so i just got these from my dealer. didnt notice it at first but on closer inspection back home, i realised there’s a hair in the test e. would filtering be enough to salvage it? going to filter out the tren too just in case.
Filtering both with a 0.22micron filter should do the trick. Although, I don’t know if I would even use gear that is so poorly put together. Cause, that doesn’t even look like a vial lol.
It sure would as long as you use a .22 micron type filter, and a new sterile vial.
That’s the first time I’ve seen tren that didn’t have an orange hue to it. Are you sure this guy’s legit?
detroitlionsbaby - yeah was suprised too when i got them. strangely enough though it really is a vial with some polymer material as stoppers.
5.0 - its my first time playing with tren so i’m not too sure about how the colour should look like. i only know that it should be darker than test. have dealt with my source before and his gear is legit. gets it direct from thailand in person.
i suppose the only way to really find out is to actually try it. or run a lab test on it. out of curiosity, what kind of lab technique can be used to determine the drug in the oil?
I see a difference in the second pic. What are those, 10ml each? I hope you have more than that to run your cycle?
Whatever lab techniques needed are way above me…you’d just need a friend with lab access and a background in biochemistry. The easiest alternative since you trust your source is to run the cycle. Tren’s sides tend to show pretty quickly.
its about 20ml each. the vials are pretty long. have a 5 to 6 week plan in mind but wont be starting till february or later. going to run a cut but i’m going do it unaided first.
interestingly enough, i do have access to labs. however the focus isnt on biochemistry and neither is my education. ah wells.
- Trenbolone acetate is not orange or orange-ish. Ordinarily the crystals are a strong yellow; if they are exceptionally pure, for example after being purified by column chromatography, actually they tinge very slightly towards green (still very predominantly yellow) rather than towards orange.
If it oxidizes, the color shifts towards brown, but not orange-brown.
If any outside-produced trenbolone acetate product was seen to tinge orange, the orange is not from the TA. I would wonder if instead the supplier is cheaping out on the trenbolone acetate and adding a dye or other colorant.
- Each would have to decide on his own whether to salvage a product so shoddily and carelessly produced as to have a hair in it. As for myself, I would think that anyone who is in a position to filter such a product is also in a position to make their own rather than use something produced by such a careless person.
If they they are that shoddy and care that little about quality and your health, who is to say that that is the only problem. It is not that expensive to make one’s own TA and not have to worry about the obvious lack of integrity and/or skills or care of the dealer who made this shoddy stuff.
All of the tren I made was certainly more an orangish hue versus yellow. Pretty distinctive if you ask me.
I would venture to say then that you did not make it from Finaplix, but from some powder that was claimed to be pure trenbolone acetate but was not.
Or if you are using Finaplix, then you are doing something weird, or your personal word usage for colors has you calling “orange” what others would call brownish, in the case of oxidized TA.
My statements are based on 12 years experience with trenbolone acetate, including with chromatographically-purified TA.
No orange.
It was from powder. My statements are based off what my eyeballs told my brain. That’s as good as it’s gonna get from me.
Then your powder was not pure TA. Your supplier was dishonest, or bought from someone dishonest.
TA has not even a trace tinge of orange to it, let alone being “more orange than yellow.”
When it is pure and unoxidized, it is almost exactly pure canary yellow. And rather than diverging from that at all towards the orange side, actually it diverges a very tiny trace towards the green, but this is only perceptible when it is outstandingly pure. One would ordinarily never see it. Instead it’s a question of being pure canary yellow, or somewhat turning towards brownish if there is some oxidation, or quite brownish if there is a lot of it.
When you look at tren powders versus ones like test and deca, can you see a difference in the tren? When I compare the tren powders, both in ace and enanthate form, the color is distinctively different from the others from the same supplier. Without splitting hairs over the proper color term, it definitely has an amber-like hue to it. Unlike the test-cyp or deca, which is closer to white-ish. I hope that was non-commital enough to a specific color.
Yes, I see a difference: the trenbolone is canary yellow and the others are not.
It is possible that this may all boil down to your having differing word use regarding colors: it may be that you call brownish tints “orange.”
On being amber, that ordinarily means a somewhat darkish yellow-orange, though it is not any exact color. Here are example pictures of amber:
Both these have orangish hue and “TA” of these colors would not be pure TA.
Good enough Mr. Roberts, thanks. I’m tempted to send you some of my tren powder so we can lock down the right term.
In contrast, other than the hair being present, in the OP’s photographs the color of his product is consistent with clean TA with no or very minimal oxidation.
[quote]5.0 wrote:
Good enough Mr. Roberts, thanks. I’m tempted to send you some of my tren powder so we can lock down the right term.[/quote]
Well, on this webpage, which of these colors seem a reasonable match to your powder?
(Granting that it’s problematic to match colors on a glowing computer screen with colors of objects, and that monitors usually aren’t calibrated.)
My best guess is the CC9900. At best it’s a yellowish orange. Based off what you said, it must be a yellow that has been subjected to oxygen, which to my eyes appears orangish, but is brown in reality. And that applies to the powders themself and the final brewed product. After all, it does travel from far away.
[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
Well my tren ace looks like CC9900
Haha, awesome. Apparently we’ve both been duped. Or oxidized. I’ll take oxidized, based off performance.