Iphone. Any Questions?

Well gentlemen and ladies I just worked an 11hr shift at AT&T we just started selling the iphone. It was great it ran smoothly no issues no heat no worries. Anyone looking to get one your best bet is direct fullfillment at an at&t store and having the device shipped to you.

After all the hype the end result was anti-climatic, no riots no violence, at least here. We got all our real info on Monday and Tuesday so we could be ready for the this phone.
Anyone with questions let me know.

Will you guys buy my verizon contract ?

What would have prevented me from cutting in line?

Unless I am incorrect, there is no law regarding “line cutting”…

If I lived anywhere near a store selling them and I actually wanted one(and had the money) I would have just cut in line.

Here is the real question though…what the hell makes it worth so much money?

If I hadn’t just plunked down $300 for an Ipod, and $60 for a phone, like 3 weeks before Apple previewed the Iphone back at Steve Jobs Fanboy Fest '07, I’d get me one.

Actually I would wait a year. Apple likes to let their customers de-bug their products for them. Next year at this time that phone will be the shit.

Soooo… can it be used for any other network?

Or are you ball-and-chained to AT&T?

Also, how’s the battery life on that thing?

I saw people sitting in folding chairs outside an AT%T here yesterday, took me a second to realize what was going on than I pointed and laughed at them.

Well it was point and laugh Friday.

coupla things people may not have known about the phone.

it looks tits in my opinion, basically a computer(limited function)/phone/mp3 player all built into one.

[quote]Lonnie123 wrote:
coupla things people may not have known about the phone.

it looks tits in my opinion, basically a computer(limited function)/phone/mp3 player all built into one. [/quote]

It looks overhyped in my opinion. In 5 years, everyone who went bankrupt trying to be the new kid on the block with one will have a 5 year old out of date piece of crap that costs way too much. If you didn’t have to pay nearly 1,000 bucks just to get it activated, maybe it would be worth it. I just don’t see the point when most of us don’t have a problem having a separate mp3 player. Plus, my PSP actually plays decent games AND allows me to watch any television programs I download to it.

I guess if you are the type who simply must have the newest gadgets simply because they are new, have at it. I’ve just never been that way. The fact that people are this crazy for it is one huge knock against it as far as I am concerned.

The second negative is the warranty. So, a glass screen that you can’t help but eventually scratch due to being a touch screen…and you can’t get a replacement later? Am I hearing right that you simply have to buy a whole new phone when you fuck this one up?

I’ve got a Pocket PC that is good for anything my phone isn’t that I care about. Got it from my old boss for a buck and a half. I don’t use either one that much, not even the phone. You could get a decently badass laptop for a grand, but it wouldn’t have the miniature cool factor. I dunno. No interest for me.

[quote]Professor X wrote:
Am I hearing right that you simply have to buy a whole new phone when you fuck this one up?[/quote]

You’re just jealous you didn’t think of it first.

This 100x Faster Hard Drive In Lab - Slashdot is a lot more interesting to me. Just came in my email from slashdot.

I just can’t figure out the demand for all the whistles and bells.

They are supposed to be telephones. You know - you dial it, or answer it, then you talk.

About the fanciest I have gotten is that I have AC/DC’s “Back in Black” as my ring tone.

What kind of battery life does this thing have? If it’s supposed to replace my mp3 player, my ipod shuffle lasts 12-14 hours of non-stop play.

[quote]malonetd wrote:
What kind of battery life does this thing have? If it’s supposed to replace my mp3 player, my ipod shuffle lasts 12-14 hours of non-stop play.[/quote]

They claim it has 24 hours of audio playback. I haven’t read any real-world reviews of audio playback specifically, but with the other functions, so far, the device has met Apple’s claims within 30 minutes to an hour. Which is a rare first for just about any tech company(who usually overstate battery life claims substantially)

[quote]rainjack wrote:
I just can’t figure out the demand for all the whistles and bells.

They are supposed to be telephones. You know - you dial it, or answer it, then you talk.


Are you aware of the smart-phone market? iPhone isn’t a cell phone in the traditional sense. It is a “smart phone”. Smart Phones are, basically ultra mobile PCs that do telephony. The primary demographic for these types of phones are business users that need extensive anywhere internet and PDA functions and nerds that like gizmos.

It has never been a mainstream market, and I don’t think the iPhone will change that. But, if the iPhone user experience is superior to that of blackberry/palm/treo/lg/samsung then I think Apple will grab a fairly large portion of that market.

If the iPod is any model, it stands to reason that Apple is planning more phones. iPhone mini, iPhone nano. Priced closer to normal phones($50-200) lacking some of the features of the iPhone, but still providing a superior user experience(ideally)

Apple seems very serious about grabbing a decent cut of the cell phone market. They are officially shooting for 1% of the US market which doesn’t sound like a lot, but it is still about 12 million phones, and enough to firmly keep them in the phone business.

Personally, I’m sick of the iPhone hype. Most people will never get one, most people have absolutely no need for one. The product is far from being perfect(although it apparently is exceedingly good) I am not entirely sure what Apple is planning, but I think they know what they are doing.

My question is how do you guys who have expernsive phones not fuck them up and scratch them to shit?

I have never had a expensive/top of the line phone but I am pretty hard on my phones, I mean this thing is supposed to be with me during work all day right?

I mean I don’t carry a purse so this thing is going to be in my pockets with my keys, loose change, etc…

Plus all my family/friends that bought the “latest great phone” ussally end up breaking them/lose them and almost always don’t know how to work or use the extra features.

I bet 90% of anybody who ever buys one will have one in the next month. As far as the smart phone thing goes. I did computer support for Ford (until I got laid off recently) for 3 years and other companies before that.

I don’t even see most of those people springing for something like an iphone. Hell, there are still some using monochrome Palm V,s.

I don’t have anything against Apple or the iphone. I’m just left with the distinct notion that it’s a yuppie toy that adds nothing that most people are willing to spend more than the cost of a decent phone for.

[quote]Tiribulus wrote:
it’s a yuppie toy.[/quote]

Exactly. If I do get a device with capabilities along the lines of internet/texting/mobile communications, I want one that will at least stand up to the dangers of my backpack. The only reason my PSP is still around is because I put a screen cover on it the day I bought it and keep it in the case when not in use.

Without all of that, anyone who has one or knows someone with one will notice how quickly a screen like that can get screwed up. I wonder how they stand up to being dropped.

Why is there no GPS? Wouldn’t that alone help sell a few more thousand of these?

[quote]Kalle wrote:
My question is how do you guys who have expernsive phones not fuck them up and scratch them to shit?[/quote]

The iPhone seems to be pretty resilient: PCWorld

Although quite a few of the early reviews seem to show some amount of letdown vs. the initial expectations (especially when it comes to web browsing speeds), damaging the phone does not seem to be a major concern.

It’s still overpriced and underperforming, but it might become interesting once the warts get corrected for version 2.0

The firmware has been leaked and is already being hacked upon, so cool stuff is bound to happen to it, like it did to the old Xbox and the PSP.

I personally want to thank all the early adopters for their sacrifice.

I have a Nokia 6300.

It’s small, looks nice, has decent reception, makes calls and sends texts.

What more do you REALLY need from a phone? They are too bulky as mp3 players in my opinions anyway.

If I paid $500 for a phone, the fucker had better be able to mix me a protein shake.