[quote]SouthernBrew wrote:
What would have prevented me from cutting in line?
so much money?[/quote]
We had a line and it was one at a time, with secuirty a ploice datail and all sorts of things keeping a perso for cutting.
The funny thing is about the price is apple is making money off the phone we’re making it off the plans. Also pda/blackberrys/smartphones are all around $300-$400 with less on board memory these guys are 4 adn 8 gig.
[quote]texasguy wrote:
rainjack wrote:
I just can’t figure out the demand for all the whistles and bells.
They are supposed to be telephones. You know - you dial it, or answer it, then you talk.
About the fanciest I have gotten is that I have AC/DC’s “Back in Black” as my ring tone.
no, telephones with out the bells and whistles are supposed to be just telephones.
the Iphone is supposed to be a telephone with bells and whistles.
and to answer your question, the demand lies in the market segment that wants a telephone with bells and whistles.
also, nobody cares what your ring tone is. [/quote]
Maybe I should invent shoes with onboard socks. All the iphone types would buy em for sure. I could even make interchangeable velcro on themes to match your iphone. Really, people can do what they want with their money, but this is just opulent gadgetry as far as I’m concerned.
The question I would like to ask is how much money AT&T paid for the iPhone to be released on the worst network in the country with the worst customer service?
I wasn’t really interested in an iPhone (I have something we in the business of not being Mac fanboys call a “laptop” and a “blackberry”) until I started playing with one, but AT&T has arguably the single worst data network in this country (which is saying a lot, and browsing a non-mobile internet is what makes this phone special) and they are known for being tremendous dicks. Someone who worked for an AT&T store told me that the best way to reach a person working for AT&T is to open your window and yell for a while, hoping to get lucky.
I also don’t see what the iPhone does that something like the Helio Ocean doesn’t do for much cheaper.
I have a Korean phone with an MP3 player, camcorder, internet access and bunch of other crap that I don’t use (no touch screen)…and I paid 150 bones.
The Japanese have phones that work as you debit card, house keys and public transit pass. America is light years behind Asia in terms of mobile technology.
We wouldn’t be so far behind if people here weren’t so scared of technology. The same people that say “cell phones are just for talking” probably were calling the first people to have them yuppies.
Now everyone has one. It’s like that quote says: “Don’t worry about people stealing your ideas, if it’s truly original you’ll have to shove it down their throats.” (something like that). Bottom line is, for what it’s for, the iPhone is the shit. Some people like being ahead of the curve, some just want to sit back and bitch.
I work for t-mobile, and i see idiots blowing there whole paychecks on dumbass phones everyday, either way you look at it the iphone is a waste of money. its a ferrari for posers.
[quote]mrjoshua wrote:
We wouldn’t be so far behind if people here weren’t so scared of technology. The same people that say “cell phones are just for talking” probably were calling the first people to have them yuppies.
Now everyone has one. It’s like that quote says: “Don’t worry about people stealing your ideas, if it’s truly original you’ll have to shove it down their throats.” (something like that). Bottom line is, for what it’s for, the iPhone is the shit. Some people like being ahead of the curve, some just want to sit back and bitch.[/quote]
I was the first to use the term “yuppie” in this thread. If you came to my house you would be immediately struck by how preposterous the assumption is that someone who finds an iphone useless must be afraid of technology.
If someone wants one, fine. It does nothing I care enough about to spend that much money on. You can gleefully tap away on your screen. It’s your life, your money. I was one of the first people I knew with a cell phone. Why? Because it does something useful to me. To be honest I find the iphone to be very cool. Very cool isn’t the same thing as useful.