Ideal Needle for Delt Injections?

Morning guys

So I am all about rotating injection sites. I fear scar tissue for obvious reasons. I generally inject in my thighs, I switch between left and right each week. I am not a huge fan of glute injections, they just don’t seem to be much of a sweet spot for me. Anyway, I am interested in adding my delts to the rotation to give each injection site a four week break, the problem is my needles are 1 and a half inch long(25G). Is that ok for T injection? Or is that too long for delts? I have muscular shoulders and delts thankfully due to the gym so I think it would be a really good spot to inject in. Thanks guys.

I use a 1/2 in 30 gauge insulin needle.

Do you shoot in your delts?

1/2 inch would be plenty for delts. You could just not push it all the way in.

That was kind of my thought bro, im just afraid that an inch and a half all the way in on the delt would be way too deep, almost to the point of hitting bone or something. like I said my delts are pretty muscular so I would have no issues with getting into muscle with the needle going half inch - 3/4 of a inch.

I’ve done 1/2” in the delt no problem.

I inject in shoulders and quads rotating injection sites.


If I go in halfway with my 1 1/2 inch needles thayt will do just fine though right? I mean if I go all the way in wouldn’t that be too far? or would it not matter?

If you hit bone, pull back some. Other than that you can’t really do it wrong.

Sweet man, I just have never shot in my delts, ever and I know that’s a long needle for the delts. Just don’t wanna be stupid about it. But I have some good muscle there so I know it will work well and I don’t want my thighs being overused.

You’re good to go

Cut the little protective needle cap in half. Keep it and reuse it every time you inject. Just push it back onto the needle as if you were capping the needle. That way you’re consistently going in 3/4". That’s what I’ve done in the past.


That’s pretty brilliant. I would only have to do it for my delt injections. The inch and a half works good for my quads.

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Order some 1” or 5/8 “ needles for $20-$30 , stop being a cheap fuk , Lol problem solved .

Post a link for him to some 27-31g 5/8-1 inch needles

Here’s mine , I’ve ordered so many different kinds not exactly sure where I got them but just research , search and read as much as possible about this stuff is all I can say . You’ll see who u can follow and who not to . Good luck . Ohhh and E2 isn’t the devil !!!

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Perfect. Thanks man. I shot into my left delt this morning. Way more painful than my quads that’s for sure. The inch and half went all the way in no problems. I went a little lower than right in the middle because I was giving myself the injection but my delts are muscular so it went in fine. But I’m gonna want smaller needles for the delts. 25g hurts like a bitch. I will pick up some of these

no prob , and u don’t want to go near the middle actually , feel for the top of your shoulder bone or whatever it is near the top of your shoulder and put 3 finger widths below , that’s where you want to inject . theres pics if ya google but def more near the top of shoulder , after 1-2 times it will be painless

I used 25 g 1" up until a week ago , 27 g 5/8 is the way to go . Also pecs is a great spot as well