[quote]Roid Noid wrote:
[quote]WolfCry wrote:
[quote]Roid Noid wrote:
everybody thinks that a needle will fix their weight problems! Post up your diet![/quote]
I’ve been eating like a horse for years. I read on this site every day i know damn well I need to feast to grow. I didn’t post to ask if anyone thinks I should cycle I’ve gone over that argument countless times and have decided to on my own accord. I understand I never post therefore it’s easy to assume I don’t know what it takes to gain weight so I don’t blame you for calling me out on this. However like I said I’ve done my research and made my own decision.
I’m asking for advice regarding the cycle and plan i have proposed. Thanks in advance for further advice! [/quote]
My advice would be dont run the cycle! NEVER EVER run a cycle without everything needed in hand first. This is your first cycle and you dont have a clue how your gonna respond to gear and your thinking taking a chance? put the cycle on pause as hard as that might be and get the adex to run with it. You can turn a nice fun cycle into a miserable time real quick. However good choice on just running some test and at the right dose.
Yea I really would prefer having the Adex to run with the test I’ve just heard mixed opinions on this. Many have told me it’d be fine to go with just the test during the cycle as long as PCT is on point, Which is one of the main questions I was looking to have answered. I’m not going to go ahead with a cycle until I feel very confident with the plan and stuff I will be using. This level of confidence could be achieved if enough ppl told me it’d be pretty safe without the Adex during the test cycle of course assuming a good PCT plan. Though if everyone thinks there’s no way I should run that risk then I’ll take that to heart. So again, I really appreciate all of the advice! [/quote]
Brother high estrogen is no fun, im not a guru I cant tell you everything about it but I can share my experiences with you. When I first started cycling I could run 1500mg/w test and didnt need an AI such as adex, however my body has since changed and now I have to run it with my TRT dose. Gyno is not fun, the shit sucks and hurts like hell, and water retention blows. when it first started happening to me I was taking D-bol and it got so bad I couldnt touch my toes and I could barely wipe my ass. alot of people report of balloon faces and many other things. No one can come on here and tell you whether or not your gonna get sides, dont look for people to co-sign just do it right, its cheap and easy to acquire.
Ive been looking and haven’t found anything yet but I am continuing to do so. Damn pro baseball! Lol making errthang illegal. I think I’ll wait till I get some Adex to cycle so I have it on hand, just hope I can get some… I struggle with patience[/quote]
To be honest with you 23 is a little young to run juice, you could really fuck up your endocrine system. If your gonna do it regardless I dont want you to fuck yourself up but im not an advocate for people running juice at your age. Its sorta like driving a car, the safest thing is the brakes, an AI, serms, PCT, endocrine, these are like the brakes they keep you from crashing and burning. Your ready to hit the gas pedal and dont got the brakes dialed in. why dont you take a week and read up on those topics, after that time if you still decide to run this cycle and havent found an AI supplier PM me and ill throw you some leads.[/quote]
That is a great analogy! Woww so true, and for sure ima look deeper into the entire brake system. Thanks.