Inguinal Hernia: Anyone With Experience?

Only threads I could find are very out of date (like, 10 years old).

Noticed a little bulging thingy high on my right groin that looks like a dead ringer like the Wikipedia photo and description of an inguinal hernia last Thursday night in the shower. It is easily reducible (I can just press it back in, and it goes away after laying down for awhile, e.g. in the morning it’s not there), but it does tend to “come back” after a long time on my feet or with some strain, and while it’s not really what I’d call “painful” on a moment to moment basis, it is noticeable and causing what I’d consider “mild discomfort” from time to time.

Seems like this is a pretty common issue. Already have watched videos from Alan Thrall, Jordan Feigenbaum (Barbell Medicine) and a few others. Seems like most “lifters” consensus is basically - a) lifting does not cause it, b) if it doesn’t hurt, you can keep training with it but c) you probably want to get it fixed because it won’t go away on its own and may get worse or have increased risk of complications. So at the moment, I am thinking I’ll seek surgery (not in a rush, but later this year if that’s practical). I have a doctor’s appointment in a few weeks and if they agree, I’ll get referred to a hernia center for surgical evaluation.

For now I’m gonna give anything that requires heavy-duty abdominal bracing a break (sorry, squats and deadlifts…) and focus on losing a little body weight and increasing my pull-up numbers, as that feels the safest and least likely to aggravate the issue. I could stand to lean out anyway…so I can make the best of it for a little while until I can get this dealt with.

In the meantime, I would love to hear from anyone in these parts that’s had an inguinal hernia, particularly those that got surgery and have since returned to lifting. Any lingering issues? Success stories? Anything would be helpful.

Yep, had a bilateral repair around 2013 and it has been awesome. Lifting was seriously hampered because it would hurt at times and I didn’t want my intestines to end up in places they shouldn’t. Had a laparoscopic mesh put in on both sides and after a few months was back lifting. It took awhile to get back to where I was but I have 0 issues now. You can feel where the mesh is at times, and it’s a little tight in that area but 0 pain, no discomfort, and very happy with the procedure.

I did a ton of research visited many surgeons and even contemplated going to Canada for the non-mesh procedure but I found a surgeon who was great, understood my goals, and I went with her. I have no regrets. The worst part is the recovery and when your balls turn black and blue but the pain was very little.

Good luck!


Thanks so much - really appreciate the reply.

I know “ask your doctor” always applies, so of course I will, and that every person is different but since I managed to get a reply here - just curious - do you do much lower body training? Squatting and/or deadlifting? I’m a sumo deadlifter, and a little worried that position might end up a bit…strained by a repair. I’ll talk to my doc, of course, and if I have to give up sumo deadlifting, I will…just wondering if you can speak to that at all.

Similar to @Salukis33 - I was shocked how bad it hurt for the ~48-72 hours following surgery. After the “don’t do anything” period, I actually had a wound complication. It was disgusting, but we got it cleaned and fixed up, and then I was back to whatever.

I’m a mid-400s squatter (maybe still?) and a low 500s puller (which I rarely do anyway), but that repair is not something that’s been a limiter in any way.

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Have had two hernia repairs done. One at 16 the other 26. Recovery was fast. Was in the gym less than a week after the second one. Took it easier than usual, but was lifting at moderate level. Had little pain after the procedures. Only issue was the incisions from the laparoscopic procedure of the second one were so damn itchy as they healed. First one was a larger cut and heal time took a few weeks. Even that was easy, just couldn’t do any sports. There really is nothing to worry about. These are very typical and routine procedures. Keep your protein up afterwards and don’t stress the short time away from lifting. After you get back to lifting, the scar tissue may tug sometimes when you stretch it, but even that goes away eventually. All my best lifts were in the years after, not before. So doesn’t limit you in the least.


Thanks all. This is super helpful. It’s very encouraging to know that other lifters have gone through this and it hasn’t proven to be limiting down the line.

Just coming back with quick update.

Surgery yesterday. Laparoscopic approach with mesh. By the end of the day I was at least up and walking around. I don’t actually have much pain at the hernia site itself (at all) but right now my abs are still feeling a little jacked up and I’m a bit nervous about my incisions, of course.

I’m allowed to (actually encouraged to) walk around, although for the first week they make clear that’s short, non-strenuous walks, not “power walks” for exercise. More like a “go walk for 5-10 minutes every hour” thing.

Paper has sort of conflicting instructions about lifting - one place it says no lifting over 10-15 pounds for “2-3 weeks” while another place says “4-6 weeks” - I’ll try to get clarity on that when I have my follow up appointment (supposed to call Monday and schedule for ~2 weeks post surgery). But as of now it is encouraging that can get up and walk around. Just gotta be careful doing things like getting in and out of bed, or twisting suddenly, anything like that until my incisions have healed.

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I squatted the day before my surgery. I missed a week of work and was back in the gym after two weeks

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Thanks for sharing. I’ve definitely seen some other lifters (since I started looking into this) say they were back in the gym sooner than the “4-6 weeks” and all I can say is that a) surgeons are probably going to be more conservative (they don’t want you to have a complication, and for them what’s the difference in asking you to wait 4-6 weeks instead of 2 to be sure) and b) I may try for the middle ground where I start with just some light dumbbell stuff (raises, curls, presses) in 2-3 weeks but hold off on anything that would require really bracing the core (and thereby testing the hernia repair itself) for 6 weeks.


All hernias (and repairs) are not created equal. You’re not wussier or anything if you are on the longer end of recovery. In some repairs, they just tack some mesh over the hole. In others, they may actually have to release muscle fibers to create enough slack to close the defect. Anyway, you don’t want mesh migrating. I’d just be comfortable doing whatever they say and come back stronger and confident when the time is right.

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