Is it more important to workout than ever?

Sorry for misleading title a little, I`ve been thinking about people not finding aliens.

I`m thinking about the limiting, speed of light. At first I speculated a bit, that maybe there is something around light in space, that slows down the speed, but dark matter or dark energy has not been proven to exist yet. So can you really travel fast enough, to have a chance to explore anything? They say the universe, is expanding also.

All mass is energy, if you break it down. You can even set fire to rocks, because everything consists of the same thing anyway, namely energy, like in the sun. I’m talking about energy as a physical thing then, not just kinetic energy, for example. That’s what mass consists of too, the same as in suns, just in a colder form.

I now think it’s the acceleration, that’s the problem, with traveling faster than the speed of light. You get to a point, let`s say 99 % of the speed of light, where you try to accelerate further, but the weight of the energy becomes too heavy. So there’s nothing around energy that slows it down, but it’s the acceleration that becomes too much.

Back to mass then, all mass is the same as suns consist of, energy, but in a colder form. As long as you add some energy, from suns to mass, it stays in a kind of middle ground, between cold and dead and hard, and a little bit alive. When the first sun expanded into empty space, there were different energy paths just before the expansion, a little bit about electrons around a nucleus, which determined the type of mass it became. There never been a theory on how mass forms, really, so I came up with this.

The problem, is a little bit like, even a spaceship, is only energy if you break it down. So it can’t travel faster than light otherwise, anyway. Otherwise it would be something separate from the universe. Like fantasy. The acceleration itself, makes it too heavy when you approach the speed of light. You get to 99 %, and then there’s nothing more. So, the hope of seeing aliens one day, may not be possible. If there was dark matter in space, you could perhaps bend it, to travel faster, but it has not been proven to exist.

What do you personally, think? Will people just drift, endlessy in space? Without ever seeing aliens? Does that make it even more important to workout, and make people feel good? Make the planet better?

Is it more important to workout than ever?

Yes, people are more sedentary than ever and need to do something about it.

People also don’t like misleading titles, so if you legit want to talk about aliens, change the title and have a discussion, otherwise you’ll get people like me just derailing the thing you actually want to discuss.

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Have you come out to your parents yet?

For space travel to be practical for searching the universe, the speed of light is like walking around the earth. We need to be traveling much faster than the speed of light.

I haven’t given this subject much thought since the late 1960’s studying nuclear physics. Are you familiar with the Lorentz transformation that Einstein used to prove your mass is energy thought (E=mc2)?
Once you have a velocity greater than the speed of light the equation becomes the square root of a negative number, which makes it an imaginary number. I don’t have any idea what an imaginary amount of mass is or imaginary value of time is.

Lifting weights is much less stress on my mind.

Take a short cut through a worm hole.


You have to separate space from time.

Then control the rate of time so that you can travel through space at a much slower rate of time.

Then you don’t need to travel at the speed of light you can just travel through the same amount of space (like, a lightyear for example) at a different rate of time. Like 1 month instead of 12.

Now your traveling through space, and time, but its a lot more space in a lot less time.

Are there trolls in space?

Statistically- yes.

We think in human terms. We get to the speed of light, and according to our current theories based on our observations of the universe, thats it. Its a dead end.

Aliens, on the other hand, think in alien terms. Their observations and theories derived from them can be completely different and how they move through space and time may well be too.

Sounds like they would make better trolls.

It really depends on your perspective. If you’re talking about pure survival, maybe not “more” important than food and shelter. But for overall well-being, stress management, and just feeling human, yeah, I’d argue it’s right up there. It’s an investment in yourself that pays off big time, especially during tough times.

Ever see Event Horizon ?


For sure! I still remember how much it freaked me out back around the turn of the century. The woman and I watched it again within the last couple years. Still good, but it didn’t make me shit my pants like it did way back.

One of my all time favorites. :+1:

Based on a book actually… underrated movie

Top 10 for me… horror

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