If Only I Were Clever...

I could come up with a MUCH better title for this log!

Hey y’all! I don’t know how many “new” people will come to this log… but in case you don’t know me, here is a brief synopsis:

I have been a member of T-Nation for quite a while but became an active member in the last year or so. I have competed in 3 figure competitions and 2 powerlifting meets in the last 4 years… but I realized figure competitions are WAY too hard on my body and I cannot do them anymore. I also found out (about a year ago) that I have Hashimoto’s (Autoimmune Hypothyroidism), PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) and Adrenal Fatigue and I have been working with a kick-ass doctor trying to figure out how to get better. I went to the doctor originally because I had unexplained weight gain, exhaustion, changes in my skin, and I just felt awful. Eventually my lifts started to suffer as well…

Luckily, I have shed some of the weight, I have a bit more energy, my skin is getting better and my lifts are getting better again as well.

I recently went to visit Mike Robertson in Indianapolis for an assessment and a program to correct all my imbalances and weaknesses. I have been doing his program for almost a month and I feel pretty good. I have another 2-3 weeks left… and I think I will get another program from him after that as well!

So that’s my story right now… and here is a link to my old journal:

Oh yeah, and my best lifts:

In competition:
Squat: 237
Bench Press: 148
Deadlift: 341

In the Gym:
Squat: 245 (248 for 3 off a box)
Bench Press: 150
Deadlift: 315

That’s all for now, I guess! =D

Oh yeah… here is my last post from my other log (written Wednesday night about the workout I had just completed):

"Whoa! My legs are T-O-A-S-T! My workout started with heel elevated front squats… got 4 sets of 8 using 148 lbs… (I think… this is assuming that the safety bar weighs 68 lbs… but I think it might weight more than that… not sure though). Did weighted pushups in between (2 sets of 8 with 25 lbs on my back, and 2 sets of 8 with 10 lbs on my back)…

Then had some other tough exercises and I am officially beat! Weight and volume increased on EVERYTHING this workout except face pulls… had to really focus hard on keeping good form…(went from a 3x10 to a 4x8 set/rep scheme. So while I am doing less reps per set, the overall volume is higher).

My friend said my Front Squats looked pretty good… they were super hard and tiring and I did NOT want to do them! I may try to get another video next week to see how they look…"

And yes, it’s true… my legs ARE TOAST! I am SO SORE today! I went to the gym and attempted to foam roll… but they were so tender I could hardly put any pressure on them! =-/

Anyway… I foam rolled for about 20 minutes… did some mobility work… then did my energy systems work:

1 arm KB swings (5 reps each arm)
followed immediately by “off-set Farmer’s Walk” for 100 yds
Rest 60 seconds
Repeat 5x

So basically… I grab a 45 lb KB, do 5 swings with my right arm, then 5 with my left, then switch hands so I am holding the KB in my right hand and walk 50 yds, then switch hands and walk the other 50 yds… then rest 60 seconds and repeat. =D

Fun times!

New log - nice. What did you do to toast your legs?

wow, looks impressive.

Hi Molly! Can’t wait to follow along!

So your next program will be more corrective stuff? Or focus on strength? What you planning?

Um…didn’t know they made 45kg kettlebells - those must be monster!

Thank goodness…Molly’s new log!

No wonder you have toasty legs after that front squattage. Way to get after it! Love your energy systems workout too.

Sister, you are singing my song…I also tried to foam roll last night and it hurt so much. Everywhere! A high-rep BB style workout really got to me, I guess…

Cal - my heel elevated front squats (4 sets of 8 w/ 148-150 lbs)*** not sure exactly how much the safety bar weighs =D

Alisa - Thanks!

Masch - oh no no no no my dear… 45 LBS… not KG! =D It’s 20 KG =D Not sure what MR will have me doing next… but I am almost positive I will have him design my next program! Strength is always a priority… but I am sure there will be more corrective stuff in there too! Can’t wait to see what’s in store!

Kimba - Oh yikes! That BB-ing work will do it to ya! Especially if you aren’t used to all that volume! Yeah… I am off for a 2-2.5 hour deep tissue massage right now… that’s going to be considered my “foam rolling” for the day! =D

[quote]mmgalb727 wrote:
And yes, it’s true… my legs ARE TOAST! I am SO SORE today! I went to the gym and attempted to foam roll… but they were so tender I could hardly put any pressure on them! =-/

Anyway… I foam rolled for about 20 minutes… did some mobility work… then did my energy systems work:

1 arm KB swings (5 reps each arm)
followed immediately by “off-set Farmer’s Walk” for 100 yds
Rest 60 seconds
Repeat 5x

So basically… I grab a 45 lb KB, do 5 swings with my right arm, then 5 with my left, then switch hands so I am holding the KB in my right hand and walk 50 yds, then switch hands and walk the other 50 yds… then rest 60 seconds and repeat. =D

Fun times![/quote]

I definitely need to try that out! Sounds like fun! (I love KBs!)

