Input with Program Design

hey, i was wondering if y’all could give me some input on how, if you were in my situation, would design a weekly program…

firstly, my plan to start morning BJJ classes has seemed to fall through. not a lot of interest in my area… i work third shift, so i can’t really do night classes and still expect to perform at work (as a police officer).

secondly, i have an Army PT test coming up. while not all that demanding, it does involve pushups (45-ish), situps (55-ish) and a 2 mile run (17:00 min-ish). right now, the pushups and situps are not an issue, but the run is.

thirdly, i have some nagging pain/injuries/imbalances in my shoulders and low back.

i’m naturally pretty strong and athletic (enough that this has never really been an issue for me), although right now my cardio sucks, and i’m fat. i have been chipping away, but i have a lot of improvement to go yet.

i guess my goals are varied, although somewhat interconnected. i want to increase my endurance, and get in “fighting shape,” but won’t have many days for kickboxing, BJJ or MMA (or at least, to train at real classes or with partners). basically develop those qualities on my own…

some of the things i already do that i think are helping:
-i stretch daily at least 15-20 minutes
-i do a kicboxing routine on my own…basically 5 stations of varying combinations, 1 min ea for 5 rds.

some of the things i’m thinking:
-1 kickboxing workout a week (basically what i already do)
-1 BJJ day a week (Saturday morning is open mat)
-1 sprint day a week
-1 circuit day (calisthenics), possibly a 1 mile run?
-1 day of wrestling, BJJ and “guerilla” drills
-1 day that would include a 2 mile run, with an otherwise light workout, possibly just a couple sets of pushups/situps?

i’m thinking i’ll prolly add some rehab stuff on my pushup/situp days, but i don’t forsee that taking too much time

anyhow, if y’all could take a look at it, and let me know what ya think…



I think you need to state what exactly your goals are a bit better. Saying you want to get into “MMA Shape” doesn’t mean a thing. You could do crossfit and get into “MMA Shape” or you could do sprints to get into “MMA Shape”

Come up with clear goals and then we can help with program

[quote]Enders Drift wrote:
I think you need to state what exactly your goals are a bit better. Saying you want to get into “MMA Shape” doesn’t mean a thing. You could do crossfit and get into “MMA Shape” or you could do sprints to get into “MMA Shape”

Come up with clear goals and then we can help with program[/quote]

fair enough…

i’m going on 2 days with no sleep, so i’ll post some clearer info after a few zzzz’s

If the run is the issue, the only way to fix that is by running more. Not sprints since you have to do 2 miles in 17 minutes. That’s do able. Just gotta plug away at it. Whats your current 2 mile time. Can you run 2 miles at all?

Clearly state your goals; I mean CLEAR

ex: “I want to dcr my 18m 34s 2mile to 17min” etc

so exactly what is “fighting shape” for you. Certain BF%?, etc
Be really specific (or as much as you can) and it will be easier
for people to help. Good luck gettin those z’s