Hello all, been doing some reading here and elsewhere and decided to get a test done just to see where I stand. I have noticed some symptoms over quite awhile just haven’t done anything about them. Here are my labs and data. I’m looking to get feedback and see if people think it would be worthwhile to try TRT to raise levels and see if it help.
The place that did the tests definitely seems to be a TRT money making shop and less of a clinic. On the upside they are receptive to me being very involved in the plan, testing, results. Their plan is Test Cyp, HCG, and Arimidez pills if I choose to try it. I am definitely out of shape and eat unhealthy but hoping to change that as well which I’m sure would help mood and my other symptoms.
Labs, I have marked tests that came back out of range with an *
Endocrine Eval:
Estradiol (E2) 18.4 ---- 7.6 - 42.6
DHEA-Sulfate 290.2 ---- 88.9 - 427.0
Test Total 458 ---- 280 - 1100
SHBG 28 ---- 10 - 80
Test Free 9.51 ---- 1.9 - 27
TSH 1.680 ---- 0.27 - 4.2
PSA, Total 0.680 ---- 0.0 - 4.0
*Triglycerides 223 ---- <150
*Cholesterol Total 232 ---- <200
HDL Cholesterol 43 ---- >40
*LDL Cholesterol 144 ---- <100
*Chol/HDL Ratio 5.4 ---- <5.0
White Blood Cell 6.6 ---- 3.9 - 11.1
Red Blood Cell 5.80 ---- 4.2 - 6.0
Hemoglobin 17.4 ---- 13.2 - 18.0
*Hematocrit 58.5 ---- 38.5 - 54.0
*MCV 101 ---- 80.0 - 100.0
MCH 29.9 ---- 26.0 - 34.0
*MCHC 29.7 ---- 31.0 - 37.0
RDW 14.8 ---- 11.0 - 15.5
Platelet Count 242 ---- 140 - 400
MPV 9.1 ---- 7.5 - 11.6
General Chemistry:
Glucose 88 ---- 65 - 100
BUN 16 ---- 6 - 20
Creatinine, Serum 1.2 ---- 0.5 - 1.2
Sodium 143 ---- 133 - 145
Potassium 4.2 ---- 3.3 - 5.1
Chloride 103 ---- 96 - 108
CO2 22 ---- 22 - 32
*Calcium 10.6 ---- 8.5 - 10.5
Total Protein 7.9 ---- 6.4 - 8.3
*Albumin 5.0 ---- 3.2 - 4.8
Globulin 2.9 ---- 2.1 - 3.6
*Bilirubin, Total 2.2 ---- 0.0 - 1.0
Alkaline Phosphatase 67 ---- 35 - 129
*ALT 45 ---- <42
AST 24 ---- <39
Albumin/Glob Ratio 1.7 ---- 0.8 - 2.0
BUN/Creat Ratio 13.3 ---- 7.3 - 21.7
GFR, Estimated 73
age - 36
height - 6’2
waist - 34" 39.5 at the naval
weight - 182
Hairy arms/legs/chest/stomach. No hair on back. Somewhat thin facial hair, been slowly going bald for a long time
-I have always carried my fat around my stomach and tits. I am no where as active as when I was younger, but even back then working out steady and eating clean I always had fat and what feels like course tissue on my tits.
-Heart burn, just had an upper GI found Hiatal Hernia, gastritus, h.pylori. On antibiotics for 2 weeks for it. Blood tests were done before I started the antibioitics.
-Prilosec for heartburn, excedrin often for headaches (stare at a computer screen all day for work). Have never used hair loss drugs
-lab results with ranges above
-describe diet - no structured diet currently. Eat poorly, a lot of packaged/prepared food.
-describe training - no training currently
-my testes have occasionaly ached but it seems to not happen often
-haven’t had regular morning wood in as long as I can remember.
Have the brain “fog” feeling, moody, and a general not give a shit attitude for quite awhile. Have felt like I have been slipping at work which is a stressful job. Do have sleeping problems, getting to sleep and staying asleep. DR has suggested antidepressants but really don’t want to go that route. I have tits, and fat mostly on the stomach. I am very thin elsewhere.
I do feel cold often, and am going to get a thermometer to start checking temps in the morning and afternoon. I drank Diet Mt. Dew for a very long time which has brominated vegetable oil in it. That combined with me not eating any salt from a shaker in as long as I can remember has me curious on iodine/thyroid. I will get the temp measurements and go from there.
My Bilirubin levels are high, and have been since it was first tested when I was about 16 or so. Doctors advised I have Gilbert’s syndrome which isn’t supposed to be harmful, just causes jaundice sometimes.