Molly! My hero! Where have you been all my life? :slight_smile:

I was snooping around on FA and didn’t see a journal from you and I thought, “That girl is so hard core, I bet she jumped the border over to TNation.” And sho’nuff.

Your lifts inspire me to no avail. Your best lifts are gangster and I see you’re continually getting stronger. I’m glad you see you are doing well. I didn’t get a chance to go thru all 895 pages of your old journal but hopefully I can pop in here and see what you are up to. :slight_smile:

Hey Molly- just letting you know we all followed you here :slight_smile: you can’t hide!

RBlue - it IS fun! Me likey! Even MORE fun to walk with the KB held OVERHEAD in one hand while NOT hyperextending your back… it’s a killer core workout!

JEMMMMMMMMMM!!! Where have YOU been all of MY life?!? How are things? PLEASE update me on your life! School? Work? Lifting? Teaching? Still in Vegas I assume? =D
Haha yeah I came over here because once my journal was about strength and performance instead of freaking out over eating an extra rice cake, most of the girls at FA became disinterested ;D But I LOVE it here! I am so glad you stopped by! Come by more often and PLEASE update me on your life!

nlmain - I am glad you did! I don’t wanna hide from YOU! =D

OMG my quads are still SORE SORE SORE from Wednesday’s front squatting and my glute ham tie in is sore from the swings on Thursday! I didn’t expect to still be feeling like this so many days later… curse you front squats!

[quote]mmgalb727 wrote:
RBlue - it IS fun! Me likey! Even MORE fun to walk with the KB held OVERHEAD in one hand while NOT hyperextending your back… it’s a killer core workout![/quote]

So many good/brutal ideas from you! Thanks!!

[quote]mmgalb727 wrote:

JEMMMMMMMMMM!!! Where have YOU been all of MY life?!? How are things? PLEASE update me on your life! School? Work? Lifting? Teaching? Still in Vegas I assume? =D
Haha yeah I came over here because once my journal was about strength and performance instead of freaking out over eating an extra rice cake, most of the girls at FA became disinterested ;D But I LOVE it here! I am so glad you stopped by! Come by more often and PLEASE update me on your life!


Life is GOOD! School is coming along! (Bio is breaking my balls, as expected.) Still lifting! I’m back on ws4sb. I’m on a hiatus from teaching Body Pump at the moment due to school/scheduling conflicts. I’m teaching/taking yoga like CRAZY - at least 5 days/week. I’m hooked. And absolutely still in Sin City :slight_smile:

I think this suits you much better over here. I’ll definetly be poppin’ in!

Love to my MMG :slight_smile:

Thought I was the only yoga aficionado. Actually, it’s a great complement to lifting. I find it really helps work out the kinks and lengthens the muscles. Plus, it takes a lot of strength in and of itself.

[quote]kpsnap wrote:
Thought I was the only yoga aficionado. Actually, it’s a great complement to lifting. I find it really helps work out the kinks and lengthens the muscles. Plus, it takes a lot of strength in and of itself.[/quote]

hmm…yoga…something about it just deters me. But if you guys do it, maybe I should give it a second chance…

I was so tight thru my lower bod that I couldn’t even comfortably get into a semi-proper deadlift position, nor could I squat to parallel to save my life. Yoga has helped this immensely! I agree, it definitely takes strength. I practice Ashtanga, which is a vinyasa style of yoga, and it’s pretty vicious. :slight_smile:

Sorry for the hijack MMG :slight_smile:

I did vinyasa yesterday and, quite frankly, it kicked my ass. Cycling through the warrior poses . . . all those chatarungas . . .

Sincity - that sounds awesome! How much time do you have left in school? Remind me again what you are going for…? I took yoga for a while… but the only teacher I like taking it from teaches on the 2 nights I can’t take it!! :::insert sad face here::: (and you can hi-jack me anytime!)

Ksnap - agree that it’s a GREAT complement to lifting! There are a couple of poses I would leave out when I did it… but overall I like it a lot!

Masch - What turns you off about it? Have you done it before? What type did you do?