ya know, the one where you eat about 60% fat 30% protein, 10% carbs during the week, then switch it around during the weekends. Is that actually healthy for the heart. I’ve been doing it and I talked to this man who had a heart attack a while back from eating so much fat. Obviously he didn’t work out or anything, I could tell by looking at him. I told him that I workout and am doing a high fat diet andhe said it’s unhealthy, does anyone have any experience with it. Also, does it work, does it give you muscle…Thanks.
Juity: The medical establishment,(as is common), is VERY slowly coming to the realization that the greatest degree of coronary artery endothelial damage comes from the high ingestion of processed, TRANS-fatty acids, common in the American diet…not just fat itself…so it is the TYPES of fats that is important, not just total fat…
It’s also important to realize that a lot of the diets that are somewhat “restrictive” that you may read on this site are for a specific and limited purpose…not for long-term use…hope this helps!
(P.S. Chris…so the name is “Stuggart”, huh? sounds like a member of the Waffen-SS or something!!!)
Just dont get all your fats share from saturated fats sources. Get most of your fats from healthy oils , nuts, fish and flax seeds.
There is a big difference between meat, eggs, flax and fish oil etc and the fried shit this guy probably shoved down his gullet all his life (combined with being inactive.) The Metabolic Diet books explains all this very well. T-mag’s “Eat Like a Man” articles help too.
Also, are you talking about the Eat Like a Man program (The Anabolic Diet by DiPasquale), the T-Dawg Diet by “Stuttgart” and TC or the T-Dawg 2.0 by “Stuttgart”?
first thanls for the replies, second, yeh, I’m talking about the eat like a man series. The meats I’ve been eating have been T-bone steaks, those thick ham pieces, the ones that they serve at places like an IHOP or something, lots of bacon and eggs, made all kinds of ways, I recently bought some chicken breasts also, so I’m cooking that up later on in the afternoon a couple of hours b4 my workout. Obviously, this won’t be for ever, just for about a month or so. My main question though is, does it work, does the diet work towards building muscle for the 4-8 week period? Or would it be better just to follow a regular diet with a balance.
You’re talking about the Anabolic Diet written by Dr. DiPasquale. Shugart (note spelling) just wrote about his experinces on the diet. Read it a bit closer. Anyway, this is not a muscle gain diet, it’s a fat loss diet. Read Massive Eating by Berardi or the “Get Big” diet at T-mag. Better yet, read the “Diet Manifesto” and the “Missing Ingredient” articles first at T-mag.
TEK according to the Dr., the Anabolic diet is both a fat loss and muscle gain diet. You maximize testosterone thereby burning burn fat and building muscle.
I think you have a lot of reading up on diets and how they work on your body. This should clarify this question for you.
Yep, you’re right. My bad. But Shugart did say that bulking on the Anabolic Diet was near impossible because it’s hard to get 4000 calories and only 30 grams of carbs. You’re just too full all the time from all the fat, which kills appetite.
Our ancestors survived on diets of very high fat and protein much like this diet calls for. The standard american diet causes health problems not due to the amount of fat in the diet but by the amount of processed carbs in the diet. This has been proven. The biggest problem with the typical american diet is the negative effect it has on insulin levels. By using the T-dawg diet you will normalize your insulin levels and likely be much healthier overall however i would make one small change and not set a limit on the amount of fibrous vegetables you eat such as broccoli, green beans, salads, etc.
I Kinda like stuttgart better. btw im on my 2nd week of the anabolic diet, bulking. maybe im just a naturally big eater but as long as i make a conscious effort to eat, i can easilly get in 5k of calories a day. chug a little heavy cream or olive oil after meals is a tip ive come up with. also a double cheeseburger w/ bacon twice a day i get at my cafeteria. less than 5g of carbs im sure and close to 1000k if not more.