I'm Gonna Be Top Dog!

Hey the name’s Matt. I’m new to the site andI’m getting ready for my first powerlifting meet in December. I’m really excited about it. I’ve been working with an older guy that has a lot of experience with training and it has really paid off. I’ll be competing in the 181 class. I’ll put up pics and vids and stuff for all to see. mainly for yalls enjoyment. just looking for people to keep me motivated and support. Thanks.
Train Hard,

Awesome! I’m doing my first meet in December too. Best of luck to ya!

[quote]elano wrote:
Awesome! I’m doing my first meet in December too. Best of luck to ya![/quote]

Oh that’s great! what class are you looking at doing? what are your numbers looking like for the lifts?

Hey everyone sorry for not keeping you updated but I’ve got 11 days until my meet. I’m so excited! anyone in Jacksonville, FL is more than welcome to come and watch. Just pm me for details thanks. Stay Strong!

Good luck dude. I’m doing my first full-power meet in a 11 days as well. Ive done one Bench-only and got hooked

What are your numbers?

good luck to you!!

have fun with it!
