i am on week six of testy cyp 300 mgs 2 times a week and every time i shoot i m so sore after i ahve been shooting in my ass the muscle gets hard and sore for day almost until next injection i also tried my thigh and couldnt walk for a week
do know what the prob is using 22g 1 1/2 pinZ any help would be great and i think the test is working im stating to see results now i hope
think about it your shooting a glob of oil into a muscle after shooting it in an inch or more with a nail…of course its going to hurt…try warming your stuff up that helps …also inject slowly other than that being beautiful is painful…man up
My TRT doses in the gluts hurt, mostly on one side. I has a hunch that my muscles were tight and that was the problem. I auto-massaged those muscles and injections became free of pain. Before that, I would have pain down my leg.
I was not near a nerve and never felt a twinge from knicking one. With weekly injections, doing that deep massage was an option as I had two weeks before going for the same spot. Injecting twice a week might not allow for proper muscle recovery. I ended up with painfree injections in the glutes, but later changed to the quads for EOD injections to get level hormone status.
I used to have the same problem a few weeks ago I was injecting Sustanon 250. I used to get a golf ball like swell on my ass. IT HURT LIKE HELL.
I just started a new cycle Enanthate 300 and now I inject on my upper shoulder. I noticed its alot less painfull and its alot easier to massage. I’m on week 3 in this cycle and I’ve only been sore once since I’ve changed my site to the upper shoulder. Try it, it works for me!
[quote]BlkQbano wrote:
I used to have the same problem a few weeks ago I was injecting Sustanon 250. I used to get a golf ball like swell on my ass. IT HURT LIKE HELL.
I just started a new cycle Enanthate 300 and now I inject on my upper shoulder. I noticed its alot less painfull and its alot easier to massage. I’m on week 3 in this cycle and I’ve only been sore once since I’ve changed my site to the upper shoulder. Try it, it works for me![/quote]
Don’t massage right after injecting. That will cause the fluid mass to move and tear.
Try a 22gauge or smaller in your quad. Slap your leg a couple times just before you stick it in on the injection spot and plung slow. Make sure all is sterile…
Like someone else said cut your gear with either some grapeseed oil or some lab grade B-12, and try running the loaded barell under some hot water before dartin yourself. This should help. Also make sure when your stickin it in that your not movin the dart around and make a clean entry / exit.