I have not been barbell squatting for the past three years,and recently i went to a gym where there are space for barbell squat and i add the exercise to my routine.After three weeks of barbell squat,i guess i got over confident and ego lifted which i should have relaxed into the routine.One day after leg day,i felt pain in my leg and when i ejaculated there was blood on my sperm and i thought it was DOMS,but now its over two weeks and my leg still hurt when i get in the car and also i haven’t had sex because the experience is unpleasant.I still worked my upper body and during the two weeks,there is improvement but it seems to have stall in the past few days.Its been a while since i posted,hope everyone is safe and well.
Physiotherapist here
I don’t know if you’re asking for advice or not… but you need to see a urologist STAT
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