[quote]Cappx wrote:
Over the years of training and trying out different supps (and reading other experenices) the following have become somewhat of a staple for me:
Omega 3-6-9
I am interested in other staples people have in their diet. Please know that Protein Powders are also a part of my daily food intake.
Also how do you guys feel about ORAL B12 ?? Is it of any value or does it have to be an injection to be effective?
I take fish oil daily, Vitamin C almost daily, zinc and magnesium a couple of times a week, and creatine after weight training.
I also consume Grow! Whey, Low-Carb Metabolic Drive, and sometimes Metabolic Drive Complete. But those are food, not supplements.
You should seriously reconsider supplementing omega 6’s.
I don’t take a multi because if you do your research you will find that often one vitamin or mineral interferes with the absorption of another.
Also, when I started taking a multivitamin in college, I got acne for the first time, when I stopped five years later, my acne cleared up dramatically.
I picked up some L-Tyrosine and plan to use it pre-workout. It’s the first supplement I’ve bought for the purposes for bodybuilding. I’m easing to the whole supplement stuff making sure my diet is in order first.
when you said to consider adding Omega 6’s did you mean to replace the current Omega 3-6-9’s I am already taking? Or were you suggesting it to someone else?
I remember talking to a chem prof about mega dosing Vit C and how it can destroy your cell walls in the long run. I forget exactly how that happens, but it was interesting.
I don’t think 1-2g a day would do that, though, we were talking much higher doses.
Simply Orange rules!!!
I take Betaine HCL, fish oil, probiotic, digestive enzyme, Greens+, Rez-V (my favorite), Zinc, multi in my shakes, Alpha Male, two Metabolic Drive Low Carb shakes a day, creatine, and Power Drive + Acetyl-L-Carnitine (3g) in the mornings on empty stomach, per Poliquin’s rec.
Want to try the Metabolic Drive Complete next time around…I bet the included carbs make it taste sweeter.
Yo vitamin C is to improve the immune system and to keep the bones and blood vessels healthy also it keeps the lactid acid down when in the middle of training there is nothing wrong with taking a couple of vitaims so dont get it twisted. You dont need to be taking glucosamine and fish oil at the same time just take more of one of them.
when you said to consider adding Omega 6’s did you mean to replace the current Omega 3-6-9’s I am already taking? Or were you suggesting it to someone else?
He was saying there is no need to supplement Omega 6 fatty acids, we have a poor omega 3 to 6 ratio. Should be closer to 1:1 but typical Americans is like 20:1 (I pulled that number out of my ass, but it is really bad).
Rez-V, Beta-7 (for my current plan, higher volume, super sets), HOT-ROX Extreme, Power Drive (pre workout), Surge + creatine (postworkout), Metabolic Drive (before bed), ZMA, and Flameout. I do use BCAA’s during training, currently trying ICE (tastes OK, but easier than pills, IMO, pills aren’t difficult to take for the record, but ICE is easier).
i do take a Vit C if the people around me are getting sick, I’ll take 2-4 grams per day for a little while, haven’t got sick this year.
[quote]Digity wrote:
I picked up some L-Tyrosine and plan to use it pre-workout. It’s the first supplement I’ve bought for the purposes for bodybuilding. I’m easing to the whole supplement stuff making sure my diet is in order first.[/quote]
I don’t get why of all supplements to make your first one, why did you pick L-Tyrosine?
Flameout? (fish oil)
There are plenty of proven staples that would be many times more conducive to gains than L-Tyrosine. Not bad mouthing it, I’ve never used it, but damn, lol.
ON 100% whey protein for my during the day and PWO shakes ON 100% pure casein mixed with water and natural PB before bed Pure Fish Oil fish oil (but i just bought Flameout and cant wait for it to get here ) EAS Glutamine NO-Xplode for those hard mornings of lifting to give me the extra boost when i dont feel like getting out of bed caffeine pills for the morning cardio sessions (sometimes) Emergen-C vitamin c drink mix 1000mg vitamin c (ive noticed when i take this after i workout before i eat breakfast and sometime in the afternoon, i found i feel better and less drained from working out)
i also have a type of creatine, but i dont use it very often…maybe i will start soon.
and i also take [b]AST Multi Vitamin[/b].
im probably leaving something out. just for clarification, i work out in the mornings usually from 6am-7am, drink the PWO shake as im driving home, take a shower, drink the vitamin c, get dressed, cook breakfast. i totally agree w oranges for breakfast too
when you said to consider adding Omega 6’s did you mean to replace the current Omega 3-6-9’s I am already taking? Or were you suggesting it to someone else?
