[quote]carlthescorp wrote:
who is she?[/quote]
Well, the name of the first picture is 3707a_ORIG-annie_sakamoto_cf_games_11.jpg
[quote]carlthescorp wrote:
who is she?[/quote]
Well, the name of the first picture is 3707a_ORIG-annie_sakamoto_cf_games_11.jpg
Her name is Annie Sokomoto, she is and always has been an impressive as hell in every workout video I’ve seen of her. I think she is gorgeous and have no problem with her specifically. My point of this whole thing is that Annie did not look like that a few years ago, not even close. Neither did many of the original people in the Crossfit community. I used to follow it pretty closely years ago when it was still pretty underground and sensible. I’m in no way shape or form taking away from any of their hard work or impressive athleticism, but when many members of that community claim that they are all drug free and against steroids and openly put down and insult those who don’t follow their ideas of fitness and nutrition and seem extra resentful towards the bodybuilding community or anyone that trains for aesthetic reasons or any reason outside of “functional fitness”, I feel the desire to call bullshit.
i actually used to run my own Crossfit affiliate and I remember being on the affiliate forums once and a bunch of gym owners were talking about how they would throw guys out of their gym if they saw them doing curls or any type of bodybuilding workouts. I got out of that community due to the close mindedness and elitist attitudes that began to run rampant.
As I stated in my original post, I could care less if you were on every performance/physique enhancing drug out there; just don’t claim to be something that you are not. If your on the shit and don’t want to talk about it thats fine. Just don’t belittle others or look down on them because they are doing the same things as you and your “community”.
I still train people with things that I learned from Crossfit and I still think the training has it’s time and place depending on one’s goals, but the “holier than thou” mentality that is deep rooted in that community these days is a huge turn off .
This post was meant to be more of a tongue in cheek observation that maybe those Crosfit folks aren’t as 'clean" as they try to present themselves. It was not meant to put down or attack Annie in any way.
Crossfit is fucking dumb.
[quote]SteelyD wrote:
I will never understand the “how” or “why” how people who stand out in a crowd (because of hard work) attract so much bullshit from people on this site.[/quote]
But everyones saying nice things about her!
[quote]Hallowed wrote:
[quote]SteelyD wrote:
I will never understand the “how” or “why” how people who stand out in a crowd (because of hard work) attract so much bullshit from people on this site.[/quote]
But everyones saying nice things about her!
Maybe he’s talking about crossfit.
THATS Annie Sokomoto!!!
Ink, you are right on…she has changed drastically
[quote]Rhino Jockey wrote:
[quote]Fuzzyapple.Train wrote:
I guess he is the new Zyzz.[/quote]
Fuzzy is that you? lol[/quote]
Yes sir, hah. I even found my old display pic! I googled “Green apple and muscles” and found it.
I later erased my cookies and took shower to lose any tracks of what I was “actually” looking for…
Annie absolutely DID NOT look like that a few years ago. I saw that picture a week ago on the Crossfit Football website, and my first reaction was, “Annie’s on the juice.”
She was a hardcore Crossfitter from the start, and she absolutely did not EVER look like that before now.
That’s a shame.
I think she looks great. Impressive physique.
Did I say say that already?
I flirted with Crossfit about four years ago and remember her. She was a cute, buff lady, but you’re right - she looks drastically different now. Hmmm.
Would smash. Physique-wise, I don’t think it’s fully impossible for her to have gained that much muscle naturally. But, I’m pretty open-minded either way.
[quote]SteelyD wrote:
I will never understand the “how” or “why” how people who stand out in a crowd (because of hard work) attract so much bullshit from people on this site.[/quote]
Please reference said “bullshit”. I only see people complimenting her on her work ethic and a few others who said her physique has made a drastic change in recent years. No one, that I can see, has disparaged her or taken away from what she has achieved.
^fuckin’ champ @ 0:46.
[quote]WestCoast7 wrote:
[quote]Test Icicle wrote:
I wish I had shoulders like her… [/quote]
It’s a her?[/quote]
[quote]Cheeky_Kea wrote:
Reminds me of the old joke about Serena Williams.
Serena confesses to her sister Venus that she suspects their father or mother have been slipping physique enhancers into her food.
Venus asks her how she knows.
Serena replies “because I have suddenly started growing all these big, black wiry hairs in funny places”
Venus asks “like where?”
Serena replies “oh…mainly on my cock and balls.”
[quote]Cal Jones wrote:
I flirted with Crossfit about four years ago and remember her. She was a cute, buff lady, but you’re right - she looks drastically different now. Hmmm.[/quote]
I like how if you read this post a certain way it sounds like you flirted with a girl with the strange name “Crossfit” and that Crossfit is a cute buff lady.
And it’s true…Crossfit is a cute buff lady.
Ha, yes you’re right, that does read that way.
Of course, I now keep my flirting for Powerful Women.
PS, Annie’s neck is wider than her head. That ain’t right.
[quote]Dasher wrote:
THATS Annie Sokomoto!!!
Ink, you are right on…she has changed drastically[/quote]
No, its Annie “Anavar” Sakamoto. Put that on the back of shirt Reebok.
She looks fantastic and would definitely be a good addition to the FA’s that are posted and celebrated on this site every day.
Why the hatorade on this gal? Because she’s an X-fitter?
Is this frame of thought really being used? Still?
The whole “I used to love Hulk Hogan till I found out he did more than said his prayers and took vitamins…”
“I used to love Barry Bonds until…”
The way I see it is this girl is an athlete… Probably making money to perform and win. If there isn’t a sanctioning body that tests x-fitters, then I think being 100% natural and adhering to their diet and principles is incredibly detrimental and counterintuitive to being a winner.
I get why its frustrating to see an X-fit athlete promote the lifestyle when she herself isn’t following it, but c’mon, look at all the ads in any BB magazine. Think they’re getting hyooge because of their sponsored amino regimen?