To put simply my squat sucks, I’ve been trying to improve it for some time now (only been lifting for a little over 2 years). I can do 315 for 1 with pretty shitty form according to my training partner. At the bottom of the lift my lower back tries to compensate for the weight and I lean forward way to much and sort of good morning it. He says its because of a weak lower back, but then is confused when I can good morning 275x5 easily and pull a 425 DL for 5.
I’ve tried lowering the weight and going ass to grass, putting the bar on the oh shit bars and starting from there, negatives, any variation in squats but no luck. I just finished the Juggernaut method and I’m going to do it again. Everything is going up except for squat. So can anyone offer any other advice that might be able to help because its just getting to frustrating having a pathetic squat and on top of that watching him do 405?
My stats other than that right now are
BW: 190
Bench: 280(sucks as well)
Push Press: 240
Deadlift: haven’t tried maxing yet, but before the Jugg I got 465 and on the 3 rep wave I got 425x5
you are probably leaning forward because of a tight hip capsule and then try and get depth using your back (which is relatively stronger). just work on hip mobility and the rest will follow
you are probably leaning forward because of a tight hip capsule and then try and get depth using your back (which is relatively stronger). just work on hip mobility and the rest will follow
Its not a weak lower back. Your back is obviously strong, because you can good morning and deadlift way better than you can squat. In my oppinion, you have weak legs compared to your back/glutes. So, in the bottom of a squat your legs aren’t strong enough to push you up with your back upright. You therefore shoot your hips up, and your back/hips take over so that you can get the heaviest weights.
My advice is to get your quad strength up, while practicing a more upright posture. Front squats are a great movement to do both of those things. So are high bar squats. Work on squatting “down” instead of necessarily sitting back - watch some good olympic lifters back squat, see how upright their torsos are, and try to emulate that.
Also, posting a video is going to get you way more help than random guesses based on what you tell us, so I would suggest recording your next heavier squat session and letting us take a look
Its not a weak lower back. Your back is obviously strong, because you can good morning and deadlift way better than you can squat. In my oppinion, you have weak legs compared to your back/glutes. So, in the bottom of a squat your legs aren’t strong enough to push you up with your back upright. You therefore shoot your hips up, and your back/hips take over so that you can get the heaviest weights.
My advice is to get your quad strength up, while practicing a more upright posture. Front squats are a great movement to do both of those things. So are high bar squats. Work on squatting “down” instead of necessarily sitting back - watch some good olympic lifters back squat, see how upright their torsos are, and try to emulate that.
Also, posting a video is going to get you way more help than random guesses based on what you tell us, so I would suggest recording your next heavier squat session and letting us take a look
Thank you for the responses. I actually eat a lot much more than the people i know and its not shit food. I used to be 125 pounds 3 years ago and shot up where I am now, but that’s mostly from cutting weight as a wrestler/Judo player since i was 4. I just started front squats 2 weeks ago and Im at 215 for 1 and my form is good. Need more time. I’ll try to upload a video when possible. I broke my collar bone twice in Judo and loading the bar heavier for bench agitates it so that’s also part of the problem for my bench, doesn’t hurt when i push press though so that may be why?