Hi all,
First an introduction before you guys can rate my physique if you want!
Some quick stats about me:
Height: 5 feet and 10 inches or 178cm
Weight: 177lbs or 80,5kg
Years of training: 3 years (natural)
Age: 21
I’m training according to the following plan:
Monday: Full-body (only the big 4 and some pull ups)
Tuesday: Rest
Wednesday: Delts, traps and hamstrings
Thursday: Back, triceps
Friday: Legs exclusive hamstrings
Saturday: Chest, biceps
Sunday: Rest
On the big 4 lifts I try to aim for 1-6 reps and lift mostly relatively heavy weights, but I also try to include speed work, paused reps etc. for those lifts except the deadlift.
My cardio is about 10-15km of riding a bike to the Univerity, so that covers my cardiovascular and stamina maintenance. At the moment I’m bulking so to say. I’ve finished my cutting period in december 2014 and I’ve been increasing my kcal from then until now, until I will gain weight. Still looking for my sweet spot, so I’ll keep upping kcal until I gain weight again, will keeping my bodyfat% in check, hopefully.
During my past 3 years of training I’ve always used periods of bulking and cutting to gain weight/lean body mass and lose the fat and get more ripped after that.
I eat 4800-5000kcal on trainingsdays (high protein, high carb, moderate fat) and on rest days I try to avoid cardio and reduce my kcal intake according to my lower activity level, based on my past experiences and eat 3500-4000kcal on restdays (high protein, low-moderate carb, high fat).
My best 1RM’s from last year @ 88kg bw:
Bench press: 120kg
Overhead press: 80kg
Squat: 155kg
Deadlift: 220kg
Of course I got my own idea about my physique, but I’m curious about the opinions of you guys and how you guys would rate it.
I’m also curious about what you guys think what are my “good/better” muscle groups and what are be my “bad/need improvement” groups.
I’m hoping to step on a bodybuilding stage in 1-2 years. Still got much work left of course.