Intermittent Fasting and Night Training

Hi Paul I know you’ve talked about this subject, a lot, and I have responded well in the past. But now my circumstances have changed and can only train after work which is later in the day.

Wake at 5am and have an hour commute to start work at 6. Home around 430 pm so wouldn’t be feasible to start eating post training which is usually 6-630pm.

Any thoughts on IF or is it even IF when training isn’t fasted?

Doing IF has nothing to do with your training time. It’s just a protocol for when you are eating during the day. Clearly you’ll need to train in a fed state which is just fine of course.

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Hi Paul,

Piggybacking on this thread, I’m interested in trying the 16:8 restricted eating for a number of reasons, but I had a couple of questions if you don’t mind?

One, I wake up at 4AM to lift at 5:30. I read your article on 16:8, which is where I got the idea and I’m wondering what your thoughts are with that kind of schedule? Should I eat something before training? Would that defeat the purpose? I can’t really move my lifting to another time and I usually eat dinner around 6:30-7.

Two, I’ve noticed I feel dizzy and a bit out of sorts when I try to extend my overnight fast to about 11AM (my 8 hours would be roughly 11AM - 7PM). Are you familiar with others having this issue and/or do you have any ideas of things I could try to avoid this? I’ve only tried this on non-lifting days and I’ll just have a spike energy drink and water until noon.


Homie, without sounding like salesman, did you get the Super Soldier protocol? Because I go into depth as to how I structure my IF in there, and what supps I use to make it more efficient with the problems you’re having.

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I did, I obviously need to read it more thoroughly…

Lay out your whole schedule for me right here in hours and lifting and such so I can look at it more concisely.

Thanks, Paul. I do see in your book where you talk about the 16:8 protocol now. I’m not sure how I missed it the first time.

My schedule is basically the same every day during the week:

4AM: Wake
5:30 - 6:30: lift (3-4 days week) or HIIT
11:30 - 12:00: walk
8ish: Begin nightly routine (usually reading)
9ish: Lights out.

The night time routine fluctuates depending on what’s going on, but I try to be consistently in bed by 9.

Weekend are normally the same except I usually sleep until one of my boys wakes me up, which is usually by 6:30.

In terms of eating, I’ve tried a few different approaches. Smaller meals more often, the 16:8 protocol breaking my fast at 11AM until 7PM, and I’d call it block eating where I eat in two 4-hour windows (4AM - 8AM and 3PM - 7PM). I tried the block eating today and I felt pretty good, but I have no idea if there’s an actual benefit to eating this way.

In terms of food choices, I stick to a pretty limited diet probably 80% of the time. Chicken (mostly thighs), rice, broccoli or green beans, fish (mostly white fish like Flounder, but occasionally Salmon), fruit, yogurt, eggs, carrots, and oats/granola (with the yogurt). That’s pretty much it. I prep a bunch of food on Sunday’s for work. Dinners are the only exception, we’ll make different things like steaks, burgers, etc… It varies, but it’s mostly whole foods not pizza or other junk.

I’ve really cut back on supplements. I’ve used Mag-10 and Plazma quite a bit in the past, but I’ve had digestive issues using them. I only really use z12 or ZMA, metabolic drive, spike energy drinks, and an iodine/Selenium supplentmemt now. Plus vitamin D and C daily.

I really appreciate you taking the time to respond.

Ok this makes sense.

So break your fast by hitting the Plasma about 15 minutes before you start training. Then go wit hthe mag-10 immediately after. Get your first food meal in about 90-120 minutes later and put most of your carbs into that meal. After that, switch back to proteins and fats for the rest of the day. So once you break the fast you are on the eating clock for 8 hours and then stop once 8 hours is up. So you’re looking at 1:30 PM or so.

Mine is slightly reversed in that I hit coffee and ketones around 10-11 am. Then I break my fast around 1-2 and train, then stop eating around 9-10 P.M. So you’re just reversing my same process.

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Thanks, Paul!

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