I have been searching for answers by going through a lot of threads for weeks now and finally decided that i have to create my own.
Hopefully you can tolerate my English as it’s not my native language.
Short information about me:
I am 36 years old , 76kgs (%17 body fat) 1.80cm. I am working out since June’18 (weightlifting and minimal to non-existent cardio) 4-5 days a week. Diet is clean other than occasional junk food. %45 Protein / %35 Carbs / %20 Fats. Job is often quite stressful to the point where i want to resign. The only reason i didn’t yet is because it’s family business and it’s a big company. And money too. I got a new born child to feed.
I was tired all the time and could not feel refreshed even after 10 hours of sleep. I did not have the best libido although i never had ED. (All these symptoms were the same before i started working out a year ago.) Lack of focus also… Typical low t symptoms , although i did not know that by then.
Below is my first blood test from 14th of March 2019 (this is before the Nebido injection) :
|Glucose| 87| mg/dL| 74 - 106| |
|(BUN)| ▲21.5| mg/dL| 7.94 - 20.09| |
|Creatinine| ▲1.27| mg/dL| 0.67 - 1.17| |
|Uric acid| 6.81| mg/dL| 3.5 - 7.2| |
|[Cholesterol)l| ▲249| mg/dL| 0 - 200| |
|Triglyceride | 90| mg/dL| 0 - 150| |
|HDL Cholesterol| 47| mg/dL| 30 - 60| |
|LDL Cholesterol| ▲184| mg/dL| 0 - 130| |
|Total Bilirubin| 0.69| mg/dL| 0.2 - 1.2| |
|Indirect Bilirubin| 0.59| mg/dL| 0.1 - 1.0| |
|Direct Bilirubin| 0.1| mg/dL| 0.0 - 0.2| |
|Albumin| 4.69| g/dL| 3.5 - 5.2| |
|Sodium (Na)| 141| mEq/L| 136 - 145| |
|Potassium| 4.56| mEq/L| 3.5 - 5.1| |
|Calcium (Ca)| 9.6| mg/dL| 8.4 - 10.5| |
|Magnesium| 2.03| mg/dL| 1.5 - 2.3| |
|Iron (serum)| 111| ug/dL| 59 - 158| |
|Iron binding capacity| 167| ug/dL| 155 - 355| |
|CRP| 0.08| mg/dL| 0 - 0.5| |
|Free T3| 3.25| pg/mL| 2.28 - 4.00| |
|Free T4| 1.03| ng/dL| 0.60 - 1.25| |
|TSH| 3.35| mU/mL| 0.38 - 5.33| |
|Vitamin B12| 297| pg/mL| 126.6 - 505| |
|Folate| 12.83| ng/mL| 3.1 - 19.9| |
|Ferritin| 63.5| ng/mL| 23.9 - 336.2| |
(PSA)| 0.74| ng/mL| 0 - 4| |
|25-Hidroksi Vit. D| ▼20.37| ng/mL| 30 - 100| (started taking Vit D3 5000iu with K2 after this)
(Hb A1C) 5.4
Hemogram was all good.
Took another blood test 4 days later (18th of March) , different labs this time (THIS IS STILL BEFORE THE NEBIDO INJECTION) :
Free T4 1,20 ng/dL 0.93 - 1.7
TSH 2,73 μIU/ml 0.27 - 4.2
SHBG 22.1 nmol/L 18.3-54.1 nmol/L
Testosterone, total 279,6 ng/dL 249 - 836
On 27th of March , due to my low TT , my urologist injected me Nebido himself without even checking my LH and FSH , E2 or SHBG. Thyroid levels was not even an issue to him. By that time i’ve had no idea what’s going on and just purely trusted my doctor. Huge mistake.
Nebido is the only option here if you want to buy with prescription. Though I have now access to Cypionate or Enanthate if i wish to use them.
3 days after my injection , insomnia began (was waking up at 3am and could not go back to sleep) and it was followed by frequent heart palpitations (extrasystole). Cardiologist requested a holter monitor and palpitations occured 49 times a day , but he said “You are not gonna die from this , you’re ok , no worries.”
