Injection Swelling

Hey guys I’m running my second cycle. My first was test and had great results at low dosing and decided to run another test only cycle. The first cycle no issues or anything, I work in EMS I know how to do injections and I’m very sanitary. This time around tho my gear keeps causing a lot of pain and swelling. The first time I figured I didn’t get it into the muscle but this is the third week and I’ve switched spots and same thing. It goes down about 5-6 days later. No redness not warm to the touch just painful golf ball size swelling.

Any anybody have any ideas why? I’ve read and researched but everybody I see posting with these symptoms has redness and warmth to the touch and indications of an infection. I went to the doc and there’s no infection. Is it just really dirty gear?

We need more details on what you are taking and at what concentration. For example, if Test, short esters hurt more as do high concentrations. Basically anything over 250mg/ml starts causing PIP and there are even brews with 4-500mg/ml from UGL. Also, your UGL could just have high BA.

So if it has high BA, can I do anything? (Might be a stupid question) I didn’t know if I could dilute with saline. And it’s test cyp the concentration is 200mg/ml I’m running 300mg.

No you don’t want to dilute it with saline. You would use something like sterile grape seed oil. Hell, you can but the stuff on eBay.

Edit: I should clarify this I’m not recommending it… just mentioning some people do cut it. BA is in there for a reason.

I used to have an issue like this as well. I used to get a painful large lump at the site which took a few days to go down. What I found that worked for me was after removing the needle I press down really hard on the injection site for maybe 30-60 seconds. Following that I would rub the site for a few seconds. Give that a try it has helped others I’ve told this to.

Ya man I tried that, I tried warming the oil and even using a heating pad and massaging it afterwards and still nothing helped

hah you don’t have to clarify I know how things go man lol I appreciate the advice tho

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