IGF-1 LR3 On The Anabolic Diet?

I’ve been following this diet for about a year now, with good results. Ran a couple cycle this year, worked great. I would like to try out IGF-1 LR3, but am concerned about it since I don’t eat carbs 5-6 days a week, depending. Does anyone have thoughts on this?

I will post the same in the AD thread for responses.

Two things with the carbs and IGF-1. The first is that IGF-1 will make some people go hypo or experience symptoms without a certain amount of carbs. Second you can eat the carbs while running igf and still lean out while gaining muscle (again depends on the individual). It’s a great recomp drug. But then again, you’ve been on the anabolic diet for a year now, so I don’t think adding a bunch of carbs in your diet right away would be a good idea as the fat regain could possibly be high, but with the added igf who knows? Obviously drugs affect everybody differently. Try it, but just make sure to have some fast acting carbs on hand just in case. I’m looking forward to see how it works for you, as I’ve been thinking about this lately also.

Why are you going to run igf-1? Muscle mass, leaning out, injury rehab? Each one would require a different protocol of drugs,dosages and diet.

Thinking about running it as a bridge at the tail end of PCT to hold onto the gains from a cycle I’m going to run in a month or so.