I just picked up a pretty interesting book last night called “The Inflammation Cure” that sold quite a bit and was reviewed by the NYT. In this book the author argues that the big maladies that face America are all caused by systemic inflammation. Basically, inflammation is the root and modern American maladies are the fruits.
He has a lot of credentials behind him and the story makes a lot of sense to me, but I don’t have any scientific background aside from what I got in high school, so I have no way to detect the truthfulness of this theory.
Anyone have any opinions on this theory or this book in-particular?
the “theory” is very real. also read “The ultra mind solution” by mark hyman , Omega-rx by barry sears … management of inflammation in the body and brain would prevent the great majority of “disease” we see in modern society. The US food system is based on mass production of foods taht are detrimental to our health…the government is not about to educate the massdes on this becuase a huge portion of the population depends on the ongoing production of detrimental foods.
If everyone took the simple step of eliminating sugar, including HFCS, and living on only natural (meaning unprocessed) foods, drinking only water, i guarantee “sickness” in the population would decrease by 50% or more. However just imagine the impact on the economy…go to the store and eliminate any food that is either not in its natural state or does not contain hfcs…NOT MUCH LEFT…very sad state of affairs.
Its up to you to make that decision for yourself and your own health becasue big agra and big pharma are making billions every year keeping us sick.
It is very popular as the singel cause of all maladies plaguing the civilized world, especially you americans. There is a lot of good science as well as basic biochemistry behind it, so i believe to be very true. People eat to much crap and to little of the good stuff, and it reflects in the general health situation.
[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
I just purchased the ultramind solution on Morepains recommendation.
Have yet to read it though
Anyway, the inflammation thing, is why I take 5g of fish oil every night before bed, since O3 is anti-inflammatory.
I just started reading it myself.
The hard part is going to be getting my doc to play along next week when I get my physical.[/quote]
chances are you won;t be able to …go to functionalmedicine.org and find a functional medicine practitioner in your area. Dr Hyman has a practice in Mass. so if you are in that area he’s great. In the midwest i would without a doubt use Dr. Ralph Waldo (my doctor) his specilaty is pscyhiatry utlizes the tools of functional medicine, this guy saved my life, literally. Functional medicine is the future for those who want to be truly healthy.
[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
I just purchased the ultramind solution on Morepains recommendation.
Have yet to read it though
Anyway, the inflammation thing, is why I take 5g of fish oil every night before bed, since O3 is anti-inflammatory.
I just started reading it myself.
The hard part is going to be getting my doc to play along next week when I get my physical.[/quote]
chances are you won;t be able to …go to functionalmedicine.org and find a functional medicine practitioner in your area. Dr Hyman has a practice in Mass. so if you are in that area he’s great. In the midwest i would without a doubt use Dr. Ralph Waldo (my doctor) his specilaty is pscyhiatry utlizes the tools of functional medicine, this guy saved my life, literally. Functional medicine is the future for those who want to be truly healthy.
I live in Massachusetts.
Think it would be difficult to get an appointment relatively soon?
[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
I just purchased the ultramind solution on Morepains recommendation.
Have yet to read it though
Anyway, the inflammation thing, is why I take 5g of fish oil every night before bed, since O3 is anti-inflammatory.
I just started reading it myself.
The hard part is going to be getting my doc to play along next week when I get my physical.[/quote]
chances are you won;t be able to …go to functionalmedicine.org and find a functional medicine practitioner in your area. Dr Hyman has a practice in Mass. so if you are in that area he’s great. In the midwest i would without a doubt use Dr. Ralph Waldo (my doctor) his specilaty is pscyhiatry utlizes the tools of functional medicine, this guy saved my life, literally. Functional medicine is the future for those who want to be truly healthy.
I live in Massachusetts.
Think it would be difficult to get an appointment relatively soon?[/quote]
i really don;t know but there is NO better place to be thats for sure.