If you know now what you did when u were younger, what would you of done differently?
err, phrased it wrong, if you know what you know now when you were younger, what would you of done differently.
I wouldn’t have traded all my Garbage Pail Kids cards just to see Erik’s sister naked.
[quote]Charged wrote:
If you know now what you did when u were younger, what would you of done differently?[/quote]
Everything, with what I know now life would be much easier.
Not a whole lot. If I changed stuff I wouldn’t be the person I am today, and while not everything’s perfect I like who I am and I wouldn’t trade it for the world.
I would’ve convinced my parents to buy microsoft stock.
[quote]nephorm wrote:
I would’ve convinced my parents to buy microsoft stock.[/quote]
Although I agree with this one…
No, I wouldn’t change anything. I did what I thought was best at the time, and that’s all you can ask for.
Fuck it. No regrets.
nephorm got it. Go back and buy stocks which have split half a dozen times…
I woulldnt have traded all of my Michael Jordan cards for Grant Hills, worst choices of my life.
Known my grandparents better.
Other than that, no regrets, we’re all on our own journey.
i would change nothing.
If I could possibly have known then what I know now, I am sure I would be one dry, calculating bastard, manipulating that knowledge to avoid pain and/or hold onto happiness/joy.
In retrospect all I know now for sure is that those are the times that I grew most.
And I suppose this hindsight is a good indicator of my future development as well.
I wouldn’t have spent all my paper route money on Z Cavericci’s and I.O.U. sweatshirts.
Most of you young’ens will have no idea what I’m talking about. Those that do, should get a good laugh.
I wouldn’t have collected credit cards.
[quote]Charged wrote:
If you know now what you did when u were younger, what would you of done differently?[/quote]
Picked better parents.
[quote]Nate Dogg wrote:
Charged wrote:
If you know now what you did when u were younger, what would you of done differently?
Picked better parents.
Oh…did you mean “in general” or related to bodybuilding and all that jazz?
tried harder to convince my parents to feed me more meat.
I’d try to be more selfish in my relationships. It seems my big heart and desire to help women who don’t undertand how great they are, realize their potential, keeps putting me in fucked up relationships. Wich is my own fault. On top of that I would have told someone when my best friend started slipping away and killed himself. I’d also have knocked out more people while I was still a minor. Swing away young pups
However none of that is possible and I’m fine with that. Live and learn.
I would have trained smarter, harder and more intense.
I would have played football instead of basketball in college.
I would have never gotten engaged to this model chick I was dating 6 years ago that my grandma still asks me about on a weekly basis.
I would have put the 1,000 on red instead of black two weeks ago in Atlantic City.
Other than that, I would have invested and bought more property etc.
Oh yeah one more thing, I would have taken the threesome offer from the two Swedish volleyball girls in college but turned down b/c I was dating the model. And yes, feel free to call me a dumbass, I deserve it.
[quote]Charged wrote:
err, phrased it wrong, if you know what you know now when you were younger, what would you of done differently.[/quote]
[quote]malonetd wrote:
I wouldn’t have traded all my Garbage Pail Kids cards just to see Erik’s sister naked.[/quote]
I can’t believe that wasn’t worth it.
I really have no regrets…but if there was one thing related to training, I would have started squating and deadlifting when I was 18 or so…