Definitely an issue I struggled with. Specifically, I struggled with perpetual hunger, and it resulted in overeating. I “overcame” it by being hungry a lot, which would eventually result in binging. Then I tried “small frequent meals”/grazing like we all learned in the 90s to “stoke the metabolic fires” and speed up the metabolism. This led to me literally eating something every 30 minutes, watching the clock for my next chance to eat, and most likely premature aging
To finally actually fix this, the first step was taking on the Velocity Diet, my way. This was a HUGE gamechanger. It broke a LOT of my paradigms, teaching me that I was lying to myself regarding how much food I “needed” as a strength athlete and how I was just using that as an excuse to binge. I also learned what real hunger. And another big part of this was accidentally discovering what Dr. Ted Naiman refers to as “protein leveraging”, an idea also covered here.
Basically, the body hungers for 2 things: protein and nutrients. Once it has its fill of that: it stops being hungry. The issue is, most “food” today is highly processed junk that is low on protein AND nutrients, because those are expensive compared to subsidized corn sugar and seed oils. So we eat SO much of that junk to try to reach our protein and nutrient threshold and end up overeating, or we starve ourselves of these things in attempt to not overeat and then binge because our bodies WANT to live.
By focusing on protein and nutrients, we reach the threshold early, cut off the hunger, and not overeat. It’s so simple. For the first time in my life, I can fast painlessly.
I still have the Velocity Diet as my baseline these days, using it to vector toward that threshold early and then filling in the rest of my nutrition with carnivore. Because the other thing thats cool is you can’t overeat protein.