Increasing Chest Strength

do you grab the bar with a norrow gip? If so, then maybe you could try grabbing it with a wider grip

Pause bench

[quote]dankid wrote:
Pause bench[/quote]

Bastard beat me to it. This has really made my tricep/chest strength more balanced.

[quote]J-J wrote:
TK52 wrote:
J-J wrote:
My bench sucked royally - you know what worked for me?

NOT doing it.

Honestly, give it a rest while bringing up your presses in the other exercises and when you return you will have improved.

Do this 3x over the next year and you will have added a significant amount of weight to the lift.

I wanted to focus on my military press so I guess this is a good reason and time to start!

Thanks :smiley:


I didn’t mean you stop training your chest. You drop the exercise you want to improve and continue to train the muscle group with other moves, cycling in the lift you want to progress in.[/quote]

haha of course. I understood what you meant. I havnt done military for awhile so I just wanted to put my best efforts on that instead of worrying about the bench. Im still gonna do DB presses and CGP’s and the like.

Thanks again

[quote]TK52 wrote:
Im still gonna do DB presses and CGP’s and the like.

Thanks again[/quote]

This works for sure. I bench CG, do pause bench with a moderate grip, and DB bench, and my bench is going up and my chest is getting bigger.

I was doing ultra wide grip for a bit, but my shoulders cant handle it enough for me to push heavy loads. But if you can handle it, ultra wide bench will do it.

[quote]dankid wrote:
TK52 wrote:
Im still gonna do DB presses and CGP’s and the like.

Thanks again

This works for sure. I bench CG, do pause bench with a moderate grip, and DB bench, and my bench is going up and my chest is getting bigger.

I was doing ultra wide grip for a bit, but my shoulders cant handle it enough for me to push heavy loads. But if you can handle it, ultra wide bench will do it.[/quote]

Can someone please explain the pause bench??

[quote]TK52 wrote:

Can someone please explain the pause bench?? [/quote]

Its just as it sounds. You lower the weight, and pause about 1/2-1" off your chest. I usually shoot for about 2-4 seconds. This basically “de-activates” the stretch reflex making it harder to accelerate out of the whole. You’d get a similar effect doing rack presses, but its just different.

Im sure there are different ways to do it, but I prefer sets of 1-5, a little wider grip than normal, and a pause of 2-4 seconds. Sometimes i’ll go a bit lighter and try for a longer pause with just a few reps. Just experiment with it.

[quote]dankid wrote:
TK52 wrote:

Can someone please explain the pause bench??

Its just as it sounds. You lower the weight, and pause about 1/2-1" off your chest. I usually shoot for about 2-4 seconds. This basically “de-activates” the stretch reflex making it harder to accelerate out of the whole. You’d get a similar effect doing rack presses, but its just different.

Im sure there are different ways to do it, but I prefer sets of 1-5, a little wider grip than normal, and a pause of 2-4 seconds. Sometimes i’ll go a bit lighter and try for a longer pause with just a few reps. Just experiment with it.

That would be the myotatic reflex, sir. :slight_smile:

[quote]dankid wrote:
TK52 wrote:

Can someone please explain the pause bench??

Its just as it sounds. You lower the weight, and pause about 1/2-1" off your chest. I usually shoot for about 2-4 seconds. This basically “de-activates” the stretch reflex making it harder to accelerate out of the whole. You’d get a similar effect doing rack presses, but its just different.

Im sure there are different ways to do it, but I prefer sets of 1-5, a little wider grip than normal, and a pause of 2-4 seconds. Sometimes i’ll go a bit lighter and try for a longer pause with just a few reps. Just experiment with it.

Huh. That’s not how I do it. I lower the weight to my chest under control (literally to the chest, not an inch off it). I hold it there for as long as it takes for the bar to come to a full, honest rest. This is maybe a 1-second pause. Then, I lift the weight. It’s just one man’s opinion, but holding the bar at chest level for as long as 4 seconds seems like:

A) Overkill
B) Hard on the shoulders
C) It wouldn’t add anything to eliminating the stretch reflex over say 1-2 seconds
D) It would fatigue the working muscles needlessly

To be fair, if you’re doing it it must work for you, and I will try your approach tomorrow (bench day) to see if it adds anything to my workout. But I’m definitely sceptical!