Info on Endurance Training

Hey guys, I’m looking for a few good sites on endurance training. Something akin to T-mag but for the endurance training folks. They are a large part of the market that I’m currently aiming for (VO2max and Anaerobic Threshold testing) and although I understand the basic needs of their training, I want to know the details. Thanks!

Chris Carmichael’s site is and there is Joe Friel has one somewhere. I’m sure you can find it by going to the Velonews website. That should get you started.

Not sure what you are doing though. Are you offering VO2max and AT testing? How are you determining AT? There are several methods and often times they will give you different values. Are you recommending training based on this? Sorry for all of the questions, but it wasn't clear to me what you were doing. My gut tells me that if you had to ask for endurance training sites on T-mag forum, you probably should not be giving advice on endurance training.

Other sites you might want to try if you are looking more for the forum format are the newsgroups,, and rec.skiing.nordic. The triathlon group is the least abusive and accepting of inquiries from outside the field.

Hope this helps.

Steve - thanks for the recommendations. I completely understand your skepticism. While not the optimal combination, I am well versed in how to test VO2max and AT, but it has been some time since I have studied the training needs of the endurance athlete. My primary responsibility is to provide the athlete their data rather than designing a training program based on that information. Like I said, I well understand the basic needs of their training, but there is so much more that I would like to learn. Just think about all of the new information about strength training and nutrition that comes out each week in T-mag. I am an information junkie and would rather be significantly overqualified for something rather than just qualified.

Are you offering VO2max and AT testing?

Yes, but just results and not coaching.

How are you determining AT?

Right now, I am using graphical interpretation from the metabolic data. I may purchase the equipment to do blood lactates if there is a large enough demand for it.

There are several methods and often times they will give you different values. Are you recommending training based on this?

Currently, I am supplying the data and our personal training staff or their coaches are setting up the training for them.

Sorry for all of the questions, but it wasn't clear to me what you were doing. My gut tells me that if you had to ask for endurance training sites on T-mag forum, you probably should not be giving advice on endurance training.

I agree! Like I said, I've got the basics down regarding endurance training, but I want to know as much as I can. My first love is strength training and I consider T-mag my information home. There are a lot of people here with different interests and I figured that I might get some good responses and get directed to a site that I may have missed in the past.

Thanks again for your response!

No problem. If you have any questions, feel free to ask, although it may be better to contact me off the forum.

Check the polar pacer website and some of the tri-athlete websites. I think Strenght for health also discusses this to some extent.
Best of Luck.