Oh also, I guess i should just ask this too, If im looking to prolong the proposed cycle, should I just put the wallet down and buy another two vials of test E and double the dam cycle? Left me know what you guys think.
I am partially concerned as too if its worth running the cycle much longwer then 10 weeks, will I continue to get the gains I am looking for? I dont need to waste the shit either right?
15 weeks is way too long for a cycle. I would order three vials reguardless. Because odds are youre not going to get more than 12 weeks out of all three of them. If you want you can front load the test the first week or two. Ive read of people doing that.
Or just run 625mg for 12 weeks. Or 750 for 10 weeks. Make sure you have enough AI and just run with it. You don’t magically stop making gainz after 10 weeks.
Ok cougar; can you tell me what the benefits of front loading are? I plan on taking dbol fir the first fir weeks to kickstart things; is that sort of the same thing?
Also John, you really think I should run that high for my first cycle? And correct me if I’m wrong; But yoy are saying if things are still going good on week ten keep killin it. So sort of judge things as they happen and continue if im still getting gains abd feeling good. Is that right?
Thank you for the replies, other input would be great too!
[quote]CougarPride wrote:
15 weeks is way too long for a cycle. I would order three vials reguardless. Because odds are youre not going to get more than 12 weeks out of all three of them. If you want you can front load the test the first week or two. Ive read of people doing that. [/quote]
No its not there are plenty of cycles that pass the 20 week mark. Hell I have been on for 56 weeks straight and the PRs have yet to stop coming, lean gains have yet to stop coming, and body fat still slowly dropping.
[quote]CougarPride wrote:
15 weeks is way too long for a cycle. I would order three vials reguardless. Because odds are youre not going to get more than 12 weeks out of all three of them. If you want you can front load the test the first week or two. Ive read of people doing that. [/quote]
No its not there are plenty of cycles that pass the 20 week mark. Hell I have been on for 56 weeks straight and the PRs have yet to stop coming, lean gains have yet to stop coming, and body fat still slowly dropping.[/quote]
Jesus! that sounds amazing haha! I thought that that may be a little flawed ( no point in going past 10 weeks) Reed can I ask you a quick couple questions?
This is going to be my first cycle, I dont want to go with HUGE amounts of test because I already have/had bad bacne, So do you think my suggested 250/300ml twice weekly for say 16 weeks would be a good start?
[quote]CougarPride wrote:
15 weeks is way too long for a cycle. I would order three vials reguardless. Because odds are youre not going to get more than 12 weeks out of all three of them. If you want you can front load the test the first week or two. Ive read of people doing that. [/quote]
No its not there are plenty of cycles that pass the 20 week mark. Hell I have been on for 56 weeks straight and the PRs have yet to stop coming, lean gains have yet to stop coming, and body fat still slowly dropping.[/quote]
Jesus! that sounds amazing haha! I thought that that may be a little flawed ( no point in going past 10 weeks) Reed can I ask you a quick couple questions?
This is going to be my first cycle, I dont want to go with HUGE amounts of test because I already have/had bad bacne, So do you think my suggested 250/300ml twice weekly for say 16 weeks would be a good start? [/quote]
600mg a week is perfect and what I suggest every one begin with. With the acne that’s something I can’t comment on. I never had a problem with it at all until I went up to 2000mg of test but, I know guys who get it so bad they have scared from 500mg. It is very case dependent on the person and how they react. I suggest one of three things
If running gear and accomplishing your goals is not worth acne then dont run gear at all. Acne is the least of your worries when you start to consider possible complete and permanent shut down of endocrine system, bitch tits, sterility, hair loss, legal problems and financial loss.
Look into acne medication while on and control your estrogen very well. Acne is usually a result of a drug aromatizing which test does very well. Using a AI has a few benefits such as helping control acne, water weight, mood, and other things you can only see through med testing. How ever many people report less gains especially in size when using a AI mostly due to water weight being kept off. However I even the water weight and ot makes me stronger there fore I for go it.
This will be frowned upon by alot here but it is a viable option. Run your Test at say 150-200mg a week just enough to keep levels stable but elevated. Then stack with Tren Ace. Tren Ace hardly ever causes any acne or estrogen related sides. Tren is a pretty advanced drug but IT CAN BE USED FOR A FIRST CYCLE. Most people won’t recommend it but, hey do what makes you happy.
