Greetings T-mag!
My name is Brendan, and I am, for the most part, I am new to your site. You seem like a very knowledgeable group of people, and I need to ask all you experts some advice. As I should let you know, I am extremely addicted to pumping iron, and my ultimate goal is to build as much muscle weight as I can and get as strong as I can, as fast as I can, and as safe as I can. The problem is I do not know if I know how. I have been lifting for roughly 2 years now consistently, and, unfortunately, I have not made much progress.
First off, I will let you know where I am at, and what I do. Here is the scoop! I have been lifting weights for about 2 years now consistently, and I am 5'10" at 160lbs. In my two years, I have read two books. One by Ian King, named, The Book of Muscle, and the other one named, Serious Strength Training. For the last month, I have been following a circuit workout program from The Book of Muscle that alternates between upper and lower body every other day that looks something like this:
Day one:
All supersets follow 12-15 reps, 1 set, 311 tempo.
Superset 1:
- Seated cable rows Weight 130lbs
- Barbell Bench press feet up on bench Weight 135lbs
Rest 60-120 sec
Superset 2: - Reverse dumbbell fly on stomach Weight 9lbs
- Dumbbell flys on back Weight 35lbs
Superset 3: - Lat Pull downs Weight 150lbs
- Seated military shoulder press Weight 80lbs
Superset 4: - Dumbbell Lying pull over dumbbell Weight 65lbs
- Dumbbell Seated lateral raises Weight 14lbs
Superset 5: - Alternating dumbbell seated bicep curl Weight 25lbs
- Barbell Triceps extensions Weight 55lbs
Superset 6:
Dumbbell wrist curl Weight 20lbs
Dumbbell wrist extensions Weight 12lbs
Day two:
All supersets follow 12-15 reps, 1 set, 311 tempo.
Barbell squat Weight 135lbs
Dead lift Weight 135lbs
Dynamic lunge Weight 65lbs
Supine hip-thigh extensions
Standing calf raise
Barbell shrug Weight 185lbs
Seated cable row max: 190
Bench press max: 215
Military press max: 115
Lat pull down max: 190
Squat max: 185
deadlift max: 185
Shrug max: 225
I have 6 meals a day. My meals consist of an omelet with one egg and three whites in the morning with ham and spinach leafs, two pieces of multi-grain bread and a banana with avocados + salsa. My other four meals usually consist of one skinless chicken breast with one cup vegetables, 1/2 cup brown rice, black beans, BBQ sauce, spinach leafs, and three pieces of multi-gain bread. I try to eat my first meal when I wake up, and then every meal three-hours after. I also try to keep my activity level down so I do not burn too many calories.
I have tried everything from creatine to soy protein, but they upset my stomach. I am lactose intolerant and can not have any dairy products. So I am pretty sure I want to go without any supplements that mess with your body.
The dilemma is I am not progressing as well as I would like. I am not gaining weight, and I do not see my muscles getting bigger. Now that you have seen my workout and how I eat, maybe you may be able to offer me advice. Thanks a lot for your time.