Below is my blood test 1,5 weeks after my Nebido injection :
Total Cholesterol 207 mg/dL < 200 mg/dL
LDL Cholesterol 151 mg/dL <100 mg/dL
HDL Cholesterol 41 mg/dL > 35 mg/dL
Total/HDL Cholesterol 5.0 < 5.9
Triglyceride 74 mg/dL < 200 mg/dL
LDL Subgroups
Total Cholesterol *207 mg/dL < 200 mg/dL
VLDL Cholesterol *32 mg/dL < 22 mg/dL
MID-IDL Subgroups
MID-C 6 mg/dL < 23 mg/dL
MID-B 6 mg/dL < 15 mg/dL
MID-A 11 mg/dL < 25 mg/dL
Large LDL Subgroups
LDL 1 49 mg/dL < 57 mg/dL
LDL 2 *47 mg/dL < 30 mg/dL
Small LDL Subgroups
LDL 3 *9 mg/dL < 6 mg/dL
LDL 4 0 mg/dL
LDL 5 0 mg/dL
LDL 6 0 mg/dL
LDL 7 0 mg/dL
HDL Total 46 mg/dL > 40 mg/dL
DHEA-S 188 ug/dL 88.9-427 ug/dL
17-Hidroksipregnenolon 117 ng/dL 30-350 ng/dL
Albumin 4.3 g/dL 3.5-5.2 g/dL
Estradiol (E2) 58.7 pg/mL 25.8-60.7 pg/mL
17-Alfa-OH-Progesterone 0.16 ng/mL 0.08 - 1.9 ng/mL
Progesterone < 0.05 ng/mL 0.05-0.149 ng/mL
Prolactin (PRL) *16.9 ng/mL 4.0-15.2 ng/mL
*Total Testosterone 9.85 ng/mL 2.49-8.36 ng/mL
T4 (Tiroksin) 5.56 ug/dL 5.13-14.1 ug/dL
FREE T4 1.16 ng/dL 0.93-1.71 ng/dL
T3 (Triiyodotironin) 89 ng/dL 83-200 ng/dL
FREE T3 3.15 pg/mL 2.04-4.40 pg/mL
TSH 3.56 uIU/mL 0.27-4.20 uIU/mL
Reverse T3 132.2 pg/mL 90-215 pg/mL
Tiroid Peroksidaz Antibody < 9 IU/mL < 34 IU/mL
Tiroglobulin (hTG) 7.78 ng/mL 3.5-77 ng/mL
Anti-Tiroglobulin Antibody <10 IU/mL < 115 IU/mL
Iron 79 ug/dL 59-158 ug/dL
Ferritin 50.9 ng/mL 30-400 ng/mL
Total Iron Binding Capacity 269 ug/dL 250-450 ug/dL
SHBG 21.2 nmol/L 18.3-54.1 nmol/L
Cortisol 17 ug/dL AM 06:00 - 10:00 : 6.02-18.4 ug/dL
PM 16:00 - 20:00 : 2.68-10.5 ug/dL
Androstenedion 2.27 ng/mL 0.60-3.10 ng/mL
Calcitonin 1.4 pg/mL < 14.3 pg/mL
Anti-TSH Receptor Antibody (TRAK) < 0.3 IU/L <1.75 IU/L
Hemoglobin A1c % 5.0 % 4.0-5.6
- 31 mmol/mol 22-38 mmol/mol
Estimated Avg. Glucose 97 mg/dL
Hemogram all in range other than :
Monocyde *% 8.4 - ref. r % 2-8
Eosinophil *% 0.7 - ref. r % 2-4
MPV *11.7 um3 7.8-11.0 um3
Fast forward to beginning of May , my heart palpitations stopped , insomnia is no longer an issue. I thought i am getting ok but after 25th of May i am even worse than before.
I can’t even walk straight sometimes , low blood pressure constantly around 95-55 , dizziness and lightheadedness even if try to slowly stand up . I sometimes struggle to keep eyes open during day , sleepy , tired , you name it. Also one strange thing is when i lie sideways , after a while i feel pressure on my chest… It’s like mild chest pain.
So i took another blood test thinking this might be the reason of both exogenous testosterone’s effect is gone and my own production of testosterone is still shut down meaning low T and low e2.
Below are from 30th of May:
*Estradiol (E2) 17.5 pg/mL 25.8-60.7 pg/mL
Total Testosterone 2.93 ng/mL 2.49-8.36 ng/mL
FSH *0.4 mIU/mL 1.5-12.4 mIU/mL
LH *< 0.3 mIU/mL 1.7-8.6 mIU/mL
Prolactin (PRL) 13.7 ng/mL 4.0-15.2 ng/mL
T4 (Tiroksin) 5.52 ug/dL 5.13-14.1 ug/dL
FREE T4 1.17 ng/dL 0.93-1.71 ng/dL
*T3 (Triiyodotironin) 78 ng/dL 83-200 ng/dL
FREE T3 2.59 pg/mL 2.04-4.40 pg/mL
TSH 2.95 uIU/mL 0.27-4.20 uIU/mL
Tiroid Peroksidaz Antibody 11 IU/mL < 34 IU/mL
Anti-Tiroglobulin Antibody <10 IU/mL < 115 IU/mL
Total PSA 1.00 ng/mL < 1.4 ng/mL
Again Hemogram was all good other than :
Monocyde *% 8.1 - ref. r % 2-8
Eosinophil *% 1.1 - ref. r % 2-4
MPV *11.9 um3 7.8-11.0 um3
I will get another blood test at the end of June , which will be 3 months after my Nebido injection.
I will post it here also and i will have to decide depending on the experienced people’s advise here because there is no TRT specialist where i live… I saw 1 urologist and 3 endos. and one anti-aging specialist. I gave up and understood that i have to self medicate if i can.
So for now , I have the following questions and i need your help :
1)Why am i constantly dizzy and have low BP? It’s been like this for 25 days now.
2)When does my LH and FSH goes back to normal? Or will they? Because i really want to see my normal LH and FSH levels before i jump to TRT again.
3) I started to take 25mg of Iodoral along with 5 brazil nuts everyday and will be ending the IR next week. If my thyroid levels aren’t optimal after the IR , what kind of thyroid medication will i need? And will those meds shut down my natural production of thyroids? Will i have to take them forever?
4)What kind of TRT protocol would you advise me with my SHBG levels of low 20’s? We are yet to see my normal E2 values unfortunately.
We will try for another child in 5 years time. If i start TRT now , what will i have to do after 5 years? I have read here that HCG during TRT can cause problems.
Thank you in advance!