Week 1-12
Test E 200
Tren Ace 100mg every other day
Tren is no where near that horrible and very manageable especially with Ace. Walkway has suggested this once before and no one batted a eye lash. I have watched people use it for use it first cycle and be done and make leaps and bounds I wish I had taken advantage of on my first cycle. Guys are even running TRT now these days along with test during cruises. If you dont like the advice then you don’t have to follow it but, it is not horrible advice and depending on which sites your on especially some of the much more Pro Level orientated forums its not uncommon in the slightest to see tren advised for a first cycle as well as even up to 1000mg of Test for a first cycle.
OP as I said many will disagree but you asked specifically about how to minimize acne while on and the third option I posted would do that. Is it the smartest ad safest on the world hell no but, once again pros and cons. People said I would die running a gram Tren for 16 weeks did I… Hell no every one reacts differently and every one will tell you what they think. We all have opinions all you can do is look into who is giving the opinion and then research it yourself and make a decision. I could give a fuck whether you use anything at all or exactly as I said or what complete fraud says. At the end of the day I know what works for me and I know whatI have seen work for others. Plain and simple.
I feel bad now, because I didnt word my question properly, I was writing quickly as I had to go. I am not fearing acne, And have had my acne treated, my skin is ok now ( minus the scarring I will always have.) Im not worried about the skin flarring up a bit as it truly cancause no more harm then has already been done.
I guess what my real question was, was more on your thought to run the 300 mg of test E twice weekly for 16 weeks ratehr ten or 12. My body is very “imbalanced” muscularly from a, now old nerve impingement, which takes a very long time to even out the imbalances naturally and stop me from really having growth/training strong. I want to run the cycle, Balance myself out muscular wise, and try to toss some size on top of it.
I can say I dont look to body build, I dont look to proffessionaly play sports, I simply want a certain aesthetic look. Also I do realize that it would be better to take the few years to naturally equalize my muscular imbalances, but frankly I dont want too. I have the opportunity to cheat if you will, And I have decided to do so.
That being said the reason I am more intrigued to run the cycle LONGER is because I do plan on doing alot more 64-75% training then 75-95% training. I wont be doing much 1RM because I want to build up my shoulders and back to stabalize my body. I became very anterior dominate having still trained the front during my injury ( stupid stupid stupid ) . I know some of this sounds stupid probably, but I have made up my mind and its what I want to do.
I just want to know a veteran opinion on wether running 16 weeks at 600mg a week is ok, or retarded. If I should stick to 10/12 weeks at most for my first cycle I will. thats why I am asking for the guidance.
[quote]Reed wrote:
3. This will be frowned upon by alot here but it is a viable option. Run your Test at say 150-200mg a week just enough to keep levels stable but elevated. Then stack with Tren Ace. Tren Ace hardly ever causes any acne or estrogen related sides. Tren is a pretty advanced drug but IT CAN BE USED FOR A FIRST CYCLE. Most people won’t recommend it but, hey do what makes you happy.
Week 1-12
Test E 200
Tren Ace 100mg every other day
PCT as planned.[/quote]
This is very interesting. Would you mind elaborating on the rationale behind this approach and why it’s frowned upon? What benefits would it give over the same total amount of T only using Prop ED?
Edit: I just realized the post read TREN ACE and no TEST PROP. My bad.
My first cycle was in 99 (sust up to a gram a week), followed by a couple very minor ones (primo/var, various papers and PH’s over the years). None of them were thought out very well, though I will say Double Dragon’s SOS 500 gave me really good results with no sides.
Anyway, I just recently got back into the stuff, with a tbol only 3 week cycle a few months ago followed by two (currently on second one) 2-3 week cycles of test prop/tren ace/mast prop at 50mg ED. First one I had what I thought were prolactin sides, but upon further reading, I realize it may have been E related instead (expected mast to do the job of an AI. It didn’t). This one has been much better, taking adex 0.5mg ED. Have had no issues with sides.
Point being, these are effectively my first and second cycles (considering it has been over 10 years since my last ‘legit’ one), and have had no real issues. Like Reed said, tren can be used on a first cycle, as long as you cover all your bases. Prolactin control and AI (if you are combining test, which is highly recommended) are a must, unless you don’t like your libido and want it to go away for a while.