I was talking to you and I said you should [b]RE[/b]consider supplementing your diet with Omega 6, meaning you should drop your current Omega 3-6-9 blend.
Omega 3-6-9 are called essential because your body can’t manufacture these fatty acids for itself, and must get them through diet. But Omega 6s are in everything. So the problem is the ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 in your body gets grossly out of proportion, too much Omega 6, not enough Omega 3. So you need to supplement Omega 3 to bring things back into proportion. If you supplement Omega 6 with the Omega 3 you are just making the problem worse.
Want to try the Metabolic Drive Complete next time around…I bet the included carbs make it taste sweeter.[/quote]
It tastes different, but not sweeter. I use is as a MRP for emergencies. I carry two scoops around in a mason jar, if I’m late for a meal I add water, shake and drink.
Why a mason jar? I’ve been getting away from plastics for food storage, so I have a lot of mason jars, and I’ve found that the mason jar is easier to clean than the shaker bottle, because I can fit my hand down in there to get to any stubborn powder residue that wants to stick to the bottom of the jar.
[quote]msd0060 wrote:
Digity wrote:
I picked up some L-Tyrosine and plan to use it pre-workout. It’s the first supplement I’ve bought for the purposes for bodybuilding. I’m easing to the whole supplement stuff making sure my diet is in order first.
I don’t get why of all supplements to make your first one, why did you pick L-Tyrosine?
Flameout? (fish oil)
There are plenty of proven staples that would be many times more conducive to gains than L-Tyrosine. Not bad mouthing it, I’ve never used it, but damn, lol.[/quote]
about a year ago i wanted to get caffeine out of my diet and switched to tyrosine. i haven’t looked back since. tyrosine is so much cleaner…no overdose or adrenal fatigue. and i sleep heck of a alot better.
[quote]msd0060 wrote:
Digity wrote:
I picked up some L-Tyrosine and plan to use it pre-workout. It’s the first supplement I’ve bought for the purposes for bodybuilding. I’m easing to the whole supplement stuff making sure my diet is in order first.
I don’t get why of all supplements to make your first one, why did you pick L-Tyrosine?
Flameout? (fish oil)
There are plenty of proven staples that would be many times more conducive to gains than L-Tyrosine. Not bad mouthing it, I’ve never used it, but damn, lol.[/quote]
I wasn’t intending to use any supplements for a little while, at least three months, and then I was going to start researching creatine and the rest that you mentioned. Although, let me quickly mention that I’ve stopped eating dairy items that bother me (milk, cottage cheese, yogurt, etc.) and I’m avoiding any dairy based supplements (i.e. whey). Joe DeFranco happened to mention L-Tyrosine and I saw it at the drug store for $10…pretty cheap, so I just picked some up and I did notice a difference after taking it. Although, I think the results vary from person to person. I’m also planning to pick up some magnesium supplements.
Anyway, in two months I’ll start considering taking glutamine, creatine, etc, etc…right now I’m fine with more minor stuff. I’m just more comfortable easing into the supplement stuff. Others want all that stuff right away. It’s just a matter of preference.
[quote]Landor wrote:
Yo vitamin C is to improve the immune system and to keep the bones and blood vessels healthy also it keeps the lactid acid down when in the middle of training there is nothing wrong with taking a couple of vitaims so dont get it twisted. You dont need to be taking glucosamine and fish oil at the same time just take more of one of them. [/quote]
Also, Vitamin C plays a major role in the synthesis of Collagen (connective tissues), hormones (thyroid and steriod) and neurotransmitters.
Its also an antioxidant.
The RDA for Vit. C is 90mg/day for men and the UL is 2000mg/day…
Food sources of vitamin C are much more bioavailable than any supplement of vit c.
I tried 1000 mg of L-Tyrosine before my workout today. Not sure if I’ll continue to use it. I get a little spaced out on it. I do have problems with anxiety and it seems to help a bit in that area, but I think I like my anxious energy in the gym, it gets me more revved up.
Anyway, might try a few more times and see if it really helps or not, but I doubt I’ll be buying anymore.